Refusing My God’s Advances

Chapter 17: But The Blacksmith First

While I was excited about this whole losing my virginity stuff, I absolutely refused to put off the blacksmith anymore. Not only that, but I was not going to lose it in some back all, or random tavern! 

"What about we just drop this for the current moment," I said to Shelli, then turned to Lyra. "Can you tell your boys to be good while we are out?"

The little demon princess nodded and walked over to the other tied-up demons. "Be good so none of you have to die. This man spared us all, and is willing to form the mark of love with me to save us all from the dark sorcerer."

I slapped my hand to my face, but all the small men's faces lit up with excitement. The reaction was not what I thought it was going to be, but it was better than them complaining or worse. 

"Leon... I know you want to help them, but do you really think that we can stay in this town with them?" Shelli asked me as I watched the guards eye the small demons uneasily.

I had already planned for this. I had already figured it would be hard to get the humans to get along with the demons, but the healer and guard were clear indications that there was a long road ahead.

Not that I was overly concerned about it. I wasn't some saint looking for world peace... okay, maybe that might be in my job title, but I had other plans. 

Now that I knew it was humans doing this, I really didn't care about the hero thing. It was clear this was a constructed problem, but it was not my monkey if that was the case, nor my circus. All I had to do was stop the demon invasion at some point. 

I also had a plan for that, but that was very far off and required quite a few different stars to be in place. Everything takes time, but I was in no hurry to take care of this world's problems. 

"We will not be staying in this town, or any for that matter," I said, and then gave Shelli a sly smile. "Any way we can buy a floating island like this one?"

"B-Buy an entire island?" Shelli stuttered, and I nodded. 

"They were the first thing that I noticed coming to this place. Do you know what holds them up? Do you think there is a library here?" I asked, but my questions seemed to go over her head.

"Umm, what is a library?" She asked cutely, and I patted her head.

"A place that has story books for rent, but a bookstore is fine as well," I explained, and Shelli's eyes lit up briefly, but then fell.

"There are books stores, but books are a rare thing. They must be either written out, or a skilled mage could enchant a pen, but you would still have to be there the entire time. The only place that has a bookstore is within one of the royal capitals of Garlandia. They are also not someplace that normal people can go," Shelli explained, but then she stared at me confused.

I was smiling, oh was I smiling! Now I had to get these stupid missions finished!

"Lyra! We are leaving," I called, and my little dirty demon came running over with a smile that matched my own. It had been a long time since I really felt like this.

"Why are you both smiling so much?" Shelli asked as we left the warehouse.

"My children and I don't have to die, and All my children will finally have a father!! What more could I ask for?!" Lyra laughed, and my smile suddenly slipped off my face. I must have glossed over that part. Oh well, they were all practically grown men, albeit short ones.

"What about you? Wait, what happened to your smile?" Shelli asked with a confused look that brought my smile back.

"I am just thinking about our future. Now, back to my island. I am serious about buying one," I explained, and this made Shelli laugh.

"No one owns the islands if they are empty, and there are many. We can just pick one if that is what you really want," Shelli explained and I nodded as we arrived at the blacksmith shop.

"Perfect. All we need to do is get my printer running and we will be relaxing on our own island in no time!" I laughed as we walked inside.

"Oh, you finally came back? I heard that you... Stopped the demons?" The blacksmith said, pausing as he saw Lyra. Reasonable reaction.

"Yes, this is the demon that attacked the town, but she is now under my control, so there is no need to worry," I explained and then pulled out the shiny stuff I had stored in my inventory from the golem. 

Well, most of it. I kept the head crystal and after showing the blacksmith, the core as well. I figured that I would be able to figure out some way to incorporate other world materials into my printer to make some even crazier products.

While the blacksmith got my money together, and the girls looked around, I checked out my system.

[Defeat the mini-boss in the Crystal Cavern: Complete! - 300 exp reward]

[Break the Demon's grip in the local town: Complete!- 500 exp reward]

[Help a local blacksmith repair his enchanted forge: Complete! - 200 exp reward]

I didn’t get anything but experience from the missions, but as soon as I accepted them, I got another notification.

[Level 2 acquired!]

[Increase to all stats(locked)]

[+5 Stat Points(Locked)]

[+1 Skill Point(Locked)]

[+2 Material Points(locked)]

Woot, I internally groaned. Everything was locked, but the different points were something to look forward to! I closed the menu just as the blacksmith set the bag of gold, and my fold-up table on the counter.

"So, what do you plan on doing now?" The blacksmith asked as I put my 200 gold and my table into my inventory.

"Stopping at a few more stores, and then heading out of town with the rest of the demons," I explained, and the blacksmith shook his head at me, looking at Lyra again.

"You are really serious about keeping them?" He asked, and I sighed. He talked about them like they were pets, but I wasn't here to try and change people's minds.

"Yeah," I said and left the store with my girls.

"People aren't really going to change that fast, I guess," Shelli said, but I shrugged, and ruffled Lyra's hair, making her look up at me with a smile. Nothing could chip that away it seemed.

"Yup, but that is why we are getting our things and going. I want to get back to the cave before sundown," I said, and Shelli stopped.

"We are going back to the cave? But what about the monsters that were left? Some of them, like the slimes, will have regenerated, the golem as well!" Shelli exclaimed, but I laughed.

"We will have a small army of demons with us, so I am not that worried," I said, but then a bolt of inspiration hit me, and I grabbed Shelli in excitement. "You said that golem would respawn, right?!"

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