Reborn: Revenge of the Concubine’s Daughter

Chapter 304 - Who was the real Bai Yangbai?

Chapter 304 Who was the real Bai Yangbai?

“What are you looking at?” Madam Luo lifted her drooping eyelids.

Miss Ji stepped forward to check the boxes. Then, she instructed two servants to take out the four wooden boxes and put them on the ground in a line. Those boxes were outdated in appearance and were in different sizes. The biggest one was three to four inches long, and the smallest one was less than two inches long. People nearby could sense the smell of rot from them.

At the time, Pu Gongying rushed into the hall and whispered to Madam Luo’s ears. Madam Luo rolled her eyes and then nodded, “Let them in.”

Pu Gongying beckoned, and two people dressed as Taoist priests came in. They stood at the door obediently. Obviously, they had been taught the rules early. Both of them bowed their heads and waited for Madam to ask questions. Miss Ji glanced at Sun Meiniang who was lying on the ground in messy clothes and asked Madam Luo in a low voice, “There are twelve kowtows left. Should we spare her and carry her to the Depositary of Buddhist Texts first?” If outsiders saw this, the reputation of Luo’s Mansion would be harmed.

But Madam Luo hadn’t calmed down yet. She didn’t want to spare Sun Meiniang!

She treated that bitch so well and she was not as harsh and critical as most mothers-in-law. She almost regraded Sun Meiniang as her daughter. Sun Meiniang was the most respectable person in the entire Luo’s Family. Luo Chuangu, Madam Luo’s second son, always gave priority to his wife instead of Madam Luo. Sun Meiniang was just the daughter of a concubine in Sun’s Mansion, and back then, the status of Sun’s Family was inferior to the status of Luo’s Family. However, such a humble Sun Meiniang had instantly become a powerful woman once she married into Luo’s Family. She took control of the finances in the second month. Mrs. Zhao, the wife of Madam Luo’s firstborn, felt unfair and provoked conflicts everywhere. Luo’s Family had done everything possible to treat Sun Meiniang well, but she still did the wicked deeds!

Thinking of this, Madam Luo felt that her chest and lungs were about to explode. She shouted, “Finish her punishment! After that, lock her in the stone room of the western yard!”

Now, Sun Meiniang didn’t even have the qualification to live in the Depositary. She was just a pathetic prisoner. He Danggui didn’t need to say anything more, because Madam Luo had hated Sun Meiniang extremely. That stone room was the spot for the underground casino opened by the former kitchen steward Wang Qi’s wife. In the past two years, the place served as the slaughter of live pigs and chickens where He Danggui interrogated Sun Meiniang. He Danggui wondered if Sun Meiniang would think of Run Xiang after getting there.

After the twelve left kowtows were over, Sun Meiniang who was in a coma was immediately dragged away, leaving a long and scarlet trace on the ground. Meng Ying, dressed in servant’s clothes, didn’t want to stay here any longer when he saw the scene. He Danggui said that she had to think about his proposal. He would give her time to think about it. If her answer was no, he would say sorry and do something.

Madam Luo nodded to signal the two Taoist priests at the door to come in. The two people took a step forward neatly but still lowered their heads.

He Danggui took a look at them carefully, and she immediately recognized that the Taoist priest on the right was Bai Yangbai! How could this guy suddenly show up? Not to mention disguising as a Taoist priest to sneak into Luo’s Mansion, he had caused chaos at the ancestral tomb. A few days ago, he “broke his leg” and wanted to draw a clear line from her when he proposed to her disguised as Bai Yang.

Then, He Danggui looked at the Taoist priest on the left. However, this one also seemed to be disguised by Bai Yangbai. Why?

Although Bai Yangbai’s disguise skill was so exquisite that no one in the world could match it, He Danggui could always find a familiar feeling on that disguised face. Moreover, Bai Yangbai’s eyes could speak. Every time he put on a mask, his exposed eyes would always say, “Girl, look! I will manipulate you!” In short, the two priests down there were both Bai Yangbai!

At this moment, the two priests raised their eyebrows slightly and rolled their eyes to see He Danggui. After attracting her attention, they blinked at her playfully at the same time, and both of them blinked their right eyes. The timing and the action were just the same. What the hell? He Danggui couldn’t help being bemused. Did Bai Yangbai have a twin brother like Chubby Zhu?

Madam Luo asked in a deep voice, “What’s your conclusion on those spells? What are they used to curse?” Since Sun Meiniang’s crimes were revealed, Madam Luo had convinced that all the evil objects excavated at Bao Qin Ge were from Sun Meiniang’s hands. Playing with those evil objects during the New Year, apart from framing He Danggui and her mother, what else could she do?

Under He Danggui’s gaze, “Bai Yangbai No.1” said in his real voice, which was called as the sound of “Donald Duck” by Qing’er, “Madam, the spells are really vicious! Except for the person who holds the spells, almost everyone in your family is cursed! Your ancestors, your servants, even your dogs!”

“Ah?!” Madam Luo panicked, “What will happen?”

“Bai Yangbai No. 2” replied, “Speaking of this, alas, it is even more miserable. Fortunately, you find it in time. If you found it a little later, not even one living thing would be left! You will be ransacked by the court and then be beheaded by the emperor. Except for…” With this, he pointed to He Danggui, who was sitting in the middle of the tent, “Except for the beautiful girls! The old and ugly ones still have to be beheaded.”

Madam Luo believed in Taoists. After hearing the conclusion of the two Taoist priests, she immediately believed their words. She shouted, “How could it be? Is there any way to resolve it?”

“Bai Yangbai No.1” sighed, “Alas, we have one method originally. But we came all the way from the capital to here, which has consumed up our energy. If you want us to save you, we will consume more energy. Then, we may die!”

“Bai Yangbai No. 2” quickly added, “Of course, it is not difficult to solve this problem. We could gain energy from the food. However, this kind of food is expensive, and we may need a little economic help.”

Then, the two people gave two fingers at the same time.

Miss Ji couldn’t help but frown. The Taoist priests of unknown origin were unreliable. They were taught the rules in advance, but their words were still so vulgar. Were they worried that Luo’s Family would repudiate the debt? Two hundred liang silver was not a big number.

Madam Luo might be confused by her anger. She added four fingers together and asked, “Four hundred liang?”

As soon as Miss Ji was about to correct Madam Luo, the two Taoist priests both shook their heads and said, “Four thousand liang!”

“Four thousand liang?!” Everyone opened their mouths when they heard this. What a joke! That was the number of the whole consumption of Luo’s Mansion for one year! He Danggui also frowned. Was Bai Yangbai crazy? His student, who was also his nephew, was now in Yangzhou City. Couldn’t his student afford his gambling?

Madam Luo was calm. She said slowly, “Don’t fool us! My family donates to several Taoist temples. As long as we wait for a while, countless Taoist priests will come here to serve us. We can’t only listen to you.” He Danggui thought, if Bai Yangbai was used to con people for money, no Taoist priest in the world would be an exemption.

Bai Yangbai No.1 said solemnly, “If you wait, no one could save you!” The two people nodded together.

Being frightened, Madam Luo immediately asked, “What’s the matter? Why?”

Bai Yangbai No. 2 walked to the four small boxes placed in front of the door and kicked them open. Four things fell out from the boxes. Bai Yangbai No.1 tore the three witchcraft dolls dug out from Bao Qin Ge one by one, and then found three wooden plaques inside. Bai Yangbai No. 2 muttered some secret words for a while and walked under an old tree in the courtyard, digging a pit with his horsetail whisk. He dug out a small red note with a string of bells hanging on it.

Everyone’s look was changed, especially Madam Luo and Luo Chuangu. The four small boxes turned out to be four small coffins with dried small corpses. In fact, they were unborn embryos! Where did they come from? Why were they buried under the ancestral hall?!

What were those wooden plaques? What was the red note?

Bai Yangbai No. 1 continued to ask, “Did it catch fire here yesterday?” Everyone nodded. “When you got here, you only saw thick smoke with no open flame, and there was no damage to anything. Right?” People nodded again. “You found the suspect and she admitted the crime, but then suddenly denied everything she said. But she couldn’t explain why she was here late at night. Right?” Everyone nodded.

Bai Yangbai No.1 shook his head and sighed, “Your family is about to suffer! Someone controlled that arsonist and cursed your family’s ancestral hall!”

“Think about it! Even the most solemn and holiest ancestral hall is defiled and your ancestors’ spirits are almost dispelled!” Bai Yangbai No. 2 warned, “What your fate will be? No eggs can remain unbroken when the nest is upset!”

Madam Luo opened her mouth wide, “Ancestors’ spirits are almost dispelled?”

“Yes!” Bai Yangbai No.1 nodded, “Your ancestral hall is haunted by an evil Fengshui matrix, which is very harmful to your ancestors’ spirits. I guess, your ancestors must be under pressure so that they can’t breathe.”

“What should we do?” Madam Luo frowned.

“Follow their instructions!” Bai Yangbai No. 2 said, “The letter has made it clear. ‘My descendant, a young girl, has saved Luo’s Family from disasters. Therefore, as your ancestor, I hereby commend her achievements.’ Do you have a granddaughter who saved the fire and stopped the rain, preventing the heavy rain from washing away the ancestral tomb? Did she even help your family find the evil person?”

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