Reborn: Revenge of the Concubine’s Daughter

Chapter 313 - We were done

Chapter 313 We were done

“If you don’t give yourself to me, I’m going to masturbate in front of you!”

He Danggui didn’t know how to treat Meng Xuan who was like a child. However, she was getting even angrier when she heard Zhu Quan. Why couldn’t she get rid of Zhu Quan?

“Proposal, right? Why didn’t Zhu Quan do that? Was he an exception?”

It seemed that these words had been held in Meng Xuan’s heart for a long time. That was difficult for him. She was groggy and got a fever that day, so she didn’t know what Zhu Quan did to her. However, there was one thing for sure that she did not lose her virginity. Besides, she was totally innocent. Why did Meng Xuan say that? Zhu Quan, Zhu Quan, she wanted to forget the two words forever!

He Danggui left there silently and quickly put on her dress. At the same time, Meng Xuan was lying on the bed to look at her. She walked over with the quilt and put it on him. Then, she said in the tone of a doctor, “It will take at least five days for you to see improvement. I will find silver needles in Ting Zhu Yard tonight. After midnight, I will come here to treat you with acupuncture. I will decoct the medicine and put it on the table later. Remember to drink it.” Then she began to clear away the tea cups on the table.

Meng Xuan regretted it as soon as he said the words. He knew a little about Xiaoyi’s attitude towards Zhu Quan, and he could feel her stiff behavior every time she heard Zhu Quan’s name. However, he already said it. After listening to his words, she immediately changed her look, and her tenderness was disappeared. Meng Xuan wished that he had not said them.

“Xiaoyi, you…” Meng Xuan stared at her cold look while she was cleaning up the table. He said, “I will write a letter tomorrow and ask my parents to agree to our marriage. Then, I will propose to you with the highest courtesy. Okay?

He Danggui drooped her eyes and said, “Childe Meng, please take profound consideration. I really don’t deserve to be your wife.”

Meng Xuan paused and then slowly begged, “Xiaoyi, my parents are old-fashioned people. They value family level seriously. I can’t persuade them to change for a while. So, I intend to take you as a concubine for now. When we have a son, I will try to get my mother’s permission for you to become my wife. Is that okay?”

“That’s it!” He Danggui thought. Was this the origin of everything upcoming?

Meng Xuan came to her injured. He said that he liked her, and he was willing to take her as his wife. He used his bloody wound to make her feel soft and took advantage of her. Then, when everything was settled, he changed his promise that her family was not powerful enough so that she could only become a concubine first, and she could get promoted in the future. What else could she say? Meng Xuan was loving her so much that she married him as a concubine.

Then, according to the Meng Xuan from three years later, they wanted a kid but they failed. At the time, Zhu Quan used a trick to make Su Xiaoxiao have Meng Xuan’s child—or worse, she already had it now. Then, Meng Xuan’s mother did not want her grandson to be a bastard, so she made Su Xiaoxiao become Meng Xuan’s another concubine. Then Meng Xuan had five concubines, who were He Danggui, Zi Xiao, a rich family’s daughter, a young lady who looked somewhat similar to He Danggui, and Su Xiaoxiao.

Then, three years later, the emperor Zhu Yunwen ordered Meng Xuan to marry his cousin, Infanta Xiancao. The emperor’s order could not be violated, so Meng Xuan took the Infanta Xiancao as his wife. A brave and invincible general and an infanta who was like a flower were really a perfect match.

According to that future Meng Xuan’s statement, he only loved He Danggui and did not touch the infanta at all. That was too much! Infanta Xiancao had no right to say no. She was unlucky enough to find an indifferent and unrelenting husband. In this case, the redundant person was He Danggui at that time. No wonder she chose to quit after three years.

That Meng Xuan said that he used a lot of methods, but he never made it to get her back.

He said that he would find a way to get rid of Infanta Xiancao and the other three concubines he had never touched. However, Su Xiaoxiao, who already had his children, was exempted. Therefore, he went back to three years ago to let He Danggui prevent pregnancy of Su Xiaoxiao. His tone carried a worry that she might harm Su Xiaoxiao, the adopted daughter of the rebellious prime minister Hu Weiyong. Also, SU Xiaoxiao was the confidante in his previous life. They were another good match.

He said that he had spent three months trying to find her, but she was like a rock and refused him firmly. She knew the reason. If her husband, Meng Xuan, was really as innocent as he said and treated her wholeheartedly, she would be moved to rush back to him. If Meng Xuan could spend three months to get her back, why didn’t he use that strength to get rid of those women who had forced her to leave?

On the contrary, they were still being “processed”. Did he have a concrete plan? Besides, even if he had not touched them in these years, those women would lose everything if they were abandoned. In this era, a woman’s husband was everything to her. Was he really willing to do this because of her? On the other hand, was there another woman who also didn’t want to share her husband with others?

All the misfortunes all began today, starting from his promise to take her as his wife.

If she cut the ties with him off from now on, would all the misfortunes disappear? In this case, she didn’t have to adapt to a husband who had other women, and she didn’t have to get alone with those women. Besides, she didn’t have to worry about Qi Xuanyu’s warning in the Fantasy Dream that Meng Xuan and Bai Yangbai will die because of her, and she would finally marry Zhu Quan.

If she didn’t marry Meng Xuan now, she would not marry Bai Yangbai and Zhu Quan as well. If she married a nobody, would everything be different?

Looking at Meng Xuan, who was staring at her on the bed, He Danggui made up her mind that this was the best way! Stop Meng Xuan continuing to like her and never marry him! Before everything was too late and before Meng Xuan loved her to an extreme extent, she chose to cut off this relationship and change the direction of the story!

Sure enough, no matter how that future Meng Xuan persuaded and impressed her, she was still the selfish girl. She couldn’t make out with Meng Xuan, nor could she accept being one of his concubines. She had experienced two lives, so she was equipped with reason and wisdom. She didn’t want to live in tears again.

Temporary touching could not make her accept a relationship that violated her will. She chose to give it up before it even started.

“I’m sorry, Meng Xuan. I am still the selfish one, just as unfeeling as I will be three years later. Since I have already known the ending, I have to use another method in order not to let you lose your life because of me. I’m so sorry…” She thought in her heart.

On the bed, Meng Xuan propped his face with his elbows to look at her. Her expressions indicated that she was thinking something. What was that?

Meng Xuan said again, “Xiaoyi, I know that you deserve more than a concubine because you are well-educated and beautiful. Trust me, I love you! In the future, I will be considerate to make up for your regret that you can’t be my wife. As long as we have a son, I will persuade my mom to allow you to be my wife. What do you say?”

“Yesterday, I heard from your brother that you have a good friend named Xiao Suxin, right?”

“Suxin?” Meng Xuan was taken aback and asked, “Yes. What’s wrong?”

“She has a son, doesn’t she?” He Danggui was skeptical of Meng Ying’s words. Meng Ying said that she could ask Meng Xuan for confirmation, so she did so. He had fallen in love with her three years ago but was absent since then and even stole her things to appreciate. Would this man have a son with another woman?

Meng Xuan nodded and gave her an affirmative answer, “Yes, she does.” As he said, his charming eyebrows knotted. He said in a complaining tone, “My brother is an unreliable man. We have agreed not to make it public.”

He Danggui got sad enough that she viewed it as the reason to give him up. He should put his love on Xiao Suxin and her son, not a cowardly woman who loved to escape. Compare to love, she was more sensitive to hatred. To love someone was really hard for her now, because love often brought a little sweetness at the beginning, and the bitterness was the forever theme left. She was unable to afford the bitterness.


“Meng Xuan…”

They said at the same time, but they stopped at the same pace. Meng Xuan motioned her to speak first, so He Danggui began to say, “Meng Xuan, I have thought about it…”

“Shenshi.” Meng Xuan corrected her, “You forgot to call my courtesy name!”

He Danggui shook her head, stubbornly refusing his courtesy name, “Meng Xuan, I have thought about it. I will not marry you. Don’t come to me anymore. Let’s not even be friends anymore. When you are recovered, leave here please.”

Meng Xuan was stunned for a while before he understood the meaning of the words. He jumped up and stared at He Danggui’s cute mouth. He couldn’t believe that the evilest words came out of this mouth.

“Why?!” Meng Xuan cried out in surprise, “You just confessed to me that you wanted to marry me!”

He Danggui’s eyes were so dark that no light could get in there. She calmly explained, “But you also said that you didn’t believe my confession. In fact, it makes sense for you not to believe it. I memorized and recited it. Meng Xuan, I can’t force myself to like you. I’m sorry, we are done.”

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