Reincarnated as a mana core

Chapter 97

In the end it took Argul an ungodly amount of time to think of a design she liked. Like, she could whip up some spell in less than a minute if she wanted to, but she couldn’t design a bit of artistic decoration for a birthday present?!

She let out a sigh, though inwardly she was quite amused by herself. It didn’t really take that long, it just felt like days had past, but she was pretty sure it was still morning in Newport and the only reason she took more than a few hours at all was that she wasn’t satisfied with most of her ideas. Now though, she had something that she liked and hoped her daughter would like too.

The idea was in itself pretty simple. She had divided the plate of [Analyze] in multiple areas according to their function.

The bottom area, that would be held by the person and where one had to push their mana into the enchantment, Argul wanted to decorate with two cupped hands, one to the left and one to the right, forming a bowl of sorts, though there was a bit of space between the hands. This was meant to depict the offering of information, since that was the plate’s purpose and the person who inserted their mana was also the one who’s status would be shown in the end.

From the open hands circuit-like lines with small little circles every now and then would lead to the second area, the stone and mana storage in the middle of the plate. This part came pretty easy to Argul since the stone just screamed at her to be turned into an eye of sorts and, because the enchantment read a person's system information, an eye also fit.

The circuit-like lines led into or around the eye in straight lines and then past it until they reached the top of the wooden plate. Contrary to the bottom part, the top would be rounded down into a half circle. Here, Argul planned to carve a camera lens into the wood. From the center of said lens the enchantment would then project an illusion showing the person's status into the air. The lens would also be connected to every line.

The only thing left now was the backside of the plate. Argul could copy the front design, but then she would also have to make the enchantment project the status in both directions, which made things needlessly more complicated so she decided against this. Instead, she wanted to keep things simple with her circuit lines going from bottom to top where they congregate around the camera lens.

Argul was quite proud of her design, she had to admit. She wasn’t the most artistic inclined person so stuff like this normally didn’t turn out good.

Anyway, now she only had to do the carving, something she was sure she would mess up at least once, but she couldn’t expect everything to come as easy to her as magic, so all was well.

Not wanting to waste more time she transferred her consciousness back to her avatar and woke up with a yawn. She opened her eyes and looked around, with both them and her mana senses.

Unsurprisingly Mia and Alyra were already up and downstairs in the main room. She did take quite a bit longer today than usual after all.

Argul wasn’t quite sure if she should be offended or thankful that they didn’t wake her up, but decided to settle on the latter after a few seconds. There was no need to ruin her good mood with silly thoughts, even if she was quite good at it.

Getting up she quickly cast a [cleanse] on the bed and herself, before she grabbed the nearest clothes and put them on. That done she made her way over to the bath to brush her hair and get out all the knots. Sadly, her cleaning spell didn’t do that for her.

On the way to the bath she walked past the window and took a glance outside, stopping dead in her tracks at what she saw.

It was a cloudy and mildly warm day, nothing remarkable there and the mana and intent in as well as above Newport didn’t act unusual either. The same could not be said of Sacra though.

Massive clouds of red intent, the intent to claim, conquer and take away were floating above the city that was home to both the church and the army. The fact that she could not only see the intent, but also interpret it though, spoke volumes. There was only so much her stats did for the time being and this wasn’t even her main body, speaking off, she really should test if there are any differences between her core and her avatar.

Anyway, the fact that she could somewhat glimpse the meaning of those red clouds over such a large distance meant that something large was happening and going by the intent, it wasn’t hard to guess what was going on.

The military was marching with purpose.

Finally! Argul had already wondered how long it would take them to start establishing a country and establish some needed order. Now she only had to make sure they didn’t prove to be a problem for her and her family. Luckily, she could simply ask her daughter about that, perks of being the mom of an omniscient being!

Leaving the window behind, she entered the bathroom quietly musing to herself how and why the intent of conquering was red for her.

While Argul stood in her bathroom and brushed her hair the military finally acted, the army marched. Thousands of soldiers had left Sacra on their way to claim all settlements in their sphere of influence to establish their kingdom and begin to build the infrastructure needed to support their army.

Some villages and towns rejoiced at this as it meant order and safety for them, others such as Newport however, were anything but happy about this. They had been abandoned by the army and forced to take things into their own hands, but should bow their head to them now?

Yet, they couldn’t really do anything against the development. Their governments lacked the manpower to go against a professional army. It didn’t even matter that guns weren’t of much use anymore, for there was magic to take their place, magic that originated from a certain individual.

The smaller governments didn’t have the support of their populace either since the army was supported by the church and their god. Hence they could only submit or in the case of Newport negotiate for more preferable terms to avoid unnecessary bloodshot.

Thus, soldiers marched and claimed land with precious little casualties. Far to the north they went and far to the south they walked, confined only by the unknown in those directions, an enemy country full of lunatics to the east and an unknown country to the west. All this to found the country of Erdanien, a kingdom with centralized authority.

They were far behind their schedule though, much to the annoyance of the general turned king.

Not that there was much to do about that. Had nothing extraordinary happened after they had been transferred away from earth, he would have been king after 4 months. Only, that things weren’t meant to be this way and just after he had managed to unite the army, or in some cases disappear the opposition, mana had arrived and forced his hand, delaying the foundation of his kingdom for multiple months. Then he had to deal with the appearance of a real god of all things, delaying things even further.

“If only our weapons were still working.” The general often lamented to himself, but could do nothing but sigh and push the research of mana further.

Trevor, accompanied by his six wives, looked at the birch forest in front of him with some apprehension. 

Since the day they had been forced to flee Sacra a few things had happened, things that had overthrown his plans of meeting up with Argul in Newport. He had gotten a quest by the system to go deep into the eastern birch forest to a specific point. Apparently people were there and would welcome him and his wives.

Yet, normally, that wouldn’t have been enough to dissuade him. For one the system was an unknown, something that he wasn’t sure could be trusted and he could have still visited Argul before doing this weird quest.

All that changed however, when he suddenly got a multitude of knowledge. Knowledge that for some reason he knew was 100% true. It showed him visions of mana rolling over the earth, of nature changing, all things he had seen himself, but then it also showed him animals that began to absorb mana and became completely crazed, attacking anything alive around them. Even worse though, was that they grew stronger with every waking moment and hungered for more mana the longer they lived, mana that just so happened to be inside of living beings in higher quantities and densities than in the air.

Thus, a sense of urgency settled in his gut, driving him towards the goal of this quest as fast as possible and that meant he wasn’t able to meet up with Argul. Whatever it was that the system wanted of him, he was sure it had something to do with the horrific animals.

Looking each of his wives into the eyes and getting a nod from everyone, he steeled his resolve and entered the forest, marking the last few days of their journey.

They could have been faster, but some idiot had trapped the entire forest. At least the system warned him about them and even subtly led him around them. Still, he couldn’t help but be on edge which made his feathers puff up, making him seem larger than he was and earning him chuckles from his wives.

God, he loved them. Hopefully they would be safe wherever it was they were going.

Here is a 'little' update of the map of Aradur (the continent on Erod Argul is currently on). The only thing missing is country names and roads, the latter I will add with the names and the former I will either work over some time or fill out with suggestions from you guys.

Have a nice day^^


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