Reincarnated as a mana core

Chapter 65

Argul quickly looked her status sheet over before she closed it again. Except for her level nothing much had changed, though the level alone would increase her overall mana production by a lot. The mana spread was going to be a lot faster than when it had stopped because of this. 

Argul changed her view to the tenth floor to one of the white Isolias and made sure that nothing was afflicted by the common blossoms right now. The birds had a habit of going wild after smelling them and the fluffels were even worse. She didn’t have a need for witnessing either of this right now.

Having made sure the tree was safe Argul relaxed her point of view under the mostly pink canopy. She still had some time before dawn and wanted to use it to plan a few things or rather how to continue her enchanting practice.

With the new technique Argul had something she had to train actively once again and she planned to especially focus on her precision concerning small and detailed enchantments in the near future. 

There was a problem with this however, because she needed materials for her training and Luna’s cutlery wouldn’t be enough to even last for a week. Argul couldn’t sneak her enchantments on the metal tools from the villagers in her domain for eternity either and buying large amounts of metal stuff on the market would seem pretty suspicious so that was out. 

Well, actually she could enchant the village's tools for as long as she wanted. They only had to start mining some of the ore veins in the mountain to craft more stuff made out of metal, but that wasn’t the point.

The material problem just meant she would have to start actually training with the other materials such as wood and wool too. It would increase the length of her estimated time until she reached her comfortable limit of her wisdom stat provided perception, but that was okay. 

Argul would also need to start and try out other enchantments, especially the ones that seemed pretty intent neutral such as mana absorption and intent shielding. The mana input she was currently using was one of them too and Argul wondered if it was possible to use a different mana liquid for them than for the main enchantment. Say she were to liquify mana with her own mana signature and use that for them, then Argul could differentiate them more from the main enchantment for example.

She sighed to herself. She had literally pretty much all of eternity to train, explore and discover and yet there were only 4 months left until Alyra’s first birthday. Argul really wanted to surprise her with something special, though surprising her daughter would be the most difficult part, not that she even believed it was possible in the first place.

She stayed under the tree for a good hour planning her training course before she transferred her consciousness back to her avatar. There was no use to her destroying large amounts of paper trying something out if she could train and test it on wood more safely beforehand.

Argul opened her eyes to the still dark room and yawned. It had started to dawn a bit later lately. This was likely the first sign for a change of seasons, though it wouldn’t change too much for this region. If the days were getting shorter now then Argul had come out of her domain during late spring and going by what Mia and Arthur had told them winter wouldn’t be cold. A good thing too, because Argul didn’t want to be on the road when it was freezing outside. She would craft them a house cart with her enchanting before that if she had to.

Argul created one of her lights underneath the ceiling and sat up. That spell felt very natural to her after all the enchanting, a sign that she could improve it again.

She looked around and smiled when she saw Mia sprawled over the bed with her head on Alyra’s belly. The girl was happily drooling in her sleep, making Aly’s fur wet in the process. If Argul had a phone or camera this would be one of the moments she would take a picture of.

She watched the two of them for a moment before she got up and stretched. Then Argul went over to Aina to dress herself for the day. The slime had built herself a nest out of all of Argul’s and Mia’s clothes and the two of them had to rummage through the thing to find their clothes every day. 

Argul was less annoyed by the nest than impressed by how the hell the slime had even built it. She was really curious about that, because she had just found their clothes like this one day with Aina sleeping on them, but had yet to see her build the thing.

Argul gave Aina a quick good morning hug before clothing herself, not caring much about the actual looks and more about herself feeling comfortable.

When she was done she petted the slime and went downstairs to get her some food. Argul still had to figure out if Aina was sapient and could do so just by asking her daughter, but she didn’t know if she wanted to know it. She was by no means treating Aina badly and didn’t want to change how she treated her, something that would definitely happen should Aina be aware.

In the kitchen Argul met Luna preparing breakfast and feeding Bubble. The room was illuminated by the deformed light ball of the rod of light. The two greeted each other and spoke about their plans for the day a bit before Argul went back to her room with a plate full of food for Aina.

She didn’t care to be silent, because she would wake up her two sleepy heads in a minute anyway. If Argul had been as cool as her father she would have come in singing and playing the guitar, but she was neither good at either of them nor did she have a guitar at the moment, so sadly that wouldn’t happen.

She had to smile at the memory of that though. Getting woken up like this was one of the most annoying ways she knew of, yet the method had a lot of style. She cherished these moments a lot in her mind, they were some of the best things that had happened to her in her last life.

Argul sat down Aina’s food next to the pile of clothes and helped the slime to get out of her nest before she turned to the bed.

Mia had rolled over to the space Argul had been in before and was hugging her blanket. Her tail twitched slightly whenever Argul took a step towards the bed so the girl was definitely awake. 

Alyra hadn’t moved at all and was still snoring, but she was likely just working on the system. With new things like gods popping up she had a lot of adjusting to do next to improving what was already there.

Argul was pretty sure her daughter had said that next to the god other things had been born by the intent too, but she shook the thought away for the moment. While she was indeed interested, her daughter not saying more about them meant that she wanted Argul to be able to find out for herself.

She sat down on the bed and poked the tip of Mia’s long tail. “Good morning.”

The girl groaned something into the bed sheet and tried to roll away, but Argul grabbed the blanket and pulled it and Mia over to herself. She caressed her foster niece's hair a bit. “It’s nearly time for breakfast sweety.”

Mia sighed and looked up. “Morning aunt.”

Argul smiled and petted the girl's head caringly before she got up. Mia wasn’t much of a talker right after waking up so she would give her the ten minutes she needed to completely wake up. Argul had someone else to occupy herself with anyway.

She walked around the bed to her daughter and prepared herself to hug the furry girl. Alyra stopped snoring and opened her eyes, immediately focusing on Argul. She tried to roll away, but Argul was faster and embraced her daughter tightly. “There is no getting away Aly.”

Alyra smiled toothily and put her forehead against that of her mothers, making their ears touch each other. “Good morning mother.”

Argul loosened her hug a bit and smiled at her daughter. “Good morning drool bed.”

Alyra squinted at her and was about to reply, but Argul put her finger on her daughter's lips to seal them. “Shh, it’s okay darling.”

She turned around and tapped her daughter's face with the tip of her tail. Alyra snorted in response. “Somebody seems to be in a good mood today.” Ohh, how right she was.

Mia looked at them skeptically while she brushed her hair. “What are the two of you even doing?” Well, nothing much except for messing around.

Alyra turned towards the girl and raised an eyebrow with a grin. “Jealous hmm?”

Mia stopped brushing herself and put her hands on her hips. “No?”

Argul went over to the girl and hugged her too. “Aww, but you don’t have to be.”

The red haired girl struggled for a moment before she managed to free herself and look at the mother daughter pair haughtily. “I am not!”

Then she blushed and turned away embarrassed. It was silent for a few minutes after that while Mia and Alyra made themselves ready for the day. 

When Mia was done straightening the fur of her tail with utmost care she turned to Argul again with a somewhat hopeful expression. “Do we really continue our travels in 3 months?”

Argul nodded. “Yeah, it’s better for us not to stay any longer than that here.” It would also free her of having to hide her enchanting ability, even if she wouldn’t have as much time for that during their journey to who knows where.

Mia smiled happily at the answer and Alyra looked at the girl in mock offense. “Don’t you trust my word?”

Mia stuck out her tongue and Alyra leaned a bit back while she put one hand over her heart. “I am hurt.”

Argul shook her head with a smile on her face. Nobody would guess they were some of the most powerful beings on the planet if he saw them right now, but she really liked it that way.

The three of them looked at each other and laughed before they went out of the room together with Aina, who had no idea about what was going on, because she didn’t know most of the words or human society.

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