Reincarnated as a Phoenix

Chapter 6 – Human

"Num, num, nu- *Yawwnnnn*"

What happened? Where am I? Not this again.

'What kind of strangeness is going on here?'

I awaken in a large bed in a bedroom fit for a royal. Seriously though, the room looked like something out of a painting or a palace. There was so much expensive crap in here that my first thought was to see how much I could sell it for. I wonder if I was a thief in a previous life?

But that isn't even the strangest part, I'm a human again.

'Don't tell me that was all a dream?'

Yeah, everything I've experienced in the last year gets wiped out in seconds, that's the kind of thing writers love to do, isn't it?

Oh God, I'm actually scared that might be the case now.

I get myself up off the bed to have a look around when I encounter a large mirror in front of me.

'Ah, good. I haven't gone back to my original human body, I'm in the body of a female'

'I might be an idiot, why does that make it better!?'

Getting surprised, I start looking at my appearance in the mirror. Reddish-orange long flowing hair, blood red eyes, long white nightgown, small to average breasts and a black choker around my neck. Whoever's body I'm in, it's beautiful.

'Why do I have a chok- no, don't focus on that! System, are you there?'


'Whose body is this?'


'You don't know system?'

[<-User- is incredibly stupid>]

'Damn it system, you don't have to be such a dick. I thought it might be my body but I got told a human form is impossible right now. Do you know why I look like this?'

[-User- has enchanted piece of clothing on>]

'Enchanted piece of clothing? The choker, right?'


So, someone must have put this on me while I was in bird form? It must rescale then since my neck is now smaller than it was when I was a bird.

Looking at myself in the mirror again, I start getting flustered from my appearance. I just look that good.

'I can't stop looking at myself, I'm becoming a narcissist'

Seriously though, this appearance I couldn't make any better if I tried. It wasn't insanely beautiful but to me, this was ideal. Like my parents' human bodies seemed to fit their dragon looks, this just seemed to perfectly suit my phoenix body.

'I'm embarrassing myself now, I've got to stop'

I shake my head and stop looking at the mirror, my face must be as red as a tomato right now. I've got to stop thinking about myself. Need to force myself to think about something stupid.

'Ummm… my gender! Ah damn it, I really miss my manhood! Why is this world so cruel to me? My little buddy is never coming back. Looking like this is absolutely terrible, why must I endure such a terrible curse?'

If it isn't obvious, everything that was just thought is sarcastic.

'Shut it! I might have a split personality'

Anyway, as I'm having a serious gender crisis, a man enters into the bedroom with a maid behind him. He doesn't even knock as well though.

"Morning! It's a pleasure we finally get to meet. Did you sleep okay?"

Blonde short hair, green eyes, royal styled white clothing and has an imposing look to him. The maid had ear length black hair with a traditional style maid costume on.

The thing about the maid though is that she wasn't actually human. She had black cat ears, greenish-yellow feline eyes and a long thin black tail. Thing is though, this wasn't that surprising to me since both my parents had told me about different kinds of beast races beforehand. Oh, can't forget, there are also elves in this world as well. I bet elves look cool.

'Phew, it's good my preferences haven't changed though'

I think this because I feel absolutely nothing looking at him, he's the type of guy I could imagine dozens of women swooning over. Thankfully, I'm still very much into women. Wait, shouldn't I be into birds or dragons now? Oh, forget it, I'm being stupid again.

There is a slight problem that might arise though, I don't think anyone can compare to how I look, I'm not even exaggerating. I guess the maid is a little cute but I look way better. Okay, I have become a narcissist. I'm going to fluster myself again if I keep this up.

"W-Why am I here?"

"My men told me you could talk but actually hearing you speak… is something else"

He's a perve, isn't he? He's even got that pervert smile and seems unnecessarily happy. Why else would I be here if he wasn't?

"To answer your question, I have quite the interest in anima-"

"That's disgusting"

I blurt that out with a disgusted look on my face without thinking.

"Ahahahahaha… no no, I don't mean like that. You're quite an intelligent bird, aren't you?"

"Stop complimenting me and get to your point"

I'm starting to get annoyed with this guy. I know how good I am, stop complimenting me and give me a proper answer. I'm becoming arrogant as well now.

"Fine fine then. I have an interest in acquiring and collecting different and rare animal species"

"You mean like a zoo?"

"A zoo? I don't believe I've ever heard of that term"

For God's sake, I'm not explain to him what a zoo is. He and his smile are both irritating me even more. As for the maid, she's just chilling behind us not saying a word or making an expression kind of like a doll.

"*Sigh*… Can you please just explain to me what going on then?"

I facepalm while sighing, this guy is tiring, I know I'm a little impatient but still.

"Okay then. Can you remember what happened in the forest?"

"Yes. You tried to capture me and my brother"

"That dragon was your brother? Why does a rare species of bird have a dragon for a brother?"

I shouldn't have said that, the thing is, if I tell him I'm a one of kind collectable phoenix, then more problems might happen. I'll change the subject and ask something else.

"It's a little complicated. Anyhow, why did I become human and how did you get me here?"

I already know the answer to the first question but it seems like something I would ask if I didn't have my system. The second I'm a little confused on.

"I'll start with the second question since it makes more sense to answer that first. A big carriage carried you from the forest to my home"

I feel like he emphasized the word big there, I'll ignore it since he's not pressuring me on my species but I don't like it still.

"As for the second question, you'll find that enchanted collar upon your neck is the reason. I personally crafted it and had to give it you once I heard you could speak"

"H-Hang on a s-second, how did I get clothed after it got put on?"

Of course, I stutter because I'm thinking about myself naked, just stop it brain! Doesn't that mean he also saw me naked?

"Ah, this is a good time to introduce my maid since that was her work. Say hello Kia! She is also an animal in human skin just like you"

She says nothing but just nods her head.

'Wait a second, she's an animal? Status'

[Name: Kia  |  Species: Panther  |  Level: 71]

[Health    5,085/5,650]

[Stamina 4,117/5,000]

[Magicka 0/0]

[You currently have 500 unused points]

'Hang on, when did I level up? Ah forget it, there's too much going on right now. Need to check the guy's status as well'

[Name: Blake  |  Species: Human  |  Level: 163]

[Health    7,100/7,100]

[Stamina 7,892/8,100]

[Magicka 1,100/1,100]

[You currently have 500 unused points]

'Damn it, his stats are too high and he probably knows magic even if its low. Need another approach then fighting my way out'

After the status disappears, he conveniently continues.

"Unfortunately, she cannot speak and is as dumb as a mule. One of the side effects from using a slave crest to tame and calm a wild animal"

"Slave crest?"

"Interested? I'll show you what it's capable off. Kia, down!"

Then the cat like maid goes down on all fours. Looking at this, I start to get slightly anxious that might end up being me.

'System, would that slave thing work on me?'

[<Negative, R.P system -users- cannot be magically enslaved>]

'Phew. I assume the choker isn't related then?'


Sensing my slight fear, he tries to reassure me and still keeps his pervert smile going on.

"You don't need to worry! The thing is, since you're able to speak, I don't wish to turn you into a brainless husk like my other servants. Kia, you can stand now"

The maid stands back up.

He wants to turn me into one of his servants, doesn't he? He is into animals but it just isn't as perverse as I first thought. I'm still really irritated and want to kick him in the crotch though.

"If you think I'm becoming your servant, you have another thing coming buddy"

"Really? And what would that be?"


"Are you threating me, little bird?"

The atmosphere in the room turns bad and he drops his smile after that. Despite this, I'm now going to tell him the ace up my sleeve.

"I have no need for threats. I just want to point out that I was raised by a family of dragons and once they know where I've been taken, they won't be pleased"

If I keep relying on my parents for everything, then I know I'll probably become a spoilt brat. The problem right now though is that I don't know if my kicking strength carries over into human form and if I'd be able to fight him even at full strength. I have no choice but to rely on them.

"I… don't believe you"

"You don't believe me!? Your men literally caught me freeing a dragon. How stupid can you be?"

His face really got irked at being called stupid, that really must have pissed him off. He quickly puts back on a fake smile and continues.

"Just because you were caring for a young dragon doesn't mean I'm going to believe that a family of dragons would adopt a chubby orange bird"

'Chubby!? He literally just called me little a second ago! I'm going to kill hi-'

[<G.A.P suggests -user- should calm themselves and evaluate situation>]

'Damn it, I know you're right system. I can't take the risk but being called chubby makes me want to peck out his eyes'

Calming myself from that comment, I briefly then respond to him.

"It doesn't matter what you think is true or not because I've only told you the truth. I'll also repeat myself again, there is zero chance I'm going to become your servant, capiche?"

I would have been a bit more careful with my words if I knew that slave thing would work but since system seems adamant it won't, that threat will hold no wait if he uses it.

"We're in no rush to decide. There's a perfectly comfortable spot down in the dungeon for you to live until you make up your mind"

"Turning to torture now, little man?"

"Have no need for such a barbaric thing. I reckon trapping a bird in a cage will get you chirping for help pretty quickly. Guards"

I guess being called a little man didn't irritate him, kind of hoping it would.

After this is said, a handful of knights or guards come into the room. I don't have the chance to check their levels but really don't think fighting here is a good idea.

"Don't worry, I'll come with you and make sure you get into your temporary home safety!"

Damn it, this guy is annoying.


"Oh, I forgot to mention something as well. That thing on your neck won't come off. Enjoy some your time down here, there will be a guard outside the door so call when you want to give up!"

The man and the knights leave me alone to my own devices. The thick heavy door slams behind them and the sound of keys locking the door is then heard.

I'm currently in a small dimly lit dungeon prison cell. Everything is either made of metal or steel. In the cell, all I have is a stone bed and a wooden bucket, this cell is so basic that there's not even a barred window for light to get in. Outside the cells metal bars, I can see shackles, restraints and torture equipment.

'I thought he said he had no need for torture, maybe it's to try and scare me?'

This place is in the basement of that fancy building which I was just in meaning this dungeon is probably that perverts.

'System, was he right about the choker?'

[<Negative. Enchanted equipment can be removed with surge of magical energy>]

'So, since I don't know magic, that means I can't remove it myself then?'


'Don't go quiet!? Just say yes, or no?'

[<-User- is unable to remove enchanted equipment>]


I'm going to be stuck down here for a while now, aren't I? If my parents were true in being able to find my scent, then they should be able to find me leading to this city. But what if they were lying? Parents always lie to their kids because it protects them. I just really hope that isn't the case now.

No, no, there's no way they would lie to me, right? Even if they did lie, they could just destroy every city and town till they find me. That's not a pleasant idea.

'At the very least, I've got you to get me through this, don't I system?'

[<G.A.P is unfortunately stuck with -user->]

'Love you too, you annoying piece of shit'


'Hey system, I killed someone earlier, didn't I?'


With everything going on, I was completely distracted, didn't have the time to reflect on it yet. It's kind of making me feel a bit sick thinking about it, had no choice but to do it though, he attacked me first. I needed to protect Minos at all costs, he's too innocent for all this.

I go to sit down on the bed and try to distract myself since I'm feeling distressed now.

'Errmm… Oh, I need to check that. Status'

[Name: Ikarus  |  Species: Phoenix  |  Level: 9]

[Health    2000/2000]

[Stamina 1344/1500]

[Magicka 500/500]

[You currently have 500 unused points]

'Does stress reduce your stamina as well? System, don't answer that. I'd rather know why I levelled up when I wasn't close to nine yet?'

[<G.A.P is unsure. Needs to run system check for answer. Scan may take a while>]

'A system check? That's new'


While the system is looking for an answer, I put an additional five hundred points in stamina.

[Stamina 1344/1500] [+500]

[Are you sure you wish to confirm?]

[Yes or No]

'A confirmation message? I guess it's because I'm doing it manually. System normally does it for me'

I press yes and the points get distributed into stamina. Once they have been added, the system scan finishes.

[<G.A.P has found answer. -User- has revealed sub-system ability -contract killer->]

'Contract killer?'

[<When -user- kills human species, -user- gains 10% of human's level>]

'The guy I killed was level sixt- wait a minute, that makes no sense at all. This would go against the way EXP has been working thus far'

[<G.A.P agrees with -user-. Ability -contract killer- works differently to EXP gained by ignoring -user's- level>]

'By ignoring my level? Let me get this straight then, if I kill a creature that is level one hundred, I would gain ten levels? My level has no effect on the result?'

[<-Partially correct. Contract killer- is only applicable to killing humanoid species. Elf and beast races included>]

'Urgh… this levelling system does my head in. Basically, to summarize, killing high level humans as well as elves and beast races is really good for quickly levelling?'


'The why has this onl- No, I know why it's just now unlocked. It's because I killed someone'


'It really is cold down here'

I'm still in the cell sitting on the bed with my arms hugging my legs, still with the nightgown on. The dungeon is surprisingly cold and the thin piece of clothing doesn't help that much.

It's been maybe a few hours? I'm not sure, I've just been chatting with system for most of it.

Then without warning, a clattering can be heard at the door. Unfortunately, it's only a guard unlocking the door.

He enters holding a wooden plate of fruits and bread as well as a large cup of water.

"I'm sorry for how the lord is treating you. He really isn't that bad once you get past his quirks"

"Quirks? I guess locking me down here in this shithole is another quirk then?"

That response was a little feisty if I'm being honest, I'm not holding up very well. My claustrophobia is always on edge being in here and if it wasn't for me distracting myself with system, I might have already begged to leave.

"He will eventually calm down and let you out, he can just get a bit grumpy when he feels insulted"

"Let me go? He was telling me abou-"

I forcibly get myself cut short also getting thrown off the bed to the ground after feeling the ground rapidly start shaking. The guard also gets knocked over and the food and drink he was holding goes everywhere.

"Ah damn it, is that an earthquake?"

"No… That's something, much, much worse"

I've felt that feeling once before. The guard now looks worried and even I have a slight worry on my face.

"I warned that guy this would happen. By God, I did warn him"

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