Reborn: The Return of the Villainous Mr. Liu

Chapter 734 The number one mystery

Chapter 734 The number one mystery

The next week arrived in the blink of an eye and within just a few days, Guiying embraced the comfort in her role as an assistant. Except for Zheng Jiao, she had grown quite close to the rest of the department heads.

Wan Yong grinned. "Shouldn't we hold some sort of a welcoming party for the newbie? I mean she held herself pretty well this past week."

Xun Da rolled his eyes. "Our CEO is not a monster. Also, with Assistant Ling by her side, there is no way she would lose her way."

"Yes," Guiying awkwardly scratched her chin, "It's been only one week but I still cannot get used to the sheer amount of work that he does. I am still doing behind the scenes work, but he works like he has ten hands."

"Oh I forgot to tell you!" Xun Da's gaze sparkled and he grabbed her hands. "My daughter was so happy to get your autograph! Turns out that she was your reader after all! She is even insisting that I let her meet you. How can I ever repay you for this favor?"

"Y-you don't have to be so thankful. It was just an autograph…"

Wan Yong sneered. "How about you thank me first? I was the one who revealed her writer's identity."

"Yeah, thanks," he gave a flat response.

"You old man! I think people start getting ruder the older they get!"

"Who are you calling old!?

"I will never do the sin of calling a woman old so of course it's you."

"Ughh! Stop fighting like kids!" Jia Lin glared at them. You are humiliating us in front of the newbie. There is my cousin's son who is being a brat and then there are you two."

Guiying blinked. "Brat?"

She sighed. "Don't make me start. He is looking for a job and he is depending on his Aunt, that is, me. Who am I? The HR head, after all. Naturally, I have got resources. But he messes up in interviews," she released another sigh.

"Isn't it so cheerful here?"

Zheng Jiao passed by their spot, her countenance devoid of any particular emotion.

"Hey, Zheng Jiao," Jia Lin chirped. "Come join us. You always coop yourself in your laptop. Even your brain needs rest at time, you know~"

She narrowed her eyes on her. "Thank you for the offer but no thanks. I was just out to grab some coffee."

The mention of coffee made her eye Guiying, who had grabbed her cup tighter. Unable to meet her gaze, she kept her gaze focused on Xun Da.

"You shouldn't be taking so much caffeine. Ah young people these days…" Jia Lin touched her chin, "especially you, Zheng Jiao. You drink a lot of coffee."

She smiled. "I can worry about myself, Mrs. Jia. I hope Miss. Cai can look after herself though."

Guiying knitted her brows in confusion.

What does she mean by that?

"Things have been really smooth for her lately but it's exactly at a time like this that something can mess up…?" She smiled.

She said nothing more and walked away.

Wan Yong loosened the collar of his shirt. "Haish she finally left. She always brings this…strange mood."

Xun Da nodded. "She has always been a loner. Don't mind her, okay Cai Guiying? She might act like that, but she is a good person at heart."

Guiying tensely smiled.

Why did it sound to me like a warning though? She didn't look friendly at all…

Considering the confrontation between Zheng Jiao and 'her' last week, this particular statement of hers felt all the more foreboding to Guiying.

"I never understood that child though," Jia Lin said, "She is always shrouded in such mystery. Haven't you heard of the three assistants before resigning Chen Corps not long after they joined her department?"

Guiying's ears perked at that.

Wan Yong looked thoughtful. "Yeah we never got to know what happened, right? They were all so bright and cheerful but left only a few months later. And it's only been a problem with Zheng Jiao's department…"

'In that case, why don't you work as my assistant?'

Guiying clearly recalled her offer to switch departments last week. A sense of unease filled her heart. None of the three assistants could keep working with Zheng Jiao and now she had asked Guiying for the same position.

What exactly happens with them…? Her heart thudded in her chest.

Xun Da karate-chopped the back of their heads. "Stop with the conspiracy theories you two. Nothing shady happens. You are scaring the newbie for no reason."

"Ah, no!" Jia Lin grabbed her hand and exclaimed in defense. "I didn't mean to scare you at all, dear. And anyway, people talk about those resigned assistants all the time. It's the number one mystery at Chen Corps."

She smiled. "It's fine."

A shadow loomed behind her and the three department heads stiffened frozen like robots.

"What happened?"

"S-Sir Chen!"

She looked back and her eyes slightly widened in surprise. Zixin was standing behind her but his gaze intensely focused at only one particular spot and that was how Jia Lin held Guiying's hand.

I want to hold her hand too…

An innocent wish erupted in his heart too.

"Good morning, Sir," Jia Lin warmly greeted him.

"Good morning, Sir," Wan Yong and Xun Da followed too.

He nodded at them. "Good morning."

Guiying greeted him too.

There was a stretch of silence during which Zixin was thinking of a way to find some time with Guiying.

"Did you collect your laptop from IT?"

"Ah no. I was just about to head there."

"Oh yeah there was some issue with your laptop two days back, right? I heard the commotion with Assistant Ling when I was leaving Sir's office after submitting him my report," Jia Lin remembered.

Wan Yong sighed. "Yeah such a bummer for the laptop to break just when you are new."

"Yes," Guiying's spirits dampened a bit. "I had to work on a temporary back-up laptop. But now it's fixed."

Zixin's eyes gleamed. "Shall we go together? I have to visit IT anyway."

The three looked dumbfounded.

Why do I see flowers bloom around CEO Chen?

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