Recruit black physique to start practice in wasteland

Chapter 29 I'm Poor!

Chapter 29 I'm Poor!

After Qu Jianlei's supplies were replenished, it took him three days to find a relatively safe area to camp.

It was by a small river, on a small slope.

There is a relatively gentle platform on the soil slope, and there is a bulge on the periphery, which can block the sight of the outside world.

Such a terrain, when Qu Jianlei was down and out, he absolutely wouldn't dare to choose it.

But when there is a certain self-protection ability, this kind of terrain is quite rare.

He stayed here for fifteen days, until his body shook slightly, and then he said to himself, "Let's take it as the second floor of Qi Refining."

After another ten days, he was sure that the injection had no effect on him, and he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

In the past 25 days, the food he consumed was less than half of the total, but there was not much water.

There was a small river next to it, but he didn't dare to use the water. He had never seen any living things in that river.

This is also the reason why he stayed by the small river in the first place - in the wasteland, the river in the wild can basically be regarded as a trench.

But these days are really not in vain. Not only has he reached the "Second Level of Qi Refining", but his physical fitness has also been greatly improved.

Before that, he should be about 1.6 meters 1.7, thin and small, but now at least... [-] meters [-], right?
The long-term malnourished body also grew some muscles, not only more powerful, but also faster to respond.

It's just that I'm still thin... The nutrition really can't be replenished in a day.

In the past 20 days or so, there have been a few times when someone came from afar. It is hard to say what the specific purpose is.

Qu Jianlei doesn't know how to make contact with the opponent. He usually just shoots at the open space in front of the opponent, "Get lost!"

His marksmanship is very accurate, which is very scary, and a blank shot proves that there is no shortage of ammunition.

Qu Jianlei thought that he was more particular about what he did - at least he didn't hit the sap, didn't he?
However, this kind of life should come to an end. If you stay too long, you will easily attract Big Macs.

The key is that he has consumed a lot of supplies, and although he can last for a while, he always has to "don't wait for the time to think about the time".

He has had enough of being in the wild, and now that he has some wealth, it is serious to find ways to make money.

It's hard to start a business with bare hands, isn't it?
He planned to get a good night's sleep, get up early the next morning to tidy up, and then go to find out suitable places for development.

As a result, he slept until midnight when he was woken up by a slight noise. It was an alarm device that was triggered.

Because of the conditions, his alarm device has been set up in several layers, and it responds in several layers.

The current alarm is the lowest type - small, slow, and far away.

So the warning sound is also low, just let him hear it.

If that kind of threat is big, a harsh alarm bell is a must - not only to wake him up, but also to deter the other party.

He picked up the night vision binoculars and found that it was a small human body, 500 meters away from him.

dwarf?Qu Jianlei froze for a moment, then... continued to sleep.

The wasteland never lacks all kinds of weird people. The probability of dwarves is actually much higher than that of Blue Star.

As long as the other party has not reached the advanced level of the alarm, it can be ignored.

But wanting to sleep... It's not easy to fall asleep, there are unknown risk factors, who can sleep so soundly?
Not to mention that Qu Jianlei himself has a bad sense of security - what do you want to do in the middle of the night in the wilderness?

Fortunately, the figure moved a few more steps, then curled up there and didn't move much.

But even so, Qu Jianlei didn't sleep well in the second half of the night, and was almost half asleep and half awake.

When it was dawn, he woke up and packed all kinds of things.

He has lived in Xiaoshanpo for nearly a month, and it didn't take him a while to clean it up.

It wasn't until noon that he was almost ready to pack some consumables... and he didn't bother to pack it up anymore.

Three months ago, he couldn't have let go of those consumables.

But now, the conditions are different, especially there is a guy of unknown origin.

But this guy dared to lie down and sleep in the wild, and he didn't bother to care about what kind of weirdness it was.

But in the process of walking around, he still realized that... maybe it wasn't a dwarf.

Dwarves or mutants, he has come into contact with a lot and has considerable knowledge. The bald head in front of him is too thin.

Adult gnomes are really different from real children, and experienced people can tell at a glance.

But so what?Nothing to do with him.

But just as he was about to leave, he still couldn't hold back, stepped forward and kicked the child.

"Are you alive? Let me know when you're dead...I'll bury you."

There is a mandatory requirement in the wasteland. If the survivor dies, he must be buried in the soil for peace.

One is to prevent the fallen or mutant beasts from eating the corpses, and the other is... It is said that there are other concerns.

With a kick, the small body turned over, revealing a pale and swollen face, but a shriveled stomach.

"Purple lichen is poisoned," Qu Jianlei saw the trick at a glance - he had been poisoned himself.

It's just that this child was quite poisoned, if he recovers naturally... he probably starved to death before recovering well.

Qu Jianlei shook his head speechlessly, turned and left.

However, just as he was about to push the motorcycle, it stopped again.

After thinking about it for a while, he shook his head helplessly, and sighed again, "'s my bad luck."

Coming to the child again, he squatted on the ground, opened the other's mouth, and roughly squeezed a nutrient into it.

After finishing all this, he said to himself, "It's not that I forgot the lessons learned from the past, the main reason is... I can't be buried alive, right?"

It took only two to three minutes for the nutrient to enter the stomach, and the child's eyes slowly opened.

The toxicity of purple lichen is not great, at most it is diarrhea and facial edema, which can be recovered by relying on the body's own recovery mechanism.

But during the recovery process, you must take in nutrients—at least you must be able to bear it yourself.

The child was not so much poisoned as fainted from starvation. The poisoning did exist, but there was nothing to excrete for a long time.

So it was normal for him to wake up so quickly.

Seeing that he woke up, Qu Jianlei took a plastic bowl and poured out some water... five or six mouthfuls.

Then he added a pinch of salt and said coldly, "Drink water."

This is also a means to speed up the recovery of the body. He doesn't want to take out a nutritional supplement, and the other party still can't bear it and die.

The child's eyes gradually became focused, and he yelled "Ahhhhh" a few times, not knowing what it meant.

"Mute?" Qu Jianlei was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't care. There are mutants, so what is disability?
He only thought that the other party didn't understand the purpose of drinking water, so he explained, "Replenishing fluid."

As for whether the other party can understand, that's not his concern.

Who would have thought that the child would close his mouth, swallow hard a few times, and then open his mouth again, "I, I... I'm not dumb."

His voice was very hoarse, but he could hear it clearly if he listened carefully.

"Oh," Qu Jianlei nodded, still not paying attention, "It's not dumb, it's a stammer."

The child swallowed a few more times before making another sound, "I... I am not stuttering either."

"Hurry up and drink water," Qu Jianlei didn't bother to talk to him.

The child waited for a while, then sat up slowly, picked up the plastic bowl, and drank the water in small sips.

During this process, Qu Jianlei just looked at the other party curiously and didn't speak.

Seeing that the other party finished drinking the water, he raised his hand to take the plastic bowl, turned around and left.

When he came, he pushed the scooter and motorcycle onto the dirt slope. Now, if he wants to leave, he has to push the scooter down first, and then push the motorcycle.

As a result, when he pushed the motorcycle downhill, the child had already recovered a bit, and followed him timidly.

Are you addicted to free meals?Qu Jianlei said without looking back, "Hairless monster, don't follow me."

Not only does the child have no hair, but he also has no eyebrows and eyelashes, so he picked up the nickname casually.

The timid little guy was stunned when he heard the words, "That just now...wasn't it life money?"

The voice was still a little hoarse, but it was much better than before.

"Why would I buy your life?" Qu Jianlei replied nonchalantly, "With your small physique, you can only eat and drink."

There is no shortage of people who work for others in the wasteland, but such weak little guys are useless to buy.

The hairless monster rolled its eyes, "I'm useful, sir."

Qu Jianlei ignored him, and after pushing the motorcycle downhill, he began to fix and tie the cart.

The child didn't make a sound, just stood aside and watched.

After Qu Jianlei fixed it, he got on the motorcycle without looking back, and then started the fire.

There are a lot of things on the cart, although he has already fixed it, it is not appropriate to start too fast.

Seeing the motorcycle start to speed up, the hairless monster became anxious and shouted, "Sir, I'm really useful."

"That's not worth it, poor!" Qu Jianlei continued to speed up, he didn't want to go through the story of the farmer and the snake again.

Seeing this, the child was really anxious, "I can pay the reward!"

Having had a near-death experience once, he really didn't want to experience it a second time.

At first, he thought that the other party had ulterior motives, and even doubted whether he would become a living donor for organ trading.

But at that time, he had no ability to resist, so he could only tell himself: This is much better than starving to death.

But the other party did it step by step, and it seemed like... saving people purely for the sake of saving people.

This really overturned his cognition. Regardless of his young age, he has a deep understanding of the wasteland.

Being a saint in the wasteland... This kind of behavior is really a little too different.

The key is to see that the opponent's small car is tied to a large cart, obviously there is no shortage of resources.

This kind of person must be trusted... At least the other party doesn't bother to harm others.

"Remuneration?" Qu Jianlei smiled nonchalantly, and stepped up the gas pedal.

The most untrustworthy thing in the wasteland is the promise of a stranger... The person who can really pay the reward, as for almost starving to death?
Seeing this, the hairless monster was in a hurry, and ran after it, shouting while chasing, "I know this place very well."

"Are you more familiar than me?" Qu Jianlei snorted coldly and ignored him.

Don't say what experience you have, just say how much news can you know at your age?
(End of this chapter)

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