Reborn: The Return of the Villainous Mr. Liu

Chapter 752 Unexpected truth

Chapter 752  Unexpected truth

In a flash of lightning, Guiying and Zixin were left alone with her still being stuck on his chest. His breathy, husky voice reached the tip of her ear. "See? I told you they understand."

Her face flushed crimson and she quickly moved back. She almost took a flight to escape but remembered that she still had an important thing to do.

She cleared her throat and met his deep black eyes, her cheeks and neck blushing with warmth. "Happy Birthday, Zixin. I wish you the happiest person on the earth."

He beamed. "Thank you so much."

Suddenly, the tone changed and 'Guiying' appeared with her sharp gaze and straight posture. "Birthdays, huh? I never liked them. But if it's you, I will make an exception. Happy Birthday."

The beaming intensity on his face grew twice brighter. "'You.' Thank you so much." How are 'you' doing? I believe we talk less often now."

"What is there to talk to me?"

"Lots of things that I talk to Guiying too," he blinked. "I want to get to know 'you' better too."

"No need."

He frowned. "Yes need."

'She' gave him a thoughtful stare. "Not really. Anyway, I just came out to wish you. Enjoy your day."


But 'she' was gone just as fast as 'she' had appeared. Guiying blinked her eyes and shook her head. "'She' is really acting strangely these days. 'She' just comes and goes…"

He patted her head. "It's okay. I don't mind. I am just happy to get her wishes."

He then placed his palm forward expectantly. Guiying didn't understand the signal. "What?"

"My gift," he shone, making her go blind.

Guiying immediately looked away, thinking of the real surprise she had in her mind. "N-Not now! Later after your celebration ends."

He pressed his lips inwards. "That's a long wait."

"And patience is always rewarded."

He curiously asked, "What would I be rewarded with?"

"Nothing notorious that you are thinking of!" She hastily said, "A-anyway, I am heading for office! B-Bye!" And she scurried away before he could catch her.

"Oh. My. God," Xian Shun covered her lips with shock, "You have decided to finally confess to the mystery love letter guy? T-That's…so cool!"

Guiying could hear her heartbeats drum all the way to her ears. "Yes. It's a special day for him. So…" she trembled with the anxiety and fervor kicking as the minutes were kicking by closer and closer towards the inevitable moment.

"So I thought to make it even more special. But I don't know where and how…I am an idiot. I couldn't plan for it."

"A special day today huh?" Zheng Jiao cocked her head to the side. "Which reminds me that it's Sir Chen's birthday today too."

Guiying coughed.

"Oh really!?" Xian Shun looked surprised. "What a coincidence. Is he coming to work? I will drop by to give him my wishes."

Guiying nodded. "Yes. He will be coming but a little late though," she then quickly added, "That's what Assistant Ling said to me."

She couldn't say that she ran away from Chen villa and reached office early to escape his probing regarding her surprise gift for him.

Zheng Jiao said, "Planning a special confession, huh? Isn't it easy? Just choose a place that is special for both of you. That will automatically make everything adorable."

Guiying was slightly surprised with her support. "That's true."

She leaned back on her chair and asked with a raised brow. "Are you sure about this guy?"


"You wouldn't have a change of heart?"


"You really cannot say about the future with so much certainty."

"For the rest of the things, yes. But if it's him, then it gives me nothing but assurance and certainty. It will always be him in my heart. Nobody else."

"That's romantic hehe," Xian Shun smiled.

Zheng Jiao stared at her for a few long moments and then shrugged. "Good for you."

Guiying excused herself to the restroom while thinking about Zheng Jiao's suggestion. She remembered how Jun too, similarly planned Ai's birthday surprise at the library.

A special place just for them.

A special place for Zixin and I…

She stared at herself in the mirror washing her hands. She exited a minute later and walked back to the table. She reached closer and heard Xian Shun's slightly agitated but defeated voice.

"You are giving up way too soon, Jiao Jiao!"

The stress in her voice took Guiying aback.

Why is she so tense?

Guiying inched closer and heard Zheng Jiao's reply. "Give up what?"

At the table, Xian Shun was throwing daggers at her. "Don't try to fool me. Guiying didn't feel it, but nothing escapes my sharp senses!"

"Oh dear, I am so scared," she chuckled.

"Be serious!" She said, exasperated. "You don't have to laugh and act normal as if it isn't hurting you. Don't even try to deny it because I know that you secretly like Guiying."

"I like all my colleagues-"

"Romantically. I mean ROMANTICALLY!"

Zheng Jiao stared at her unblinkingly. Guiying, who was listening, almost lost her footing in shock. She touched the wall for support as her mind still grappled with what Xian Shun said.

Xian Shun's figure became smaller. "That's why I invited you to lunch that day without telling Guiying. I kind of wanted to ignite the spark between you two. I wanted to be cupid."

"I guessed your intentions."

"But then she said that she already had someone she liked…I am sorry. I shouldn't have poked unnecessarily."

"More than that, I am curious. Why did you surmise that I have any feelings for her?"

Xian Shun gave a stare as if she was looked down at. "Don't underestimate me. You are very easy to read."

"I am plenty sure that others wouldn't have the same opinion."

She shrugged. "Not my fault if they have dull senses. But when I realized your feelings for Guiying, I kind of figured it out when I heard the gossip of your previous assistants resigning from the company without any good reason apparently. They were all female assistants, right?"

She didn't respond.

"I don't know the inside news. Maybe you approached them or maybe they somehow learned your sexuality. Whatever it was, they were clearly not thrilled. I guess they began to become paranoid that whatever you did or said was to entice them. Or get close to them. They were straight so it didn't sit well with them. It was difficult to make the head of a department leave the company because you weren't wrong in the first place. Same sex love is not a crime. So they left themselves."


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