Records of the Weakest Emperor

Chapter 73: At last! The Medical Ward!

Calvin's cold words permeated the air.

Jannette stood frozen and so did the others.

This was the first time that they saw such a serious expression on his face.

"A-All right... Suit yourself!" Jannette coldly snorted and turned around.

She walked towards the door but didn't go out of it. It was clear that as much as she wanted to get out of this place, she wasn't planning on straying from the group. After all, no man was an island and the strength of individuals could only be maximized if they were in a group.

Calvin made a mental note to keep an eye out for Jannette.

Judging from her actions, she may be on the brink of falling into madness.

If she despaired and went crazy while they were in the middle of escaping from the enemies, then that would be fatal for the entire team.

Jannette had to be controlled the moment she went out of control.

Calvin gave a simple prayer to the deceased before covering their bodies with a blanket.

Jane proposed to bring the bodies of the dead back to the outside world but Calvin refused, saying that it was extra work that could potentially kill them.

Jane bit her lips and thought that this final phase that the company gave to them was indeed too cruel. Not only they sent them in this nightmare of a place to die, but they weren't even allowed to bring the corpses of the dead with them when they came out.

Hugo could only shake his head.

Calvin swept his gaze at the others, particularly at Jannette.

Noticing that everyone had calmed down.

He said...

"It's time... We've been here for so long already. We need to escape. I reckon that if we stay here for too long, those bastards from Fivecent may push us out of our hiding place."

"What do you mean?" Calvin's words intrigued Hugo.

"I'm saying that Fivecent may deliberately guide those patients to us so that we are forced to move!"

"What?" Jannette was startled, "In that case, we should go now! Let's go! What are you waiting for? They are already dead! No amount of prayers will bring them back alive!"

Calvin furrowed his eyebrows, "I know..."

He urged the others and the group arrived at the familiar corridors once more.

Calvin took out the small notebook that he had and he discovered their current location in a few moments.

According to the map, they were only a few corridors before they reached the Medical Ward.

Urging the others, the group continued their slow journey to the Medical Ward.

This time, Hugo stood on the back lines, while Calvin did the scouting ahead.

They stuck close to the doors of the sickrooms so they could instantly hide in the empty rooms if something went awry.

Of course, they avoided the slightly ajar doors, afraid that someone may be lurking behind those doors that would grab them the moment that they made an approach.

Those mental patients were unpredictable after all.

Speaking of mental patients, Calvin's group only encountered a single one, yet from Jannette's accounts.

She said that they had encountered dozens of patients and that was the reason why they were easily defeated.

In fact, for her, she was quite lucky for she managed to hide in a nearby sickroom before all hell went loose. As for the others, they didn't even manage to run far before they were caught by the patients excited by the sight of fresh meat.

At that time, Jannette did her best to stifle her cries but she was ultimately discovered by the patients.

She was then dragged outside.

She described the faces of the patients as looking similar to corpses.

Their faces were pale and ashen, their eyes were white and their pupils were permanently constricted.

The patients boisterously laughed upon seeing her fear-stricken face. It was at that moment that she saw the heads of Ray, Philip, and Nicholas rolling on the floor. Plastered on their faces were the expressions of terror. It was clear from the number of stab wounds that they sustained that it took them quite a while to die.

Jannette thought for sure that she would die, but for some reason. The patients got into a fistfight.

They fought and fought for a few minutes and when everyone had collapsed.

A winner was decided.

Then, that person dragged him to the bathroom and started beating her up.

When that person removed his clothes and started groping her body, it became painfully obvious as to what would happen to her before she died.

She started crying for help, but the man removed her panties and stuffed it into her mouth so she couldn't scream.

Thankfully, her cries didn't land on deaf ears.

Before the man could penetrate her, Calvin's group arrived and rescued her from the hands of that vile man.

This was how the story went, but the problem was that where were those men?

If they were indeed in a fistfight and fell unconscious one by one, why did Calvin's group didn't see anyone collapsed on the corridors near that bathroom where they found Jannette?

Could it be that Jannette was lying?

No, that's not possible.

That scared and scarred body language can't possibly be faked.

Unless there was a Doppelganger here which is impossible since there are only Demons here and Doppelgangers are on a whole new species.

Calvin thought.

But before he could even think any further, he heard Hugo's whisper.

"Calvin! Is that the decontamination chamber?"

Calvin raised his head and discovered the decontamination chamber. On top of the chamber doors were the words, "Medical Ward" embossed on the surface of the walls.

"That's it! Careful now!"

Seeing that the Medical Ward was so near, Calvin immediately warned the others.

Even though they haven't seen any enemies yet aside from that patient who tried to violate Jannette, their looming threat was still there and Calvin knew that they had to be careful.

Since they could disappear in a whim without leaving any traces, then they should be able to appear in unexpected places.

The others received Calvin's command and they immediately stuck close to the walls of the final corridors leading to the Medical Ward. Calvin held a crumpled piece of paper in his hand. His knees were slightly bent and his eyes were focused. He was fully prepared for a battle ahead of him.

But just as he was moving towards the decontamination chamber while keeping an eye out for enemies ambushing them near the doors of the chamber. Calvin didn't realize that the first attack would come from beside him!

Before he could even react, a pair of slender hands slithered out of the sickroom and grabbed both of his shoulders before dragging him inside the room!


Hugo let out a gasp.

Jannette, Zahra, Jane, and Scarlett immediately went pale from fear and astonishment upon seeing Calvin being dragged into the sickroom.

Everything happened so fast that before any of them could react, Calvin had already disappeared into the room!

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