Reborn: The Return of the Villainous Mr. Liu

Chapter 738  A ploy

Chapter 738  A ploy


Zixin, who was rapidly pacing back and forth in his office, impatiently waited for Guiying. The moment she entered, she was pulled into his embrace.


Surprised, she felt his reassuring warmth but was afraid if Assistant Ling would catch them.

"I am sorry," his sorry voice was filled with lament and grievances.

Her eyes widened. "What are you sorry for?"

"For all the blame and harshness you had to face."


"But why are you apologizing for it? It was proved that I sent the email so it was bound to happen. Anybody would get angry at this conflict."

He frowned and looked into her eyes. "I cannot see anybody admonishing you."

"Even if it is my mistake?"

He nodded.

Her mouth twitched.

"You…you shouldn't spoil me like this. What if I take advantage of your kindness?"

His gaze shone with warmth. "I know you wouldn't. You are the kindest person I know. That's why you wouldn't take advantage of anybody. Also, I am filling in the shoes of doting you for what your brother should have done in all these years. I want to spoil you lots."

Her face furiously burned with a red blush that failed her to respond.

"You cannot do that. You are the CEO here. You should treat every employee fairly."

"I do," he smiled. "Every employee here should get a chance to prove themselves if they don't agree with the accusation, right? That's what I did. I would have supported another employee the same way. But…"

He leaned in and crossed her face, his cheek tinglingly brushing past hers.

"B-but?" She stood completely straight, her left side of her neck turning hotter.

"I love you. I cannot help but be biased towards you. A little bit."

His voice held a hint of mischief to it as well as if he was cutely pleading her to forgive him for his sin.

Guiying felt her words drown in the loud drumming of her heartbeats, and her tongue continued slipping in vain attempts to reciprocate his feelings.

"I think this is the perfect time to say something back, don't you?" Zixin whispered extra closely to her ear. She forgot how to breathe for several moments.

"I don't k-know what you are referring to…" she said in a feeble voice.

"The part I said but. It's very simple," he raised his brow. "You just repeat what I said but just add 'too' at the end."

Zixin had said I love you which meant…

Guiying coughed hard and pressed her palms on his chest to push him back. "Sorry but I-I still don't get it. I will take my leave-"

Zixin grabbed her wrist, blocking her attempted planned escape. "It's just four words. You can say those and make me happy," her black eyes glittered with hope.

It wasn't just his gaze leaning her but his steps too that inched forward, making her go back. His tall, muscular frame towered upon her as if a rabbit was caught in a wolf's den.

Zixin insisted. "Don't be shy. There are just four words."


There are just four words but I will die of a heart attack before I even try!

She loved MrPerfect. She loved Zixin. But she couldn't find a way of bringing those feelings to her lips that would reach his ears like a beautiful melody.

"You shouldn't bully me like this…" she protested.

I am only following the mission set by Mom and Grandma. Office romance. He sincerely nodded to himself.

He slightly tipped his head to the side. "I am not sure who is bullying who here."

"I don't bully anybody…" she gasped in defiance.

"But you are teasing me now," his lips pouted in a sulk. "It's just four words."

As if an angel heard Guiying's desperate plea, the door opened as a means of her salvation. Assistant Ling entered and with his gaze falling on the extra, inexplicable proximity between the CEO and the new assistant, his mouth twitched hard.


Guiying pushed him back with horror and steadied herself on her feet. She patted hard on his shirt. "Y-yeah it's gone. There was something on you sh-shirt…"

Assistant Ling was rendered speechless.

Poor Miss. Cai…

Zixin threw a dissatisfied look at his assistant, expressing that he wasn't so pleased with this untimed interruption.

Assistant Ling didn't care.

He walked towards Guiying and smiled as if he saw nothing that just transpired between them. "Thank God you are here, Miss. Cai. I was worried about you."

Guiying cried and appreciated his avoidance of broaching the subject.

"I am fine, Mr. Ling."

"Miss. Cai. Don't worry at all. We will try to find out what exactly happened."

That brought the subject and atmosphere back to the serious matter at hand and that was the blunder Guiying seemingly made.

"I don't know how that mail got sent. I had only sent it to Miss. Xian."

"I believe you, Miss. Cai and Sir do too."

Zixin nodded. "Leave this matter to me, Guiying. I will find out what happened."

That was sure the easy way out, but Guiying shook her head. "I appreciate the help, Sir but I will figure it out. It's my mistake and I will take responsibility for it whether it's apologizing to the board or proving myself right.

"But how?"

Guiying, too, didn't have any leads to go on. "I don't know. But I thought about showing my laptop to the IT department. If it's some malfunction that happened with my email inbox, then they can check. But…"

The two kept silent. Zixin then urged. "But?"

She hesitated. "I don't think a malfunction or a technical glitch can cause such a specific meeting invite with time and agenda to be sent to the board members. There weren't any more mails sent like that. Only the conflict meeting."

Assistant Ling said, "Correct. I felt it was odd too. So that would suggest that somebody else sent the invite from your email without your knowledge. Somebody accessed your laptop when you weren't aware of it."

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