Reborn: Revenge of the Concubine’s Daughter

Chapter 332 - Brother-in-law and sister-in-law

Chapter 332 Brother-in-law and sister-in-law

After collecting the silver needles and wearing the veil, He Danggui ignored the weird Bai Yangbai who was holding his hands behind him in the courtyard. She left Ting Zhu Yard and took a shortcut to the south sidewall. She saw Pan Jingyang, who was on night patrol and was staring at the sky afar. She jumped over the wall and got out of Luo’s Mansion.

This time, she didn’t have to worry about being followed by Sun Meiniang’s servants. After leaving the mansion, she found the air was even sweet with a floral smell. After passing two alleys, she walked towards the back door of an inn named the “Vintage Store of Wind”. She had farmed out a bay horse here. Yangzhou City was quite large, and since last year, her business scale had been expanded. It would take more than half a day to run from south to north in Yangzhou City. Sometimes riding a horse would be more convenient than hiring a carriage. So, she raised a bay horse in this inn.

She led the horse from the stable, mounted the horse, and drove it out of the inn with soft orders. The horse had run out of the street soon. The wind was whistling by her ears and the scenery in the night quickly receded and the road ahead repeated. Finally, she arrived at the back door of Yi Hong Brothel owned by her and Qing’er. She tied the horse to the wooden stake outside the door. Instead of entering the brothel, she detoured and walked to an isolated house at the end of the alley.

This was Gao Jue’s temporary home. He had been on errands in Yangzhou City several times and each time stayed there two or three months. It was inconvenient for him to live in the courier station. So, he asked Qing’er to find him a quiet and good place far from the crowd. As a result, Qing’er arranged this house for him near the back door of Yi Hong Brothel.

Originally, He Danggui thought that Qing’er had affection for Gao Jue and intentionally housed him next to her. However, after watching her for the whole year, she found that Qing’er didn’t take any action and even seldom visited Gao Jue. Every time Qing’er had some “business” with him, she would always wait for Gao Jue at the gate of the imperial guard’s stronghold. What a twisted girl! She was not a doer. Once encountered an emotional problem, no matter how bold one was, he/she would become a giant of language and a short of actions.

While thinking about it, she arrived at the door of Gao Jue’s home. Gao Jue liked quiet, so his servants did not live in this house. They only came to do cleaning, laundry, and cooking during the daytime. Gao Jue was the only one living in this house at night. Therefore, He Danggui did not knock at the door but climbed over the wall again. The arts of lightness were useful.

Since the incident of the “most beautiful girl’s life experience” two years ago, apart from various negative effects, He Danggui also learned that she had a late cousin, Ling Miaochun, who was Gao Jue’s beloved. Gao Jue had even married her after she was dead and took her memorial tablet into his family’s ancestral hall. In this case, He Danggui, the same as Ling Miaoyi, was Gao Jue’s sister-in-law!

With this relationship of brother-in-law and sister-in-law, He Danggui and Gao Jue got along more naturally than before. She was originally a little suspicious that Gao Jue might like her when she received the expensive Kyanite hairpin from him in Tu’er Town. But, when they met again in Yangzhou City, Gao Jue became indifferent to her. He seemed to be unwilling to talk to her. Whenever she had problems with Kungfu, she thought she had to ask him because he was the most reliable and professional one. Every time she invited him to have dinner or a cup of tea in advance, Gao Jue would be late and leave early.

After several times, He Danggui not only didn’t feel angry but secretly relieved a lot. She thought that she was self-sentimental. As Qing’er said, “What’s going on recently? Why do I feel every man in the street has a crush on me? Why do they all look at me weirdly?” It was ridiculous that she had viewed the hairpin as a token of love and tried her best to reject it. So, she took the advantage to take him as her teacher.

So, in addition to the relationship of brother-in-law and sister-in-law, she and Gao Jue also had a mentoring relationship. That was true. She not only gained a lot of Zhenqi from Gao Jue but also used his as a “dictionary”, asking him for advice if she didn’t understand anything. However, how should she ask him about the method of detoxifying the cold poison caused by Cold Zhenqi?

It was dark in the house, without one candle on. It was not even midnight. Did Gao Jue go to sleep? That was too early. For top martial artists like them, shouldn’t they dispense with sleeping by meditating for a while? The meditation would make them energetic and refreshed.

“Ah. You bad boy.”

A woman’s cheerful and soft groan came from a room. It was easy to guess what they were doing. He Danggui was stunned there. It made sense that men were very energetic at night. Gao Jue living alone of course had the right to make himself merry. What should she do? It was not the right time.

“Oh, honey, you are awesome! Let’s continue!”

He Danggui was confused. Did Gao Jue take a new concubine in Yangzhou City? He looked righteous and serious and was like a rare decent person in the imperial guards. Now it turned out that he was a philandering man! Well, you can’t judge a book from its cover. He Danggui thought she couldn’t let Qing’er marry this man.

Uh…it seemed that the phrase “you can’t judge a book from its cover” had been used by her today to describe the adopted son Luo Qianyi of First Branch and Peng Shi. However, it turned out that she had misunderstood Peng Shi. But, at that time, Miss Chai’s voice really got her wrong. He Danggui just helped Chai Yutu reset her ankle, but her sound made a person dazzled. However, this time, she was right. The female voice from inside was a moan on the bed! What a shameless guy!

Well, maybe it was too much. Gao Jue boasted money and free time, so why couldn’t he marry a concubine and had a baby with her? There was no shame. He Danggui thought she was the one to blame for sneaking into one’s home at midnight. She did not knock on the door but climbed over the wall. How sinful she was! What should she do? Should she still wait here? But the moan of the woman really made her embarrassed.


He Danggui accidentally kicked a bucket or something and made a loud noise. However, she had learned from the “Peng Shi and Chai Yutu incident.” She didn’t run away but opened her watery eyes and waited there. When Gao Jue came out to catch her, she would say, “I’m sorry. I have been immersed in Kungfu recently and I came to you to ask you a question. But I have noticed that you were busy and I have heard some sounds that I shouldn’t hear. So, I panicked and kicked something mistakenly. I’m really sorry for interrupting you!”

Facing a shy and panicked girl who knew she had committed a big mistake, Gao Jue would be embarrassed if he blamed her. Besides, he didn’t put his bucket in the proper place.

However, after waiting there quietly for several minutes, the woman in the room still happily shouted “Honey, go on!” The man even grunted as well. Neither of them came out to see what happened. Could it be that Gao Jue was more attentive and less alert than Peng Shi?

However, Peng Shi was not busy back then, so he ran out to check the situation when he heard something. Now, Gao Jue was so busy that he couldn’t stop even if it was a thief outside his room. Forget it! He Danggui didn’t want to bother him tonight. She should better go to Yi Hong Brothel to rest and find Gao Jue at dawn the next day.

With this plan, He Danggui turned around and was about to leave. The woman in the room seemed to have reached the peak and was making a soft and gentle cry. The man said for the first time, “Honey, call my name, now!”

He Danggui stopped. This voice did not come from Gao Jue, but it was also very familiar to her. Who was him?

“Zhiyuan! Zhiyuan! I can’t bear it anymore!” The woman cried.

Hearing this, He Danggui immediately remembered that the man’s voice seemed to come from Liao Zhiyuan. In other words, the man and the woman in the room were Qing’er’s brother and sister-in-law but not Gao Jue and his new concubine?

He Danggui immediately felt so embarrassed after she got realized that. Eavesdropping on the couple’s private words was very immoral, not to mention that she had made such a loud noise. If Liao Zhiyuan came out later, that would be much more embarrassed than meeting Gao Jue. Besides, Liao Zhiyuan seemed to hate her very much. She dared not predict what would Liao Zhiyuan do to her!

When she was preparing to escape from there, the door of the house was pushed open from the outside. He Danggui’s first reaction was to jump into the well!

Exactly! There happened to be a well on her right hand, and it was a suitable hiding place. If she held the edge of the well with her hands, no one would find her in darkness. The person outside the house must be Gao Jue. Liao Zhiyuan and his concubine lived in Gao Jue’s house, and they wanted to make out with each other while Gao Jue was not home. Now that the master had come back, surely their voices would tone down a bit?”

He Danggui clearly heard the loud footsteps coming from outside the door. This guy even kicked the hapless bucket once again. However, Liao Zhiyuan and his concubine didn’t lower their sound but it became even louder. He Danggui’s face turned completely red though she thought she was thick-skinned and calm. It was not the conversation of a couple on the bed but more like the dirty words between a client and a prostitute in Yi Hong Brothel. What the hell was going on? Was Liao Zhiyuan with his concubine? Or did he bring a prostitute here?

Wasn’t Gao Jue outside the door? Why did Liao Zhiyuan dare to be so arrogant? Didn’t he stop in the presence of the owner of the house?

He Danggui heard that the person outside the door was walking inside. With strong curiosity, she poked her head out a little to check the situation. That figure… That person… She was Ling Miaoyi instead of Gao Jue?

She remembered that Ling Miaoyi was also in Yangzhou City now. She even went to Luo’s Mansion to make a show days ago. Now she surely would live with her brother-in-law. Well, this place was really crowded. Liao Zhiyuan was having fun with a prostitute, and Ling Miaoyi with a bad temper was also here. In this case, Ling Miaoyi had kicked that bucket intentionally because she had opinions on Liao Zhiyuan’s romantic affairs. Therefore, Liao Zhiyuan’s dirty words were uttered as a counterattack.

Ling Miaoyi and Liao Zhiyuan were in such a fierce fight, but Gao Jue didn’t come out to stop them or complain about the noise. The only explanation was that Gao Jue was not here. Therefore, she didn’t need to wait here. Ling Miaoyi walked into her room as the sound of the man and the woman continued from the other room. He Danggui did not want to stay here any longer and jumped out of the wall from the well with her lightness art. She headed for the back door of Yi Hong Brothel.

Since Gao Jue was not at home, where should she find him? How could she save Meng Xuan? Should she go to the stronghold of the imperial guards?

Thinking about this dilemma, she arrived at the back door of Yi Hong Brothel. However, she was taken aback by the scene. Her horse was gone! Her horse was stolen!

When she was angry, a child’s voice came to her happily, “The lady! You are the lady who saved me!”

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