Reincarnated as a mana core

Chapter 70

Argul sat on a random garden wall that offered a good overview over the fields to the east of Newport. On most fields the harvest had already begun and yet, despite it being a nice afternoon, today it was difficult to find even a single farmer working on them.

The same wasn’t true for the road leading to Sacra however. It was packed with people traveling to the neighboring city, planning to attend the sermon that was going to be held in a few days.

A teenager pointed at Argul and she refreshed her invisibility spell. There had been a few people already that had found her with their mana sense and that was quite alright. Her intention was just to not be seen by everyone and it was working quite well.

Argul followed the trail of people with her gaze. A lot of Newports citizens were attending the sermon and people had been leaving the city since early in the morning. Some of them were even traveling by horse or wagon, but there were only a few in between the others.

She sighed softly. Argul had expected a lot of people to attend the sermon, especially since most of them came from earth's western countries originally. The number of christians had been quite high because of that, but it looked like the church had gotten more followers in those last few months.

The thought made her wonder how the teleport locations for people had been chosen and what would happen in other regions once mana reached them.

Argul began to absentmindedly hum to herself. She had no clue what would happen in other locations and didn’t even know what would happen here in the next few days. The sermon would change a lot, that much was sure. It only left open if whatever was to come would be dangerous for her or rather Mia and Arthur. She doubted that anything happening on Erod would be dangerous for her for now. Once things had calmed down though, she shouldn’t think like that anymore.

Argul hopped down from the small wall and wandered into the city. All this thinking about the future was weird for her and definitely something she hadn’t done this much in her last life.

She took a detour to avoid getting near the marketplace and slowly made her way back to the inn. The city felt quite empty now that many had left for a few days. It was like the difference between night and day. 

Argul was still invisible so she went unseen by the few people still around. She couldn’t do much about the things that would happen and would just have to deal with them. At least she knew that she could always hide inside of her domain and continue her experiments there. She only wondered what to do with Mia in this case.

Argul sighed. Why was she even thinking about stuff like that right now?

She should be happy about her progress with enchanting and her contract skill instead. She had even changed the latter a bit and now continous completions of contracts would increase the amount of positive ranking points you got up to five.

Argul shook her weird mood away and entered the inn. Why worry about those things instead of doing the things she had fun doing?

Trevor POV

Trevor pulled the hood of his cloak deep into his face and looked at the six girls that had stayed with him until now. There was something about their new species that made it natural for him to have more than one woman. It felt normal on an instinctual level.

The others had all either left or he had rejected them. It was still important to him that they all loved each other and that their group of seven was working this well was already incredible in his opinion.

He grabbed the handle of the door. “Are you ready?”

The others all nodded so he opened the door and exited into a small side street. The sun was well on its way to dusk and Trevor had no intention to still be in the city by then.

They traveled down a planned path of sidestreets at a fast pace, making sure to hide their face from anyone passing them. 

Since a large part of the military had joined forces with the church two months ago things had become difficult for anyone that did not follow the rules of christianity.

He had been forced to quit his managing job which at the same time had been the end of most of the integration operation and all this because he had 6 lovely partners. It was really frustrating, but there hadn’t been much he could have done about it. Even more infuriating was that they had been under constant watch ever since.

To find a way out of this situation Trevor had started to search for the whereabouts of Argul. He wanted to offer his six women the best life possible and the large eared magician was their best bet in his opinion. She had been able to work with mana like it was the most natural thing and had accomplished more in the short time they had traveled together than the military had during the time he worked for them. Most importantly though, Argul would not bow to the church.

Trevor was aware that this was selfish of him, but it was a natural selfishness that he hoped Argul would be able to understand. He didn’t know her well, but from the few interactions they had, he remembered her to be rather understanding and open minded as long as you didn’t try to pull anything weird.

He rounded the corner into another sidestreet and ran into somebody much larger than him. Surprised, Trevor looked up into the face of one of the church's observers while he muttered an excuse. The tall man was equally surprised by him and didn’t immediately react. 

Bella, one of Trevor’s wifes, ran around him and kicked the observer into his crotch. The guy went whining to the ground where the other girls kicked him too for good measure. Trevor was left wincing every time he had to witness one of the nut breakers connecting to the man's private parts.

Bella took his hand and dragged him on. Her voice was barely a hiss. “C’mon we have to get going!”

Trevor nodded and focused back on the task at hand. She was right of course and he had just seen her do something he did not want to experience himself.

They left the whimpering mess of a man behind and increased their pace.

Rash POV

Rash tightened his grip around his spear in anger and disgust. They had been called demons and had been hunted to an unknown land. Now the fanatics were back, only that this time his village was ready for them.

They had prepared a crueling trap around the portal for the lunatics and once that had been mostly done they had even started to trap the birch forest too. These traps were of course equally cruel, but this was a life or death situation and they didn’t have much of a choice.

Still, Rash had been excited for the coming battle. An excitement that had only increased ever since they had been warned by the being of the land in such an ominous way. He just loved the thrill of danger.

Now however none of that excitement was left. Now everything he could do in his hate for these -, these monsters was holding himself back from running out of his cover and spearing the next best of them. The same thing was true for all of his comrades and the current mood was extremely dangerous.

A low hiss escaped Rash’s mouth as he watched the whip impacting the small child’s back once more. 

How naive they had been a few days ago when they had joked about matching the lunatics' cruelty with their traps. Now they knew better, now they knew that all those that had been killed back then had received some kind of mercy. The mercy of dieing quickly and not being tortured to death for the entertainment of those disgusting people.

Rash wondered how in the world it had come to this. How had people gotten away with calling others demons only to rape them, use them and make overall sure they would embrace death with open arms after being utterly defiled?

He didn’t know. 

It made him angry however, oh so angry. Rash didn’t care about the hundreds of soldiers that were in the camp he was currently looking at. He didn’t care about the soldiers that had never been sent after them, but he promised to himself that not a single one of them would leave the forest alive and he wasn’t the only one doing that.

The group slowly retreated back into the woods. They were 10 individuals, but now they had only one thought, only one goal on their mind: Meran. Would. Bleed!


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