Reborn: Revenge of the Concubine’s Daughter

Chapter 345 - Losing virginity or losing mind

Chapter 345 Losing virginity or losing mind

Hearing the words “He Danggui”, Duan Xiaolou was stunned until Gao Jue walked to the table and drank a cup of tea. At this time, Duan Xiaolou asked, “What does the horse look like? Where does the horse come from? When was the horse tied up at the door?”

Gao Jue shook his head while drinking the tea and said, “I don’t know. I came here through the secret tunnel last time, and I left from the backyard. So I don’t know when He Danggui’s bay horse was tied up there. She must be here with her horse. Duan Xiaolou, have you seen her? I have something to talk to her.”

“The bay horse.”Duan Xiaolou repeated the words as if changing them into other meanings rather than the bay horse. It must not be He Danggui who had lent the bay horse to Du Yao, and it must not be the situation he misunderstood. There must be some misunderstanding.

However, Jiang Pi, who was lying at the corner of the wall, suddenly opened his eyes, glanced at Duan Xiaolou weakly, and grinned, “There is only a bay horse at the entrance of the inn. Du Yao robbed it from a 15-year-old ‘masked’ girl. Master Duan, this time, you should give up on He Danggui because she belongs to Du Yao now.”


The floor in the center of the hall was suddenly sunken, appearing a vertiginous deep dark hole. Two men jumped out of the hole one after another. The first was Xue Xiao, who just rushed toward the sky through the transom window. He heard vaguely under the ground that “He Danggui was Du Yao’s girl”, but didn’t understand. He took a tumble when he got out of the tunnel, “That little beauty said she was He Danggui who could use the needle well. It seems that I have heard the name He Danggui somewhere.”

The second one jumping out of the tunnel was Lu Jiangbei. He hurriedly said, “I received a tip-off that there were a few abnormal forces around Shi Li Po, which most likely a sign of an enemy attack. They must have planned to attack us when we are severely injured. In this way, we can’t win them at the formal challenge competition. Dashing Sky Eagle, go upstairs to wake everyone up and ask them to line up. The seriously injured are in the center followed by the people not hurt badly, and the slightly injured were at the outer edge. Master Duan, Master Liao and Jiang Yi, you can assist me. I need to…”

He paused and heard Jiang Pi muttering “He Danggui”. He saw Jiang Pi’s scars and shouted in a low voice, “What’s wrong with you, Jiang Pi? How did you get hurt? Did Miss He agree to help us?” As he said this, he stepped forward, covering Jiang Pi’s face with his right palm, and reproached, “How can you get rid of the ‘mask’ since you hurt so badly?”

Jiang Pi grinned and said, “It’s just a slight wound. I have gained a lot in the battle. I’m fine, but Master Duan is not well, right?” A half of an ice-made crystal-clear mask appeared on Jiang Pi’s face where Lu Jiangbei touched.

Duan Xiaolou had been stunned since he heard the words “Du Yao’s girl”. He suddenly changed from an ice sculpture with no signs of life to an ice sculpture given life, and he jumped but landed. It turned out that a senseless battle of life and death consumed all of his energy. Now, he was like a spent force with little power.

Since he couldn’t fly, he struggled to climb the incomplete wooden steps. There was silence for a while since he climbed the fifth step and went down through the gap.

Lu Jiangbei turned his head in amazement, “What’s wrong with him? Does he have loose bowels?” Lu Jiangbei frowned when he noticed the broken scene at the inn for the first time, and said, “I’ve only been gone for a while, and you made it chaos. When will you grow up?”

Xue Xiao suddenly looked up and shouted, “Ah! I remember it! She is Master Duan’s beloved…” Then he said in a lip language, “She is called He Danggui, then Du Yao…”

Gao Jue opened his eyes and felt rejuvenated on his sleepy face. He came to realize, “It turns out that the person who lent the horse to Du Yao is He Danggui. Is she here? Where is she now? I need to speak to her.” He looked at Xue Xiao, who didn’t answer him with an ashen face.

Jiang Pi, who had also known all the things, coughed fiercely and told the truth with laughter, “Du Yao caught a masked girl to have fun with her. It has been more than half a day. They are in the Crystal Pavilion on the second floor. The girl is exactly He Danggui. She was together with Du Yao. Ha-ha! They are upstairs overhead!”

With this scream under the wooden steps, Duan Xiaolou used the arts of lightness again. He bounced from the ground and rushed to the wooden door at the end of the corridor, smashing the door completely.

After the door was shattered, he stood outside the door and didn’t walk inside, turning into an ice sculpture with no signs of life once again. The second one was Lu Jiangbei, who stood still at the door and didn’t move forward even one step. The third one was Gao Jue, with his black shadow arriving at the back of Lu Jiangbei in a flash. The fourth one was Xue Xiao, who was far behind and afraid to see the scene in the room.

The atmosphere was depressed like opening the door of hell.

The “Crystal Pavilion” was another name and had nothing to do with crystal. In fact, it was a Depository of Buddhist Texts containing thousands of Buddhist books. There was a big and slightly slanted bed in the center, which was put later and different from the style of this room. There was a circle of bead curtains but without a valance around the bed. The man sleeping on the bed was exactly Du Yao.

He opened his eyes and looked out the door lazily with a thin quilt covered on his body slantly and sweat on his naked strong chest. With a smile, he was full of contentment, like a dying elder who was weak but content. Why did he show such an expression?

A young girl, who was in black nocturnal clothing with long hair, sat on her knees at three feet away from the bed. Her complexion was incredibly white, and only her cheeks were slightly flushed, which made her look a little bit shy in panic. Actually, she was a little alarmed but pretended to be calm. She looked ill at ease while watching left and right as alarmed as a small animal in the forest.

Besides, the first button on her clothing was off and the neckline was emptied, so the snow-white neck was faintly visible. The silver-gray black sateen cloak was torn and thrown a short distance behind her. The goose down was scattered all over the room, with some even on her long hair.

She was He Danggui with stunning beauty. She deserved to be praised as the “Eleventh beauty in the early Ming Dynasty”. Were they too late?

A deathly hush fell over the room.

He Danggui pushed the long hair behind her ears, and broke the silence first, “Um, sorry, I accidentally bumped into the bookshelf, and so many books were dropped from it. I will set it up in the same way as before.” Her voice was tense and cramped like a taut string, passing through someone’s heart.

Listening to her unintelligible words and the pleasing sound, the four people outside the door noticed for the first time that there were several books under her long hair on the ground. However, it had nothing to do with the current situation.

She waved her hand and explained, “I just accidentally knocked it off and didn’t read anything. I promise. If you don’t believe me, you can ask him!” She pointed to Du Yao who was on the bed. But Du Yao was just staring at her quietly with sweet and gentle eyes.

As a result, some people who knew He Danggui well came to a preliminary conclusion that she had experienced huge trauma and lost her mind. Du Yao made out with her and was almost crazy with joy. It happened upstairs overhead and could be prevented by a word, but no one stopped him, and they just let it be.

Duan Xiaolou looked murderous and suddenly moved. Gao Jue and Lu Jiangbei behind him raised their hands to catch him but failed. It was just late. In an instant, Duan Xiaolou rushed to Du Yao with his palm erected like a knife, and the coldness violently skyrocketed. Perhaps the two behind him didn’t really mean to stop him. Xue Xiao closed his eyes tightly, not daring to look.


A dull thud was echoed in the Crystal Pavilion.

Duan Xiaolou took the lead to attack Du Yao, but the person under Duan Xiaolou’s attack turned out to be He Danggui. Duan Xiaolou retreated half a step, staring at the girl who protected Du Yao behind in disbelief. Why did she do this? How could it be!

He Danggui coughed. She pressed the palm of her left hand on the back of her right hand and was attacked by the seriously injured Duan Xiaolou with both hands to protect motionless Du Yao from being hit by the lethal palm. The thumb-index web on her right hand split immediately and the blood splashed, which stained a large piece of bed sheet. She pressed her chest with the left hand and coughed. Every time she coughed, some blood dripped on her clothes. It was not very conspicuous on the black nocturnal clothing.

As she coughed, she insisted on speaking, “Don’t…kill him. He was injured… Please cure his wound.” She finished the words while looking at the floor to avoid Duan Xiaolou’s eyes.

Lu Jiangbei and Gao Jue looked at each other, but no one came forward to help Du Yao to cure his wound. Was Du Yao injured? What kind of injury did he suffer? In fact, they were all shocked by the scene in front of them. He Danggui helped Du Yao to block the attack from Duan Xiaolou, but she was still alive. No matter how badly injured Duan Xiaolou was, she must be killed by his palm with full strength. Why was she still alive and also rescued Du Yao?

He Danggui pressed tightly on the unsettled chest with her left hand, lying weakly beside Du Yao. She looked at Gao Jue for help and her lips overflowed with blood, “Master Gao, the icy Zhenqi is poisonous… How to detoxify it?”

Gao Jue stepped forward. While Lu Jiangbei was a step ahead, and he took out a green porcelain box from his arms. He pulled off the lid, took out a longan-sized dark pill from it, and fed it to the girl who was bleeding. Lu Jiangbei circled Zhenqi between two hands and protected her pulse and heart front and back. He asked softly, “Why? Why did you save him?”

Liao Zhiyuan, who appeared at some point, leaned on the door frame and said with a smile, “She must have lost virginity followed by losing her mind. The person you are going to kill is her mate.”

The imperial guards on the spot and He Danggui were all silent, while only Du Yao was smiling.

“Is it true?” Under the ice-made mask, Duan Xiaolou was a green face, “Is he telling the truth? Actually, there is nothing between you and Du Yao, right?”

He Danggui closed her eyes and said nothing.

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