Reincarnated as a Phoenix

Chapter 18 – Priestess

---(Added) This is the last the mage properly appears for a while, she's meant to be a bitch. You'll understand once you read---


“Let’s get back onto the matter at hand, shall we?”

The prince tries to regain control of the room but with me and the mage, that’s never going to be an easy thing.

“My apologies Alistair but Ikarus is someone who thrives with discipline, she needs to know when and what she’s done wrong to improve”

‘I regret coming here now, dying slowly might have been a better alternative then dealing with this mage’

The mage gives me a slight death stare after she finishes, she didn’t read my mind, right?

“Leave it for now, will you Leone?... Ikarus, you can take a seat if you wish”

(Leone) “Hmph”

“Fine fine”

The conference room isn’t exactly large, the table only seats eight chairs and is similar in size to the prince’s study. Everyone was already sitting down and I go to join them.

“I’ve invited Lotte and called Leone from active duty here since these two are easily some of the best sources of information for things like this”

‘Active duty? Was Leone in battle fighting? She must have gotten here pretty quickly then’

(Charlotte) “We have already been discussing it for a little while and we think your ailment can be cured”

(Leone) “Not think, it definitely can be cured”

“Well great, how do I cure the curse then?”

An uncomfortable silence filled after my question, none of the people in the room particularly wanted to answer.

“You see Ikarus-sama… we have a rough idea on how to achieve such a task, the problem is actually achieving it”

“We know what to do, it’s just getting there isn’t particularly easy”

Both Charlotte and Alistair seem reluctant to give me an answer, this is slightly irritating. Thankfully, Leone isn’t as reluctant.

“I’ll just come out and say it since you two are delaying, you need to conquer dungeons”


“Yes Ikarus, dungeons. Unironically, the cure for any power imbalances has always been additional power, it for some reason seems to balance it out. Dungeons have always provided power”

‘Aesa, do you have a clue what Leone is on about? This is stupid’


Well at the very least, I think she means fantasy style dungeons with floors and levels, stuff like that. Not the dungeon you get arrested and tortured in. If it’s fantasy dungeons, then that sounds like a fun adventure. The other, that really doesn’t sound as fun.

(Leone) “This is down to Charlotte we have this information”

(Alistair) “Yeah, this type of thing could have taken a lot longer is she wasn’t here”

“Don’t thank me, thank our Lord and saviour for this information”

Okay, I’m getting a little tired of succubus-sama’s God talk now, I don’t have a problem with religion, I just don’t like it being brought up all the time. I’ll try and ignore it for now.

“You say dungeons, how many exactly?”

“Ten, the Lord himself confirmed as much with me”

The Lord confirmed with her? Is she mad? I can’t ignore it.

“Erm… what is she on about?”

I take a confused look towards the mage; she probably knows what crap she’s spewing.

“Charlotte is similar to you; she also has voice inside her head”

“I’ve already told you before, it isn’t just a voice, it is the Lord himself. He gave me the information for this cure”

“Wait a second, you mean the information for this cure is from a voice you hear inside your head?”

The calm and reserved priestess started looking a little stressed out from my questioning, I don’t think she likes explaining the whole thing. The prince ends up answering for her.

“Lotte’s information has always proven reliable. If she says conquering dungeons will find you the cure Ikarus, then I would bet the fate of the entire empire on her. I probably will have too as well”

The prince seems really confident on this, his smile has returned as well.

So, that’s just great then. I’m betting my life on someone who hears voices. I understand the irony that I also rely on a voice inside my head but system doesn’t just make stuff up from thin air. Actually, it kind of does, I’m just being a bit sceptical.

[<Aesa agrees with target -Charlotte->]

‘You actually believe her!? Maybe I should be a bit more open minded. I’ll try not fixating on her voice then’

“So hypothetically… if a cure can be found by beating ten dungeons, then what’s the problem? Are they insanely difficult to beat?”

(Alistair) “That’s not the issue”

(Leone) “The issue isn’t actually clearing them; the issue is finding them in the first place. The ones that have been cleared can normally be beaten with a small party”

So, dungeons aren’t that much of a challenge then? That’s… a little disappointing. Dungeons are supposed to be challenging, right?

(Alistair) “In the thousand years this empire has existed, we have only ever come across nine. All but one have been completed…”

Shit, I haven’t got a thousand years left to spare. This isn’t good at all.

“… You don’t need to look so worried though, we’ve never had any particular need to look for them till now. Since the reward this time is worth it, we should have a lot more motivation to locate them”

I think he means the reward my father mentioned, his smile has just dropped as well. It must be really serious.

“Didn’t the mage just literally say dungeons provide power though?”

“It’s… difficult to explain. It only provides power to the people who actually can harness it, every dungeon that had been cleared has always been underutilized”

(Leone) “What Alistair is saying is that they always go to waste, the only people who can harness dungeon rewards are either heroes or certain rare individuals. You might fall into that category Ikarus”

“Why hasn’t this last one been completed then?”

“Because… the reward is abysmal”

“I agree with him. Having seen what the reward is with my own eyes, it’s not worth it”

They both look really disheartened while responding, the reward for the uncompleted dungeon must be trash.

Okay… so let me get this straight then. I think there talking about two different things though. It seems like there’s a crappy reward which normal people can obtain and a power reward which only a select few people can get. I might be in the latter then since Leone just said, that reward must contain power and something related to my curse. Just need to get through ten of them first.

Honestly, this entire thing is just stupid, I’m just going to go with it and stop overthinking about it all, it’s giving me a headache.

“*Sigh*… this information you get still seems slightly lacking. I mean, how does this even work? Is the cure an ability or something like a vial that I need to drink? Your God doesn’t seem to explain much”

I take a confusing look towards succubus-sama now.

“It’s hard to explain Ikarus-sama. All I have been told is that upon completion of ten dungeons, the Lord will give you his blessings and rid you of the curse”

“That may work for me but what about my brother, I’m not here just for myself”

Can’t forget about Minos, I’m not just looking for a cure just for myself. I know he doesn’t actually have dragon descendant but still, better safe than sorry.

“He also says your little brother Minos will be able to receive his blessing”

“Did you tell her about Minos, mage?”

“Alistair did but no-one mentioned his name though”

Okay, I’ll choose to believe her for now then. As for the voice she hears, I’m unsure if it’s from a God but it definitely is from someone who definitely has access to information, it could be a system but the way she goes on about it makes me think different.

“Is there anything else I need to know then?”

“Hmm… I think that covers nearly everything. If there’s anything else, Lotte will be able to tell you the journey there. Oh, and I’ll command knight Nathan to join you as well”

“I would have joined you but I’ve got to start looking for other dungeons, there’s only so much Charlotte’s voice tells her. Captain Jekyll will also be leading an investigation for them”

So, all the named NPCs I know are working together in searching for a cure. I really shouldn’t call them NPCs though. Wait, only three people to conquer a dungeon? This doesn’t seem like a good idea, massive red flag incoming.

“Me, Nathan and succubus-sama. This seems like a terrible idea”

“I can assure you Ikarus, Lotte is the strongest fighter in the empire. There is no-one more suited for this task. As for Nathan, he needs more experience out in the world so I want to assign him to guard you”

“I only act upon God’s will, there is no need for such praise”

I guess the priestess’s stats are stupidly high though, having her keeping me safe isn’t the worst thing if I can withstand her religious crap. Once again, I’m levelling myself using other extremely high-level people like my parents when I first started grinding up my level, I don’t like having to rely on other people but I really have no choice at the moment. Even I’m getting a little tired of it now.

“I’m unsure on the knight though, he’s doesn’t exactly seem best suited for a task like this”

The mage looked irritated by my comment.

“You seriously underestimate him Ikarus. Don’t forget, he literally saw his entire life burn down in front of his eyes and still has the strength to face the creatures responsible for it”

“Leone does have a point, he’s a lot stronger than he appears”

They’re probably right, maybe I shouldn’t just focus only on stats and level then. For all I know, the knight might be a master swordsman. I really can’t understand why he would have been guarding a prison cell originally if he was though.

As we were finishing everything off and the prince sends someone to tell Nathan what was going on, I was just about to leave the room when someone stopped me.

“Aren’t you forgetting something Ikarus?”

“Erm… I don’t think so”

“Don’t think you’re getting away that easily”

Damn this sadistic woman! I thought I got away with it, her memory is unfair!


“This has to be, the stupidest thing I have ever done”

“You should really learn to think before you speak Ikarus if you don’t like punishments like this”

“Are you sure such a punishment is fair? The lord will punish her if he deems it fit”

“Oh, just shut it succubus-sama. Doing this is bad enough, listening to your religious crap just makes it even worse”

You want to know what she’s got me doing. I’m kneeling down on all fours and she’s sitting on my back. Even I didn’t think she was this much of a sadist. I swear, this is a punishment that people with a specific fetish use.

“Damn it mage, this isn’t even a normal punishment. You’re just using me as an excuse to act out your dark fantasy’s”

I can’t see her face from where I’m bent down but I know for a fact she would have gotten pissed from my complaining.

“You think this is some fetish thing? Ikarus, your heart is tainted as well as your mind. You really need to reflect on yourself”

I swear, she’s getting worse. I don’t care if she’s my teacher, this is going too far.

“This is over the line mage, even for you”

“Would you rather this for ten minutes or sit facing a wall for two hours?”


Okay, I’d rather this then be put in a time out, especially one that lasts twice as long. Once I’m stronger than her, I’m not putting up with her crap any longer.

“That’s what I thought… you two can leave if you want, we’re not going anywhere”

“We’ll erm… wait a bit”

“We have to leave with Ikarus-sama anyway, waiting a little bit is fine”

This stupid masochistic woman! Doing this isn’t embarrassing enough but it doesn’t help that there are people literally walking past us right now. Couldn’t she have chosen a more discreet location other the main street in the city?

At least she’s leaving after this, won’t have to deal with her shit for a while. I don’t care if she taught me magic, her personality is terrible. Hope she steps on a plug.


“So, succubus-sama, what’s your story?”

While we were making out way out of the city and the punishment had long ended, I just wanted to start some small talk. The knight seems to be in his own little world right now knowing that he gets to travel with the priestess so she’s the only person I can realistically speak with.

“I do have a name Ikarus-sama”

Obviously, the fact that she’s a succubi isn’t that big of a secret then. I can understand why she might be a little annoyed by me calling her it though.

“I know but I can’t help myself, just let me get it out of my system and I should stop eventually. Your story?”

“I prefer to not talk about my younger days. If it wasn’t for the Lord’s guidance and wisdom, I never would have found true salvation”

I take back what I thought earlier, she isn’t a fake priestess at all. She may be a succubus but she really believes what she’s saying, her entire personality is about religion. I can’t see this getting irritating fast, not being sarcastic at all.

While I’m speaking to the priestess, someone stumbles into me and I just can’t help myself.

“Oi, watch where you’re walking. You blind as a bat or something?”

You know that exact moment when you say something so dumb, your soul feels like it wants to leave the body? That how I felt after saying that.

“Blind as a bat… heh, don’t think I’ve heard that one before”

A long dark-haired woman was the culprit behind it and the issue is, she actually was blind, both her pupils were grey and faded. I literally feel like the worst person in the entire world right now, even the priestess and the knight both give me disappointed looks.

“Damn it, I’m really sorry. I didn’t know”

[<-User- still hasn’t learnt to think before speaking>]

‘Must you comment on everything!? I feel bad enough as it is’

“It’s fine, found it pretty funny if I’m being honest. Most people tend to watch what they say about my blindness, it’s refreshing that you’re different…”

Okay, I am a terrible person. I really feel like shit.

“… I must point out you do have a strange scent though”

“Wait, do I smell bad or something?”

I look towards both the knight and succubus-sama and none of them give me an answer, I literally bathed earlier before getting arrested. I shouldn’t smell bad.

“No, nothing like that. It’s just strong after all”

I have a strong smell? I think she is telling me I smell. I’ll allow it though since I just insulted a blind person.

“Seeing that I basically just insulted you, I won’t argue. Blame the bathhouse I used earlier. Oh, and the prison cell I was in”

I just told a random stranger I was in a prison cell, didn’t I? I really need to learn to filter out what I’m saying, the mage might have a point.

“Heh, I really should be heading on my way; it was nice bumping into you”

She gives of a little smile while responding and then heads off leaving.

“Was that a strange encounter or was that just me?”


“God does work in mysterious ways”

“Was it? I can’t really tell”

These two are useless, it says a lot the only person I’m actually happy talking to right now is a voice in my head.

As we’re about to set off once again, succubus-sama had to speak up.

“Ikarus-sama, before we leave the city, I need to get some supplies”

“If you’re thinking about food and stuff like that, I already have a stupid amount of that type of stuff on me”

I’m getting a little impatient now, you can blame Leone for this. Her punishment took long enough as it was. Not the time, just it was mentally draining. I just want to leave now.

“You are not really carrying anything though?”

“She carries an enchanted ring. It’s all stored inside it”

“Oh, that makes sense then. I need to stop for some things beforehand though”

She seems a little uncomfortable about something while speaking to Nathan, I really have no idea why though.

“What do you desperately need though? I thought everything was already sorted out in the palace”

Both the priestess and the knight already have fur backpacks on, supplies were basically sorted out before we left the palace. Even the stuff I was given like a fur tent and other survival-based stuff, I just chucked it all in my ring. I don’t even need a tent though; I can just sleep in a tree when travelling. Already done it when I was making my way over to the city with the knight.

“You see… it’s approaching that time of the month and I’m not exactly stocked up if you understand my meaning”

“Hang on… you’re actually fertile!?”


This comment really made her uncomfortable; I know I’m a little blunt but succubi are supposed to be infertile and need a certain type of body fluid to survive, at least that’s from the legend I know. Nathan didn’t seem to understand what we were on about though.

“How old do you think I am?”

Oh, she thought I was calling her old, nothing about her being a succubus. Maybe succubi are different from what I know in this world then.

“Judging from your level… I have no idea. Hundreds perhaps?”

“My level? I’m sorry, I’m unsure what you mean. If you only want my age, I’m twenty-seven”


“You don’t have to look so shocked Ikarus, priestess-sama is the youngest priestess the empire has ever had”

“Please knight, call me Charlotte”

“Then please call me Nathan as well then”

Okay, there’s some sneaky business going down. Her level is five hundred, that’s way too high for someone who’s only their twenties. She couldn’t have killed that much in this little amount of time, unless she’s got a secret ability like my contract killer EXP thing.

‘Her level is too high, isn’t it Aesa?’

[<Agreed. Target -Charlotte- should not be 500. Aesa is also confused>]

She clearly has gotten her EXP from other means than killing then, I wonder how succubi get EXP from other means? There’s one obvious way judging from her species, I really don’t want to think about it though.

‘I guess that might be why she doesn’t want to discuss her past. Aesa, you have any idea when I might be getting what other women gets? The thing that happens every month or so?’

It’s a scary thought, I really don’t want to be having times of the months. It shouldn’t be for a while hopefully, I’m not even two yet.

[<-User- will never be like humanoid species. -User- will lay eggs after an unknown amount of time>]

‘I’m going to lay eggs!?... That’s freaking sweet! How have I only just realized that? I can have omelette or poached egg anytime I want!’

[<-User- definitely has cannibalistic tendencies>]

‘Chickens sometimes eat the own eggs; you’ll be surprised just how many birds are cannibals’ system’


(Temporary Perspective Change)

‘To think… she would be the culprit’

Been visiting this city for several days now, I just couldn’t get that strange scent out of my mind. It’s kinda funny, the only time I stop looking, I wonder into the person who is the reason behind it.

This blindness of mine can prove problematic at times but it had nothing to do with this, there’s always other ways to see what’s ahead of you.

‘She is slightly interesting though; I wonder if our paths will cross again’

If fate dictates it, we should meet again. I just hope she doesn’t have to meet the others beforehand; they can be a little much to handle.

‘I wonder… where abouts on Earth did she come from?’

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