Reborn in Naruto As Madara's Grandson

Chapter 577: Ten-Tails

"W-what's this immeasurable feeling?" Sweat trickles down Naruto's head.

"I-is that…?"

"There is no mistaking it! It's the ten-tails!" Kurama replies to him.

"W-what's this overwhelming presence?!" A shiver runs across Jiraiya's spine.

Naruto still manages to hold himself due to Kurama's support, but Jiraiya is having a hard time.

"The ten-tails is the Nature energy itself. It's the same as that which circulates the world. That you can feel in the soil, water, and the air." Kurama Avatar opens its mouth and swallows Jiraiya.

Jiraiya dispels his Sage Mode and heaves a sigh of relief.

"I thought I was a goner for a second. Such an overwhelming presence! It felt like I was facing the entire world for a second." Jiraiya wipes the cold sweat from his body.


The dust and debris around the barrier settle down to reveal the ten-tails.

The ten-tails possess a single red eye with multiple concentric rings and tomoes within it. The eye takes up most of its head, and spiky protrusions growing out of its back are in the shape of a conch shell. It possesses a grotesque bulb-like body with long arms and clawed hands. The beast has no visible hind legs. Its wide mouth has multiple rows of pointed teeth and a single spike on its chin. Dark veins similar to those of a plant ran along its body, and the endings of its tails resembled leaf buds.


The beast releases another roar, generating powerful shockwaves that travel across the entire battlefield.

Swoosh… Whoosh…

Madara and Obito leap on top of the ten-tails head and make a series of hand signs. They slam their palm on top of the ten-tails head and a vine-like protrusion connects their body with the ten-tails.

"I had planned to capture the eight-tails and the nine-tails before the resurrection of the ten-tails. But they are pretty good. Especially the Nine-tails jinchuriki."

"I want to start the Infinite Tsukiyomi ritual as soon as possible." Obito glances at the red moon in the sky.

"That great Genjutsu requires preparations. We don't even have the ten-tails under our control yet. Also, these people will interfere with the jutsu. Things will go more smoothly if we use the ten-tails power to get rid of them. Don't you agree?" Madara remarks.

"Madara… you just want to test the power of the ten-tails, don't you? That's why you were deliberately playing with the Nine-tail's Jinchuriki. Honestly, you are like a child."

"No. Brats are impatient, touchy fools."

"Very well, then I will focus my attention on controlling the ten-tails. Its current state of mind is too chaotic since it just came back to life." Obito sits cross-legged on top of ten-tails and makes a series of rapid hand signs.


The ten-tails release another roar and glance at its surroundings.

"It's so huge and titanic!" Jiraiya marvels in shock.

"Naruto, your Nine-tail Avatar isn't even as big as a single arm of that thing." Jiraiya gulps his saliva.

"Naruto, this thing isn't under their control yet. It's moving with instincts. This is our chance!"


Naruto stretches his palm in front of his body. Kurama's Avatar opens its mouth and charges a massive-tailed beast bomb.

The size of the tailed beast bomb surpasses Nine-tails size and grows to almost three times its volume.

"It's coming, Naruto!" Jiraiya warns him.

The ten-tails also sense Naruto's hostile intention and charge towards him in a berserk rage.


Naruto aims the tailed beast bomb towards the ten-tails and fires it.

The expression of Madara and Obito changes as the tailed beast bomb targets the spot they are sitting on.

Swish… swish…

Madara makes a series of hand signs and erects a powerful wooden dome around Obito. He even creates his Susanoo and envelops Obito in it.

"I will attempt to hold it with my body. I would be fine, but you will definitely die." Obito glances at Madara's back and concentrates his focus on controlling the ten-tails.


The massive-tailed beast bomb lands head on top of the ten-tails.


Naruto crosses his arms and the tailed beast bomb explodes into a humongous spherical explosion. A mushroom-shaped cloud of smoke, dust, and fire rises in the sky. Several powerful shockwaves travel across the ground and devastate the already battered battlefield.

The explosion lasts for a while. It finally settles down to reveal the ten-tails, Madara, and Obito.

White smoke rises from the ten-tail's body as it uses its hands to shield its eyes. A portion of its hands are scorched from the heat of the explosion. Other than that, there is no visible damage to the beast.

Madara's Susanoo is blown to bits together with his body. Even the protective wooden dome around Obito is shattered into several splinters. However, Obito is perfectly fine behind a dim, greenish-black barrier.

The ten-tails and Madara regenerate rapidly and restore themselves to their former state.

"No way! That didn't do any damage." Naruto and Kurama exclaim in shock.

The ten-tails halts in its charge and shakes its head in dizziness. After regaining its balance, an angry expression appears on ten-tails.


It growls at the Kurama Avatar and once again charges towards them.

"Naruto, we won't fall behind!" Kurama's voice rings in Naruto's head.

The Kurama avatar also charges towards the ten-tails to meet it head-on.


The ten-tails raise its massive hand to smack Kurama away.

Swoosh… Whoosh…

Suddenly, a tiny figure appears out of nowhere. The size of the figure is minuscule compared to the ten-tails massive size.

"That's…" Naruto and Jiraiya's eyes narrow.

The next second,


A powerful blow lands on Ten Tail's body. The extreme strength behind the blow disfigures Ten Tail's face and sends it flying. Ten-tails slide across the battlefield in a sorry state and collide with a mountain range in the distance. Its massive size reduces the mountains to mere boulders in seconds.


A figure lands on the ground, creating a massive cloud of dust and debris. After a few seconds, Tsunade slowly walks out of the dust cloud.

"Tsunade Baa-san!" Naruto exclaims in shock.

"Tsunade!" Even Jiraiya's eyes widen in shock.

Tsunade's current appearance differs from her usual form. Dark green and black markings spread from the seal on her forehead. There are similar black markings under her eyes and spread throughout her body, across her hands, legs, stomach, and back.

"That's… that's the Senjutsu mode." Both of them exclaim in shock at Tsunade's current appearance.

"So, that's the ten-tails." Tsunade ignores their shock and glances toward the ten-tails.

"It's bigger than I thought." She mumbles. Tsunade turns towards Naruto and notices his new form.

"So, that's how nine-tails power looks when under her control."

Swoosh… Whoosh…

Suddenly, several figures appear between Kurama and Tsunade.


"Kakashi Sensei, bushy brow Sensei! Octo-pops. Short geezer, Gaara!" Naruto calls several names.

Onoki, A, Sakumo, Gaara, Rasa, Bee, Kakashi, Guy, and several other elite shinobis of five nations teleport on the battlefield.

"That's the Flying Thunder God Technique!" Jiraiya recognizes the technique in an instant.

The entire group is holding a massive scroll in their hand. The massive seal on the scroll disperses after the teleportation.

"It was a onetime group teleportation seal." Tsunade recognizes the scroll as the treasure left by Izuna.


Mei also flickers beside Tsunade.

"Looks like all of us here." She mumbles and glances in everyone's direction.

Everyone's expression turns grim as goosebumps spread across their body. The overwhelming presence of the ten-tails gives them too huge of a shock.


Back at the HQ,

Blub… Blub…

Several violent ripples spread across the massive water-sensing sphere. A massive water bubble separates from it and draws half of its water. The entire water-sensing sphere splits into two spheres of equal size.

"What's going on?" Several shinobis in the HQ are startled by the sudden event.

"I-it's the ten-tails!" Inoichi speaks with trembling lips.

"Ten-tail's presence is so massive that it represents almost half of the world's chakra at the moment." He adds.

"W-what?" Everyone's eyes narrow at the moment.


Shikaku clicks his tongue and glances at the live feed of the battle.

"Akatsuki was aiming to resurrect such a monster."

"We can't let them complete their plan. Inform all battle units to hasten their pace to move to the battlefield. The survival of the world is at stake here."

"Yes, sir!"

The members of the communication and information teams swiftly contact the several captains and vice-captains to mobilize the elite force.

The one-time Flying Thunder God jutsu was nowhere near enough to teleport an army.


A/N:- The fated battle between Izuna and Madara is here. Join my pat reon at:

to read it in advance.

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