Reborn: The Return of the Villainous Mr. Liu

Chapter 772 The Chief Editor advisor

Chapter 772 The Chief Editor advisor

?Yin said, "Yeah sure…"

He grudgingly let him in while trying to placate his pounding heart.

"Look, that gift has no other meaning."

Yating came straight to the point.

"I could tell what you were thinking and your discomfort was obvious. But it was just a gratitude gift for Chyou."

Yin narrowed his eyes, trying to find the lies in his words. But in front of him, he smiled. "I am sorry, Gu Yating. I really have no problems with your gift. Did I look uncomfortable? It's definitely not because of the gift, trust me. I am involved in multiple projects here and there so it's that stress piling on me. An actor's life is hard," he shrugged.

Yating paused.

It was like how a woman could understand a woman's intentions. Similarly, as a man who had been in love, Yin's insecurity was obvious to him though the latter was trying to deny it.

Yin waved his hand in dismissal and chuckled. "Everything is good, Gu Yating. I can never be rude to the savior who saved my girlfriend's life. Oh and congratulations for your new advisor job. It's rare for Director Murong to appreciate somebody so much."

"Ah, I am not going to be an advisor. He just got too excited. I don't know a thing about films."

His eyes widened. "What? No way. You should definitely consider the job. You don't know about films, but you know stories, right? Films are just manifestations of those stories only. It will be a good change for you too."

Yating said, "...Hm, you are indeed right. I will think about it," he scratched his chin. "Anyway, I just came by to check on you. I thought you looked down and that was because of me."

"Chill dude. Everything's cool."

"Thanks. I will leave then."

Yating turned the doorknob and stopped. He looked back, his lips parting to ask a question.

Was that you I saw in the club a few months ago?

The question was at the tip of his tongue, but he decided otherwise.

"Yes?" Yin blinked, waiting for his question.

He smiled. "Nothing."

It was the next day that Yating was dragged back to the set but not because of any gift but by Director Murong himself. Apparently, he was dead serious about Yating reading the script and wanting a chief editor's opinion on it.

The script was great, Yating admitted. The film would soar at the box office. He was sure of that. But he still felt something was missing. There could be something to enhance the involvement with Chyou's character.

"So, so what do you think about it?" Director Murong was invested to know his answer but only then, his phone buzzed with a call.

"Please wait. I will just take this call. Cannot ignore my wife."


Yating fiddled with the pencil in his hand, an old habit whenever he would have his thinking cap on.

"Which exam are you giving?"

Chyou chirped as she sat beside him and peeked at the script. "Ah, so Director Murong showed you the script."

He glanced at her side and noticed her wearing the pendant chain. "Hey you are wearing it today."

Her eyes brightened. "Of course! It's so pretty that I had to wear it," she took a deep breath as if meditating, "I can feel the power of this Q pendant flowing through me. Ah, it's so peaceful."

"Drama queen as always."

She stuck out her tongue. "That's my job."


Yating thought about it and asked, "How did you become a Queen?"

"I didn't become a Queen, rather people started calling me that from one fine day. It was after a lot of hardships and polishing that people recognized me with that title. Entertainment industry is a brutal struggle, especially for women," she smiled.

"You know, I am very privileged. I never faced those struggles of casting couch and sexual advances that any struggling actress does. Because people knew my parents. My father is Zhu Xiaosi. My mother is Zhu Caihong. My grandfather is An Guoting. Nobody dared to mess with me because that was suicide with my family background. But not every woman has that background. I want to change that. This ugly reality of what a woman has to go through to get a foothold in this industry. I want to become so powerful and influential here that I make lives better for those women dreaming of performing on the big stage."

Yating peered into her sincere and hopeful eyes. "You are amazing, Chyou. Very few people think like that."

"Hehe…" she scratched her head, embarrassed.

"Yup. That's how you become a Queen and that is what is a little missing from this script."


"Well, your character is really nice and your acting is on point. But what is missing is a little context here that will give more depth to your character. You are a Queen betrayed by her kingdom. You want to take revenge and get back what is rightfully yours. That is great. But there should be more motivation to that.

The setting of this movie is Song Dynasty. It was an era where women's rights were declining. Widows couldn't remarry because they were deemed impure. They were forced to commit suicide. You are a woman who has lost her husband. You are being frowned upon and society is expecting you to die because you don't have a man with you anymore. But just before the Song Dynasty, there was the rule of the Tang Dynasty, which was completely opposite. It was the golden era for women's freedom and rights."

He pointed the pencil at her. "Your character will be more powerful if you don't just want to take revenge but want to bring back the Tang Dynasty's glory. You want to bring back the era where women could take power and govern. Everybody wants you to die but you will persist and rise to bring the golden era of the Tang Dynasty once again. Facing all odds and hardships and winning against the patriarchal society, only then you will truly become the Queen."

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