Reborn: The Return of the Villainous Mr. Liu

Chapter 730 Introductions

Chapter 730  Introductions

Zixin was all piped up for lunch because that was the time when he would finally get his chance to spend some time with Guiying. He spent the entire morning gazing at the hardworking Guiying who was immersed in reading through all the files.

But Assistant Ling had some different plans as he dragged her to meet with the other important staff members. He inadvertently broke Zixin's happy dreams.

"She is the head of the IT department, Zheng Jiao. She is HR Head Jia Lin. He is Administrative Affair's Head, Wan Yong and he is Marketing team's Head, Xun Da. Everybody, she is Cai Guiying. She will be working as Sir's assistant."

Guiying bowed. "It's a pleasure to meet everybody."

Jia Lin, a woman in her forties, clapped hard. "Oh my welcome to the team! You have been selected for one of the most demanding jobs ever."

"Don't scare the newbie, Lin," Xun Da rolled his eyes. He was of similar age as Jia Lin.

"Hey! I am just appreciating the new talent!" She flared her nostrils.

Wan Yong, who was younger in his late thirties flashed a welcoming smile. "Nice to meet you, Miss. Cai. I have read your books. Indeed, it's an amazing feeling to meet the writer in person."

Guiying was dumbfounded.

So there was my reader here?

Her face turned crimson with this unexpected twist and she stammered her thank you.

"Huh? Huh? What is going on? What books? What writer?" Jia Ling had a big question mark over her head.

"This is what happens when you are too disconnected with the world of books. Cai Guiying is a writer," he sneered. "Ever heard of the Authors' Summit? She won second place. Her pen name is CherryBlossom."

The duo gasped in shock, covering their mouths. "So Cai Guiying is a celebrity!?"

"No, no!" Guiying hastily corrected them. "I-I am not any celebrity. I just write books…that's all…"

"That's amazing!" Xun Da's gaze sparkled with delight. "I have never met a celebrity before!"

"N-no, like I said, I am not a celebrity-"

He grabbed a notepad and eagerly asked her, "Can you please give me an autograph? My fifteen year old daughter will be so proud of me," he sniffled. "I got a celebrity's autograph!"


These people are quite passionate…

Initially, Guiying held the impression that the senior leadership team would be quite rigid and stern, and she would face problems in gelling with them.

"I-I am not a cele-"

"Autograph please!"

Assistant Ling shook his head. Guiying coughed and feeling helpless, she signed and gave his notebook back.

"Thank you! I will show this to my daughter! I will also tell her to read your books!"

Wan Yong's brow twitched. "What is this reverse order going on? How come you got the autograph before reading any of her books?"

"Don't be jealous just because I got her autograph before you!"

"You old people are really snarky," he grimaced.

"Who are you calling old you brat!? I am still quite the handsome hunk."

Jia Lin grinned. "Zheng Jiao, won't you greet our newbie?"

Zheng Jiao, the only quieter person in the group till now, was only standing aside and observing the discussion without participating much. In her mid-thirties, she was the youngest person in the group.

"Of course I will greet her. I was just wondering where I had seen her before and now that Wan Yong said she is a writer, it clicked me. I had seen her in the news before. And then I started wondering what is the connection between writing and working as the CEO's assistant? Are you not a writer anymore?"

Guiying slightly panicked. "I s-still am a writer."

Zheng Jiao tilted her head. "Then how are you working in a company here?"

"T-That I just needed a change in pace so I thought I should c-change my work environment a little."

Guiying's heart drummed in her chest. For some reason, she couldn't directly look at her. Something about her acute gaze unnerved her.

Jia Lin touched her chin. "Oh dear, I understand. Creative work can get really taxing. I had tried drawing in my younger days because I wanted to become an artist," she sighed, looking faraway, "But reality is harsh, isn't it? No matter what you dream, you just end up doing a corporate job, don't you?" She cried.

Zheng Jiao smiled. "Wanting a change in pace is fine and all, but it's puzzling to see Cai Guiying directly get a position as Sir Chen's assistant. Assistant Ling can testify how hard it is to score the position of Sir Chen's aid, yet you got it quite easily."

Guiying stiffened. A discomforting tension hung in the air as silence followed for a few moments.

Her head spun with the responsibility to answer.

W-What should I say? If they know that Zixin and I know each other, th-then it would look really bad, right? Using his connection…

"She got it easily because I vouched for her, Miss. Zheng," Assistant Ling smiled. "Cai Guiying and I are friends from before. I was badly overworked, and she wished for a change in environment too. So I suggested she work with me. That's all. Sir agreed. Also to answer your unsaid concern, Cai Guiying isn't really directly speaking to Sir yet or handling any important responsibilities. I have assigned her the basic tasks to start with and learn her way to go up."

Xun Da quickly laughed to ease the tension. "Haha so that's how it is. That's good, that's good. We got to meet a lovely young lady. Thanks a bunch, Ling."

Jia Lin sneered. "How about I tell this to your wife? Happy to meet a lovely young lady, aren't you?"


"Of course, I didn't mean it that way! Don't you bully me!"

Zheng Jiao took her coffee cup and raised her brow. "Didn't expect Assistant Ling to use his influence like that when he could have just easily hired somebody relevant from the market. Many people need jobs, you know~"

She left that question hanging in the air and giving one last look at Guiying, she turned her way and walked away.

Guiying's shoulders tensed up once again. She clearly felt the hostility emanating from Zheng Jiao's demeanor.

Sh-She hates me, doesn't she?

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