Reborn: The Return of the Villainous Mr. Liu

Chapter 768 Gift choosing

Chapter 768 Gift choosing

?"Good morning Sir."

"Good morning Sir!"

Yating acknowledged the Dream High employees with a nod and smile as he made his way towards his office. He stuffed his bag on the couch as he entered his cabin and crashed on the chair.


He pressed and massaged the space between his brows that glared with a headache. He quickly swallowed a painkiller and rested his head back on the chair, allowing himself to breathe. That permission was only for a minute after which he straightened up and got to work.

That only lasted for five minutes after checking his emails when he slumped back on the chair, tired.

"The day has just started Yating. Buckle up."

He unlocked his laptop but instead of getting back to work, he had a side thought which made him open a new tab on the browser. He opened some well-known gift websites and started scrolling down the list.

Unfortunately, his previous gift for Chyou was all burned down into ashes a few days ago when her film set got set on fire. It felt like yesterday when he had jumped right into it to bring Chyou out of the dangerous fire blazing in all directions. His gift fell right into it. Now was a good time to buy a new one.

Yating touched his chin thoughtfully.

Should I buy the same bracelet or think of something different this time?

"Yating, I need to talk to you."

The door opened and Zhan Yahui walked in swiftly. Yating immediately shut down his laptop with a loud bang so much so that he was sure that the impact had definitely cracked his laptop screen. He bit his tongue inwardly.

Zhan Yahui paused and raised a brow at him. Yating smiled back albeit with a twitching smile. "Hey."

"What are you hiding," her eyes narrowed.

"Why would I hide anything?"

"Because you shut your laptop so hard that the sound would have reached America by now."


"You are exaggerating, Zhan Yahui."

"Your reaction to me was exaggerated too. It is like how a mom catches her son doing something shady."

Yating choked hard. "Are you implying you see me as your son?"

"Were you watching porn?"

The choke struck him harder this time. He stared at her, incredulous. "Stop talking nonsense!"

"That's exactly how teenage boys react when caught."

She thought of Hou Lin's younger brother who often acted secretly like that when she lived with his family. The blush, the giggles and the secrecy. She had equally often helped him hide the unspeakable evidence. Yating exhibited only the secrecy part right now.

Yating sighed, not having the energy to prove her wrong. "Do you need something from me?"

"Were you watching porn?"

He shut his eyes. "Why do you still ask?"

"I like to be right about things."

"No. I wasn't watching porn."

"Then what were you doing?"

The only interest Zhan Yahui had in prying was to know if he was investigating the fire that struck Chyou's set. Since he was involved, he might be unnecessarily poking his nose into the matters where it didn't belong.

"You are asking everything other than what you came here for."

"I like to know things."

"You do realize I am your Boss, right? Why is the interrogation happening in reverse?"

She sneered. "Oh let's not bring our designations into the picture, Gu Yating. If push comes to shove, I can snatch the CEO's position of Dream High anytime I want, much less the Chief Editor. You will be nothing more than an ant employee for me."


Very ambitious.

"What did you come here for?"

"What were you doing?"

His mouth twitched hard.

She is not going to let this go.

He gave up and said a little awkwardly, "I was just browsing through gift sites."

"I see."

Since the answer wasn't what she was looking for, she simply shrugged her shoulders.

"That's it?"

"What do you mean?"

He opened his mouth, dumbfounded. "You ate my head into telling you what I was doing and now I get such a cold and boring reaction?"

"Because it is a cold and boring activity to do. I wish you would have watched porn instead. That would have been more exciting."

He grimaced. Then he asked, "You don't like gifts?"

"I like destruction."


"I believe nobody will wrap that for me in a cute, adorable gift box tied with a pink ribbon."

"You have some hard tastes."

"I have led a hard life."

"But I see you helping writers craft beautiful stories."

"People have side hustles, you know~"

"Is this a conversation I should be secretly recording by any chance?"

She chuckled amusingly. "You wouldn't be able to get to me anyway, dear. Try not to waste your time."

He looked surprised. He was curious to know more but believed she wouldn't be so open in sharing that with him.

Zhan Yahui leaned back and cocked her brow. "But you might be interested in knowing the one I crave destruction for. You see, he is someone who has snatched someone important to you too."


Snatch somebody important?

The only such person was Jun with whom Ai fell in love with and who he lost to.

"We can join hands~" her eyes twinkled.

He didn't really weigh her words to be serious, thinking that she might be just pulling his leg.

He gave it a thought and asked her, "Hypothetically, what would you like for a gift?"

She clicked her tongue at the change of topic.

He doesn't have the spark.

"Are you buying a gift for me?"


"Then why does my opinion matter?"

"Because you are a woman and I would like some suggestions."

Zhan Yahui's curiosity peaked once again. "Are you buying something for Zhou Ai?"

He stared at her hard. "...No, but why do you ask?"

She smiled. "It's so cute you think that people are blind. I almost fell for you."


Yating cleared his throat.

"Have you given up on her? That is so not manly of you," she made a tsk sound.

"There is nothing much to do when Ai is happy. That's what I want the most."

Zhan Yahui contemplated to intervene but thought against it. Yating was too simple and straightforward to be of use to her plans. He wouldn't become the type of jealous lover to want Ai by hook or crook like Cai Lingyun.

"I am leaving."

"You still didn't say what you came here for."

"I forgot because of you."

His mouth twitched.

Zhan Yahui got up and left but not before turning back and saying, "I guess I would like a pendant chain for a gift."

He didn't expect her to answer. "Oh."

"A strong enough pendant chain to strangle my enemy when I want," she smiled.


The door closed behind him. He sighed once again and opened his laptop with a crack on his screen greeting him.

"And there goes my laptop."

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