Records of the Weakest Emperor

Chapter 180: The Secret of the Village of Tulog(3)

It had been a few minutes since Calvin entered the boundary of the veil and the Sabbath had already appeared.

Their growls full of hatred resounded in the distance, shaking the heart of Ricardo who couldn't help but tremble upon remembering the earth-shattering might of the Sabbath.

"Are you afraid?" Heisenberg asked. There was this mocking smile on his face as he made a sidelong glance at Ricardo.

"You're thinking that I'm afraid? Shitty old man?"

Ricardo coldly laughed, "Of course, I am! Who in this world aren't afraid of death? No matter how experienced anyone becomes, it's impossible for them to become completely numb of fear unless they abandoned their seven emotions and six desires and became one of those bald-headed monks or maybe even a demon."

Heisenberg stared at Ricardo in a new light.

"I didn't expect you to be so eloquent."

"Such a prideful monk like you praising a lowly one like me? Your words sure are wasted." Ricardo sneered.

"Who are you calling a monk?"

"No one..." Ricardo lightly chuckled.

The mood seemed to have turned for the better.

But of course, this was just a false sense of security for the Sabbath was nearing their way the more time they wasted talking like this.

With one being a member of the church and the other a member of one of the three Judiciaries within the Church of the Three Orthodox Gods.

It made sense that these two knew what the Witches were. Unfortunately, these two didn't have an eidetic nor photographic memory. In short, they weren't able to remember the characteristics and weaknesses of the Witches in detail.

But there was one detail that they hadn't forgotten.

It was to never underestimate the speed of these foul old ladies.

"Can you buy me some time?" Ricardo turned to Heisenberg.

"Oh, are you about to coat those arrows with that disgusting oil?"

Heisenberg saw that Ricardo had opened up the vial that Calvin gave to him earlier.

"Yeah, hopefully, this works..." Ricardo nodded.

"Well, I'm sure that lad has no reason to lie to us. It should work. Just be accurate in your shot, and don't waste your arrows."

Heisenberg said with a tinge of sarcasm.

"For an old man, your tongue sure is sharp. Are you sure that you want to keep on doing that? I mean, you're a priest. If you keep talking in such a tone, do you really think that you'd become everyone's favorite in the church?" Ricardo mocked.

"All right, all right, you win... Just remember to not waste those arrows."

Heisenberg rolled his eyes at Ricardo and he didn't even have the energy to argue anymore.

"Sure, you might have seen my active skill, but I haven't revealed everything in my arsenal, yet..." Ricardo gave a confident smile.

Heisenberg stared at Ricardo in intrigue.

The Sabbath was now about thirty meters away from the two, yet Heisenberg was still acting so calm and relaxed.

"What a coincidence..."

"I too, haven't revealed everything in my arsenal yet..." Heisenberg smirked and turned around to meet the Sabbath.

His body suddenly burst into a divine radiance as the aura in his body surged.

Heisenberg's body bulged followed by that surge of divine energy as illusory armored scales that resembled frozen ice wrapped around his body and a pair of violent eerie-blue dragon replaced his dark pupils.

The temperature in the area immediately dropped to the point that Ricardo could even see his own breath forming a mist in front of him.

Heisenberg declared in a deep and booming voice.

"Ultimate: Divine Azure Dragon Transformation..."

He then briefly glanced at Ricardo and said, "I can buy you a minute at most."

His meaning was clear...

Heisenberg's transformation would only last a minute.

For the next minute, he would be able to completely dominate the Sabbath in a battle, but when his transformation ended...

The tables would turn.

Ricardo had to sufficiently anger these monsters in under a minute or the two of them must run and retreat to Calvin's side.

"Hahaha... You bald-headed old man... I didn't know that you can transform into a dragon. A bald-headed dragon... Hilarious." Ricardo softly chuckled and nodded his head as he saw Heisenberg meet the Sabbath in mid-air in a head-on collision.

Heisenberg's class originated from the Goddess of Compassion and Light.

Naturally, he possessed a slight advantage against monsters tainted by evil and the dark.

With a single punch while in his transformed state, the three Witches flew backward and crashed harshly onto the ground.

But Heisenberg wasn't over just yet.

He dashed at the three and sent uppercuts at insane speeds towards the jaws of the three Witches.


The Witches shrieked in pain as their eyes turned bloodshot.

Cracking sounds came out of their backs as their wings manifested behind them.

But Heisenberg knew that the Witches had the ability of flight.

He was prepared for this change, and he wasn't about to let them have their way.

Almost at the same moment as the wings appeared, Heisenberg opened his mouth and spewed out a distorted icy-blue beam that flew towards the Witches.

The speed of the beam was similar to a bullet.

With his distance to the Witches, it was basically impossible for the three to dodge Heisenberg's attack.


The icy-blue beam had frozen everything in its wake and the Witches who had received its wrath weren't an exception to this devastation.

Seeing the three icy sculptures in mid-air, Ricardo knew that it was his time to act.

"You sure are really impressive, old man..." Ricardo couldn't help but praise seeing how strong Heisenberg was in his transformed state.

But at the same time, Ricardo was confident that he could surpass the old man's performance.

It was because the moment the Witches turned into icy sculptures...

Ricardo made his move.

"Ultimate..." He mumbled into the air as he genuflected with his knees and took a deep breath.

The bow that he was holding in his hands as well as the arrows transformed into a sword made out of water.

At the very next moment, Ricardo had vanished.

When he reappeared, the sword that he was holding in his hands was nowhere to be seen.

It was as if the scene had been an illusion and wasn't real.

But what happened wasn't smoke and mirrors. It was reality.

Ricardo had moved so fast in that instant that he instantly shattered the ice sculptures and smashed apart the heads of the Witches in one fell swoop.

And it was because of his ultimate.

"Sealed Fate."

Blood madly spurted onto the ground as if there was a fountain of blood from the smashed heads of the Witches.

Heisenberg turned to look at Ricardo in astonishment, clearly not having expected the display of skill that he had just witnessed.

"Dude, what the fuck..." Heisenberg couldn't help but curse.

But in the very next moment, he saw the bodies of the Witches twitch.

His pupils constricted as he ran towards Ricardo and dragged him towards the boundary of the veil.

"What the fuck are you doing, old man?!" Ricardo was shocked and angry after being suddenly princess-carried by an old man.

But his anger was extinguished upon hearing Heisenberg's explanation.

"Did you already forget the plan that the two of us talked about? The plan was to lure these bitches towards the owner of that crying voice and let them explode right in the face of that monster from the village center. Calvin must've already lured that monster to us. We're going to duck towards the nearest cover when we've entered the veil so we can let Calvin handle the rest..."

"I'm sure a monster explosion in a scale of three Witches would be far horrendous for that monster from the village center to deal with."

Heisenberg was still in his transformed state and he was even faster than the crazed half-dead Witches. He ran straight through the boundary, and he quickly spotted Calvin who was also running towards their direction.

But there was something wrong.

Calvin wasn't being followed after by a monster.

In fact, there was no monster behind him.

"What the fuck are you doing, Calvin?! Did you cower from fear? Where's the monster that you were supposed to lure for us?"

Calvin's expression immediately brightened the moment he saw the duo.

"I apologize, but there's a change of plans. I'll explain everything to you later. I suppose you've already dealt with the Sabbath? I've given you both the vial necessary to leave them half dead and with your capabilities, it shouldn't be that difficult anymore." Calvin asked with a frown.

He noticed that despite speaking to him, the two still continued to run and there was this desperate look on their face.

Calvin immediately discovered that there was something strange, and he was right.

There were three crazed half-dead Witches following the two!

"Fuck, why did you not let them explode outside the boundary?"

"We were planning on letting these bitches explode on the face of the owner of that crying voice!"

"Yeah, that was indeed the plan, but now that there are changes to our plans. We do not need these Witches anymore... Lure them out the boundary and let them explode there!" Calvin was exasperated. This was the first time that he had been so annoyed whenever his plans didn't go according to his expectations.

Of course, Calvin knew that plans wouldn't always go according to the direction that he wanted them to go.

He was a firm believer of Murphy's Law after all.

But the reason why he was so annoyed was that he hadn't expected these two to lure the Witches into the boundary instead of running in the opposite direction. After all, in the plan that they had discussed. Calvin and the owner of that crying voice were supposed to be the ones that would meet them halfway at the boundary of the veil, not inside.

Calvin made his move.

He dashed towards the duo and forcefully dragged them out of the boundary and into a dark alleyway, luring the Witches to run after them in the process.

Then, Calvin moved close to the Witches and opened his palm.

Plastered on his palm was a piece of paper...

"Aarb, gawas!"


Calvin muttered in Elder Tongue and the piece of paper burned before a telekinetic force sent the Witches flying towards the horizon.


At the very next moment, the Witches let out their final death throes as their bodies violently exploded in a burst of foul blood that covered the abandoned houses in the street.

Fortunately, Calvin had leaped into the protection of the veil's boundary in time before the Witches exploded so he came out unscathed.

He then smiled at Heisenberg and Ricardo before saying.

"Done and dusted..."

"Let's go, I have to show you something." Calvin casually walked away.

Heisenberg and Ricardo stared at each other as they shared the same thoughts.

"What a ballsy brat."

"I'll be sure to never offend him in the future."

The two had seen the decisiveness that Calvin displayed moments before he sent the Witches flying towards the horizon. Despite not knowing when the Witches were going to explode, Calvin chose to make his move regardless of the danger. This was a risky move indeed, but the result justified the means.

Calvin had succeeded so there was nothing that the two could complain about, however...

"He's too reckless!" Heisenberg softly complained.

"I agree..." Ricardo sighed.

As much as he liked Calvin as a friend, he would definitely stay away from Calvin in the future given how reckless the latter was. Ricardo didn't want to die young after all, so it was natural for him to avoid a gutsy young man like Calvin.

The two hastened their pace and the group met up with the deformed man.

Heisenberg and Ricardo were astonished to see the man's horrifying state, but their astonishment turned to terror upon hearing the secrets that he had divulged to Calvin earlier.

"To think that such an isolated village would have such a deep history..." Ricardo gasped.

Heisenberg was speechless. He could only nod his head to concur with what Ricardo had said.


"How can we be sure that you're not lying?" Heisenberg eventually spoke up. He felt uncomfortable trusting a man that had nothing to lose who had lived in such a terrifying environment for close to a decade.

The deformed man sighed, "I've already told you everything and I swear with the Goddess's name that all I said was the truth and nothing but the truth. What more do you want from me, Priest?"

Heisenberg was taken aback.

The deformed man was decisive indeed.

But what's more important was the pleading light in the deformed man's eyes.

It didn't seem to be fake.

"Well, I understand your doubts, but please hold your judgment... You'll soon find out if I am speaking the truth or not." The deformed man turned around and started to walk in the direction of the village center.

"Wait, where are we going?" Calvin asked.

The deformed man stopped on his tracks and made a sidelong glance at the three with a smirk on his lips.

"We are going to meet 'Her'..."

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