Reborn in the 70s, emptied the enemy's warehouses and went to the countryside

Chapter 31: Going to pee, do you want to follow?

Xu Lin quietly walked into the yard, looked around, and had to say that Brother Hu knew how to find a place.

This yard is not big, just the first yard you enter, but the location is good and you can run in all directions.

Moreover, the alleys in Kyoto are very confusing. For ordinary people, it is easy to lose sight of the target while ducking in and out of the alleys.

It is really suitable for high-risk people like Brother Hu to live.

Brother Hu was seriously injured. He kept shouting and cursing while lying on the bed.

I don’t know who he was scolding.

The sharp-mouthed, monkey-cheeked man put the old man down and couldn't help but ask: "Brother Tiger, who are you scolding?"

"I'm scolding myself, I'm a big fool." Brother Hu replied angrily, with regret and confusion on his face.

Brother Tiger, who was seriously injured, suddenly woke up, got rid of the influence of the spell, and his IQ returned.

He felt that his treasures and goods were lost strangely. Although he was not sure who did it, it was probably not the group who wanted to trade with him.

Thinking about the fight last night, Brother Hu still feels regretful.

The firepower of those guys was too fierce. He only escaped because he was a local snake and was familiar with the terrain.

This also made them spend a long time hiding and hiding, and then they got rid of the pursuers.

"Brother Hu, what are the backgrounds of those guys? Will they come after you?"

The sharp-mouthed, monkey-cheeked man asked cautiously, but did not shy away from Lao Zhonglin. Brother Tiger also had no intention of shying away, and answered directly:

"Those guys are from Haicheng. I heard that they have relations with overseas countries. I can't tell their specific origins.

Alas, I was really screwed this time. "Brother Hu grinned in pain, his intestines were blue with regret.

The deal was not completed, and he almost lost his life. The most important thing is that his goods were inexplicably emptied.

This leaves him to reason.

This blow made it difficult for Brother Tiger to recover his health, but without recovery, he would not be able to defend his territory.

Damn it, once the injury is healed, you still have to find an enemy to replenish your health.

Xu Lin listened for a while and knew that they had exchanged fire, so Xu Lin felt relieved.

"It's a pity. If our firepower was strong enough, we could directly pick their nest." Brother Tiger said with some regret.

The man with the sharp mouth and monkey cheeks also nodded. With such strong firepower, there must be a lot of good things in their nest.

What a pity indeed!

It was just their words that aroused Xu Lin's interest.

"Brother Tiger, why don't we join forces with the Evil Wolf? You also said that they are from Haicheng. They say that a strong dragon cannot overwhelm a local snake.

We can't bear this bad breath in vain. "The sharp-mouthed monkey cheek suggested.

Brother Hu didn't answer the call. He was obviously thinking about the feasibility of this matter. Those guys should be colluding with foreign countries.

Every time a lot of goods are collected before trading, if you can snatch this batch away,

Then his losses might be replenished, or even left over.

But the risks are also great.

The weapons in the hands of those guys are too powerful. He and the evil wolf alone may not be able to take them down. Not to mention, they may also get in.

"Brother Hu, if it doesn't work out, we can sell the news to the Wolf and the others, and we can make some money from the news.

I really can't bear to let those guys go like this. My brother was in their hands, and I have to avenge him. "

The sharp-mouthed, monkey-cheeked man's eyes turned red when he talked about his brother.

That look made Brother Hu feel uncomfortable, but it was okay to earn some money for the news, and at least he could get some blood back.

So Brother Tiger called the man with the sharp mouth and monkey cheeks closer and whispered in his ear. The man with the sharp mouth and monkey cheeks nodded while listening.

Not long after, the man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks left the yard excitedly, and Xu Lin also left quietly.

Good guy, she heard another big melon, which also confirmed her last guess.

At this time, those who can purchase large quantities of cultural relics are either smuggling them or trying to transport them to the port city, and there are only a few who have good intentions.

Now that we've met him and we know the location, what's there to be polite about?

Xu Lin also took action. She rode her bicycle and hurried away, trying to empty the other party's warehouse before dark.

As for why we didn't wait until dark before taking action, it was naturally because there were things to do after dark.

It took more than half an hour for Xu Lin to ride near the target.

She first found an inconspicuous corner, put the bicycle into the space, and put an invisibility charm on herself, and then started to act.

Along the way, Xu Lin could see others, but others could not see Xu Lin. She came to an abandoned factory smoothly.

This factory was originally a toy factory. Later, the toy factory closed down and the factory became idle and became a place that no one paid attention to.

Unexpectedly, the other party was so bold as to directly use this place as a warehouse.

If they can come and go freely here, then the old man in charge of the gate must have been bribed by them.

Xu Lin found a remote place where there was no one, climbed over the wall, and walked carefully along the way.

On the way to the warehouse, I saw a few men on patrol. All of them were tall, muscular and muscular.

His eyes were as sharp as knives, and he looked like a ruthless man who had seen blood and killed people.

Their waists were bulging, and Xu Lin guessed that someone was hiding there. For the sake of her own life, Xu Lin decided to be careful and not make any noise.

Facing a group of ruthless characters who are leading guys, you will get hurt if you are not careful.

Xu Lin didn't want to get hurt at this point, it would be bad if the Xu family noticed something.

After some effort, Xu Lin finally reached the warehouse and found two people sitting in front of the warehouse door. Of course, this was not Xu Lin's biggest surprise.

What surprised Xu Lin the most was that the warehouse door suddenly opened and a strong man walked out.

The gatekeeper saw the man with a serious face and asked, "Where are you going?"

"Go and pee, do you want to follow?" The strong man asked angrily. The two gatekeepers rolled their eyes and took notes in their notebooks.

Seeing those serious actions, the strong man curled his lips and muttered in his heart that there were too many things going on.

Wasn't it just that he was attacked by a group of bastards? As for listening to the wind, it was like rain?

Besides, they killed a few of those little bastards and chased the rest like dogs, so how could they think of plotting against them.

Xu Lin took advantage of the opening of the warehouse door and sneaked in. When she entered, Xu Lin wanted to scold her.

Who would have thought that there are three men hiding in the warehouse, and all of them have bulging temples, and they look like masters at first glance.

If he suddenly broke in, he would just deliver food.

Xu Lin was particularly lucky at this moment. Fortunately, the system left her with metaphysical skills when it left, giving her the ability to draw invisibility charms.

Otherwise, this operation is really enough for her to drink from a pot, even if she is a superpower.

Xu Lin quietly hid in the corner, thinking about what to do later. It would definitely not work to start a war directly. That would be the behavior of a fool.

After that, Xu Lin thought about drugging, which is better, as it can knock people down silently.

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