Reborn: The Return of the Villainous Mr. Liu

Chapter 765 What 'she' wants

Chapter 765 What 'she' wants

The same day, the news of Ai's pregnancy also spread like an unstoppable wildfire after the event was over. Everybody saw Jun crying and helplessly using sign language as a means to communicate.

"Yeah just like that…" Jian adjusted the phone camera pointed at Ai. "Aish, my little brother looks so handsome with the tears and snot running down his face."

"Shut up, Bro!" Jun exclaimed. "And take that phone away!"

"How could I? This is the expression of the year. This photo will be framed in the Liu family photo gallery for time immemorial! My unborn niece or nephew should definitely get to see this golden picture of their father crying."

"I am so gonna kill you."

"Congratulations Ai!!!"

Guiying rushed to hug Ai with a bright grin coupled with emotional tears in her eyes. "Oh my gosh I cannot believe it. I am gonna become an Aunt!"

Ai sheepishly grinned. "Thank you…"

She pinched her nose and chuckled. "I am so happy for you, Ai. Oh God, I still cannot believe that a baby is coming! I already cannot wait to meet him or her," she squealed.

She looked at Jun, her mouth twitching at his still crying sight. He kept wiping the tears which got replaced by only more tears. Zixin and Yunru were at his side, consoling him but it had little to no effect

Ai shook her head. "Those tears are not gonna stop anytime soon."


Ai then asked cautiously, "How are you doing, Guiying?"

She was surprised by the question but a moment later, she realized the intent behind it. "It's lonely without 'her.' It always will. But I am managing. Time is moving. Somehow, I want it to stop but it isn't happening. It keeps moving on and strangely now, the time 'she' was there keeps getting farther and farther away. It…feels scary. At one point I feel if I would really forget 'her.'"

"You won't. No matter how many days, months or years pass, you will never forget 'her.' Neither will Zixin."

Guiying was quiet.

"I know what you are thinking, Guiying. 'She' has left, which is making you and Zixin feel selfish and cruel to go forward. But that's not the truth and you also know it."

She inhaled a trembling breath. "It's hard to think that way, Ai. 'She' also loved Zixin and I snatched him away-"

"No. You didn't snatch him. That is not why 'she' chose to leave. 'She' wants to see you happy, Guiying. 'She' wants you to be with Zixin for which you have waited for so long. There is no guilt-tripping there because 'she' has always genuinely loved you and cared for you. But you and Zixin are entrapping yourselves in guilt and regret which is causing both of you pain. Not only you two but 'her' too. If 'she' is watching over you, then how do you think 'she' might be feeling now? 'She' left so that you two can get together, not get further apart."

She smiled with a quiver on her lips. "Does she really think that way?"

Ai smiled back. "You would know it better than anybody else. You already know the answer."

On the other side, Jun, who was still gasping and trembling and dealing with an endless flow of tears, said to Zixin, "Go get her, Bro."

"What?" Zixin asked, confused.

"Guiying. Get to-together with her…" he sniffled and wiped another outflux of a tear. His beautiful dark brown irises were reddened beyond comparison.

"D-don't waste anymore time…" he then thought about Ai and their unborn child once again and he burst into tears of happiness. "G-Give me a moment to absorb this joy p-please…"

"You have already taken too many moments to absorb but I don't think the sponge is working," he plainly replied. "At this rate, you will get dehydrated."

"C-Can you really blame me?"

Zixin thought about his own reaction if he would also learn in the future that he would soon become a father. "I might cry three times more than you."

Jun nodded and grabbed another tissue.

"But that day," he softly gasped, "w-won't arrive if there always remains this distance b-between you two…Oh my god am I really gonna be a father after nine months?"


"Can you decide if you are talking to me or yourself?"

"Both. Don't mind me. I will talk to you and then I will t-think of Ai and our child and then I will cry and then I will talk to you again."

His brow twitched. He then sighed and said, "I cannot forget 'her.'"

"N-Nobody is telling you to forget 'her.' You two can st-still remember her and also walk together. It doesn't have to be separate. Fuck, will Ai have to go through te-terrible morning sickness now?"

Thinking of seeing Ai sick brought forth another gush of tears. "I cannot see her s-suffer. Can I get pregnant instead?"

Zixin lowered his gaze. "But will this mean that I am choosing Guiying over 'her?' I cannot make that choice. Both are equally important to me."

"But you are not m-making that choice. 'Guiying' made that choice for you, and I think both you and Guiying should respect that. If you cherished 'her' as a in-individual person, then you must also cherish the decision 'she' took. I need to start buying pregnancy related books. I cannot l-let my ignorance cause more trouble for Ai!" He cried.

Jun shook his head. "Just imagine 'Guiying' is standing in front of you. Imagine 'she' came back after months of seeing you two stuck in a loop. What do you think 'she' would say to you? Th-think very carefully and honestly, n-not letting your personal feelings take over. Purely what 'she' would say. I think you will get your answer. And then my question is if I should de-decorate the baby room in blue or pink because I definitely want pink but don't tell Ai about this. She cannot k-know that I am biased for a daughter."


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