Records of the Weakest Emperor

Chapter 69: Beacon of Hope in the Darkness

Realizing that he had been caught in the act...

He closed his eyes and was about to turn intangible when a dim ray of light struck his body and prevented him from turning into a ghost. The demonic patient's astonishment turned into shock when he found out that he couldn't transform into his intangible form.

He turned around and was about to make a mad dash towards the other side of the room when Calvin tripped him up.


A dull thud rang out.

"You're one of those bastards!"

Hugo had finally entered the room.

He stood imposingly in front of the panicking demon.

"Take care of him, Hugo. I'll take care of the girls outside." Calvin casually said.

Dandelion had already restrained the demonic soul within the patient and it was virtually impossible for him to fight against an angry mountain of muscles like Hugo.

Calvin swiftly came out of the room to prevent Jane and Zahra from seeing the brutality of what was about to happen.

He even closed the door as soon as he went out.

Both Jane and Zahra stood stiff in the corridor and had no idea what just happened. They were too shocked by Calvin's sudden actions of kicking the slightly ajar door. They were too focused on the loud noise when the door collided against the wall earlier.

"What happened?" The two awakened from their trance upon seeing Calvin going out of the room.

"Let's just wait for Hugo," Calvin answered.

Ten minutes later, Hugo walked out of the room with a satisfied smile on his face.

"I've dealt with it! We can continue now!"

Hugo dusted his fist and stood behind the three once again.

Jane and Zahra looked at each other with the same confusion in their eyes.

But well...

All's well that ends well...

The group continued their journey.

Hugo suddenly approached Calvin and said, "Calvin... I heard from that madman earlier that there are several dozens of them in here!"


Calvin was astonished.

Several dozens?

He had expected that he would face a lot of enemies, but he didn't expect that they would be this many.

[What the hell is going on here, Dandelion?]

[I don't know... Fivecent must've tampered with the difficulty! But no worries, they won't be able to turn into their tangible form. That man, that man right there is quite strong anyway so he should be able to beat them down like what he did with that demon earlier!]

[All right, but fuck... You better make sure that you do your job properly, all right?]

[Yeah, I know...]

Calvin grumbled in irritation.

But since there was no use crying over spilled milk, Calvin could only shake his head and continue.

Dandelion didn't give any warnings when they passed in front of the other sickrooms.

Taking a turn at the next corridor, the group suddenly stopped moving for they had realized that this corridor was splattered with fresh blood. Limbs and body parts scorched with fire were also scattered on the ground.

Zahra frowned. She was a medical student, but this was the first time that she saw such a grizzly scene. Hugo also had his eyebrows scrunched up, while Jane had already started to dry heave.

"The patients in this place sure are unpredictable, to think that they would prank us like this." Calvin crouched, his nose twitched while his eyes focused on the blood splatter acting as if he was an experienced crime scene investigator, "The blood splatter is uneven and it looks like it has been deliberately placed this way..."

"Judging from the amount of blood, some of it should splatter on the walls but as we can see... The walls are too clean..."

"That is impossible to happen since no matter which part you are injured, it would be impossible for it to not splatter on the nearest vertical object such as walls. The direction of the splatter is also spread on the ground instead of omnidirectional. No matter what, there is no way that this happened naturally..."

Calvin swiped some blood off the ground with his pinkie finger and placed it under his nostrils, "The smell is too strong, this smell is like mashed fresh liver. This can't be human blood."

Jane and Zahra felt a shiver down their spines as they stared at him in fear. Just how familiar did one have to be with human blood, so that they could make an accurate and confident deduction like that?

Hugo was also somewhat nervous.

Calvin's matchstick-like figure made him seem powerless but at this moment...

He seemed to be even more powerful than what Hugo had expected.

In any case, Hugo concluded that Calvin wasn't a simple man at all.

Carrying Scarlette on his back, Calvin momentarily leaped and adjusted her posture.

Afterwards, he then casually walked on the pool of blood on the ground and said, "Don't be afraid, those patients must be pulling a prank on us to scare us, who knows what they are thinking. Rest assured, this blood is fake. It probably came from a dog."

Zahra and Jane stared right at each other and they started to have some hesitation in following him.

But where would they go?

Who else could be braver than Calvin?

The two gnashed their teeth and decided to muster their courage.

They stepped onto the pool of blood and suppressed their disgust as they followed Calvin from behind.

Calvin was very calm in the entire ordeal.

They took another turn, this time to a corridor on the left.

This corridor was similar to the very first corridor that they went through earlier. The walls were lined with sickrooms and some of those rooms had doors slightly ajar. The only difference was that there seemed to be a cold draft in this corridor blasting across their faces, and there was also another bathroom.

Calvin scanned the ground and reported his findings to the others, "This footstep is obviously made from the soles of a shoe. This is vastly different from the barefooted footsteps that we saw earlier. In other words, the person who went into this corridor towards that bathroom must be one of us."

"Really?!" Jane was overjoyed, "In that case... Let's go!"


She was about to go towards the bathroom when Calvin suddenly stopped her.

Calvin had a curious look on his face as he explained, "Don't get too happy now... I told you all earlier that we cannot let our guards down in this place at any moment! Take a look at the footsteps, they are too even and without any trace of panic. The person who left these footsteps must've purposely done this and is now waiting for us to follow his trail..."

"What?" Jane uttered in shock. Calvin's words made sense, so she couldn't refute what he said.

However, she was also grateful to Calvin.

She admitted to herself that she had been too hasty! If Calvin didn't warn her in time, she may have fallen onto the palms of the person waiting for them to follow the trail in the bathroom!

But Zahra had her doubts, "What if that person is one of us and he purposely left such an obvious trail so we'll easily notice it?"

Calvin nodded his head and smiled, "That is true... Well, we won't know the answer for sure unless we go there and check."

"Go there and check? Are you even sure if he's still there?" Hugo asked with a frown.

Calvin calmly walked into the corridor and headed for the bathroom, "Take a look at the footprints again. They only went way. The person went inside the bathroom and never came out. In other words, that person should still be in there and we are about to find out who he is..."

"However... Since this trail is indeed too obvious, there's a huge chance that this is a trap, so the two of you should wait here while Hugo and I will go inside to check." Calvin gestured at the two women.

Zahra bit her lips while Jane clenched her palms so strong that her hands went pale. Nevertheless, they didn't utter any complaint and just sat beside the fallen Scarlette in the dimly-lit corridors, while holding the piece of crumpled paper that Calvin gave them for their protection.

Calvin went inside the bathroom, "The footprints lead to the second to the last cubicle." Calvin signaled to Hugo and Hugo nodded his head in tacit understanding. Calvin extinguished his footsteps as he crawled towards the third cubicle beside the cubicle where the footsteps ended.

He peeked from above and discovered that the person hiding inside was Jannette!

Jannette's expression was filled with fear and her eyes were wet with tears. She opened her mouth and wanted to scream, but no noise could come out of her mouth for she was gagged by her own panties. She was on the lap of a man wearing a patient's garb.

The man let out excited grunts as he fondled all over Jannette's body.

Then, he opened his zippers and whipped his thing out for Jannette to see.

"Hehehe... It's been such a long time... It's been such a long time that I had a woman to embrace! Ah! Those doctors, they are bastards! To think that they would deprive of us of the pleasure that every man in this world deserves! The feeling of being inside a woman!"

"Aaahhh! I can't wait anymore! I'm going to put it inside!"

The ashen-faced man had a wicked smile on his face as he raised his head to howl at the skies in excitement.

Jannette's struggles reached a crescendo as she fidgeted as much as she could, but it was all for naught.

She was ultimately powerless against the demon.

Ah... It's over...

Jannette gave up and closed her eyes.

She stared at the ceiling and mumbled to herself.

Mother... Father...

I'm sorry...

I'm going ahead...

Why am I so unlucky in this life? I've done everything that must be done. I studied hard, got good grades, but all it took was a single mistake. A single blemish on that woman's dress was enough for my entire life to collapse! I promised to compensate her for her ruined dress, but she insisted on making me pay for her dress with my entire life.

I'm sorry... Father... Mother...

Your daughter will be going first...

I'd rather die than be humiliated by this bastard!

Jannette decisively used all of her remaining strength to bite the tip of her tongue, but then suddenly...

"Gawas, Release!"

A familiar voice reverberated out of nowhere.

Jannette's eyes widened in shock for she realized that amidst her darkening consciousness, she saw an orange-fiery light that seemed to have become her beacon of hope in the darkness.

That beacon of hope descended and struck the man above her.


In the very next moment.


A shrill and maniacal scream rang out!

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