Reincarnated as a Red Dragon, Discipline Makes Me Stronger!

Chapter 18

Chapter 18: Little Dragon! Submit to Me!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Rafik raised his greatsword with the hopes of blocking the ballista shot with it.

However, the ballista bolt contained enough firepower to slay dragons!

It could easily pierce the scales that the dragons were so proud of, let alone a plate armor made by humans!

The sound of the greatsword intercepting with the crossbow bolt unleashed a huge shockwave.

It sent yellow sand flying everywhere!

“What amazing firepower.”

Yellow sand fell from the sky, and a thin veil of yellow had surrounded the site of contact.

Within the yellow rain of sand, however, the human warrior still had not fallen.

His figure slowly approached Max.

Max could not help but be awed by the human warrior.

The bolt had pierced through the greatsword, and it had even shattered it.


After all, it was merely the bane of Red Dragons. In terms of sturdiness, there was much to be desired.


The crossbow bolt that pierced through the greatsword has also left a gaping hole in the human warrior’s body.

Through this huge hole, Max was able to witness the scene behind him.

Max had succeeded. The human swordsman was already doomed.

However, the swordsman did not collapse obediently. He dragged his body with his last dredges of strength, and staggered towards Max.

“You… Pay… Greatsword…”

Even in his final moments, the human swordsman was still muttering about his greatsword.

Max watched from afar. He wanted to confirm that these cunning humans were really dead before searching their corpses.

However, even from such a distance, Max could clearly see that the greatsword had shattered.

‘What a pity.’

‘But the ruby on it might still be usable.’

In a way, rubies were a form of currency among the dragons. After all, no normal Red Dragon would reject rubies.

Of course, Max was an exception.

Animals would die for their food, whereas dragons would die to retain their wealth.

Through his inherited memories, Max had seen many instances where the dragons had paid with their lives just to protect their treasure. Max had no desire of repeating their mistakes.

At this point, he had already killed two dangerous adventurers in a row to protect his sister, Mia.

Mia was also a silly little dragon. After listening to Max’s order to continue flying, she had really done so without ever looking back.

Under the moonless sky, Mia’s figure was only a small outline.

Max could not help but feel gratified.

The two adventurers they encountered were professional dragon-slayers. Even his mother, Agatha, might not be able to do anything about it.

As such, the fact that he had managed to defeat both of them was truly a great feat.

Although the methods he employed were rather dirty, Max had no other choice as his opponents were far stronger than him.

Clap, clap, clap.

Max suddenly heard the sound of applause coming from behind him.

He suddenly looked back and saw an old man with a gray beard standing in the desert, clapping his hands.

“Well done, little dragon.”

After running for a while, Tahir suddenly slowed down and allowed his two party members to surpass him.

After all, his body was already old and he could not withstand long periods of physical activity.

Moreover, the matter of receiving the spoils of war did not employ the first come, first served concept.

Even if he were the first to kill the Dragon Hatchling first, so what?

Among the three of them, Tahir was the strongest. As such, he did not mind showing off his powerful strength to obtain the largest portion of the spoils.

However, what Tahir did not expect was that Carvella and Rafik were already dead.

One had to know that the three of them had gathered together to fight the rumored dragon in the north.

Along the way, many people begged them to kill the dragon, and they had also received a lot of commission fees

The wealth obtained for killing the dragon was enough for Tahir to spend the rest of his life in peace.

In a way, their party was formed with the specific goal of slaying the rumored dragon of the north.

No ordinary dragon would pose a threat to them, and at worst, they would only feel slightly pressured against Ancient Dragons.

However, both of his party members had died at the hands of a Dragon Hatchling!

Tahir looked at the Dragon Hatchling in front of him with great interest.

He had encountered countless dragons throughout his life, be they Ancient Dragons or Dragon Hatchlings, and as such, his experience was very rich.

Through appearance alone, the Red Dragon Hatchling before him did not seem all that special. It was at most a little bigger than its brethren, but nothing more.

However, from the way it fought, the Dragon Hatchling was clearly very different from all other dragons.

“What an eye opener. To think that you would learn how to operate a ballista.”

Tahir said with a smile.

Generally speaking, pure dragons were capable of understanding the human tongue. This could be attributed to the memories of their ancestors they had inherited.

Moreover, for Max, the language used by the humans on this continent was very similar to English. This, coupled with the memory of his ancestors, had enabled Max to easily understand the mage’s words.


However, Max did not answer immediately. He was afraid that if he said too much, he would expose the fact that he was a transmigrator.

Secondly, he wanted to confirm the adventurer’s goal before all else. As such, he observed quietly.

“Oh? You’re not going to show off?”

Tahir stroked his beard and was once again surprised by the behavior of the young dragon.

Usually, dragons would try to flaunt their strength whenever possible.

To an adult dragon, this was a way for them to flex their strength. However, in the case of Dragon Hatchlings, it was to protect themselves.

However, the Dragon Hatchling before Tahir did not utter a single sound. It just stood there quietly.

Its gaze was not like that of an ordinary Dragon Hatchling, which was supposed to be confused and ignorant.

Instead, it had an indescribable depth and a crafty look.

“Hehe, is it a mutated breed? Did its intelligence increase due to the mutation?”

The more Tahir looked at the Dragon Hatchling, the more he liked it.

A large body meant that it’s body was very healthy.

To be able to kill two veteran adventurers on his own, although the two adventurers had died due to carelessness, had proven that the dragon’s intelligence rivaled that of humans.

The Dragon Hatchling would undoubtedly grow to become the greatest threat to the human kingdom once it grew up.

Perhaps, it might even change the current world structure. It was possible.

“Hehe, I see that you have extraordinary talent, little dragon. I’ll give you a chance.”

Tahir held the magic staff in front of him, and a majestic electric current wrapped around his body.

He was not using any spells. He was merely allowing the mana within his body flow casually, and yet, he was still able to create such a majestic scene!

Tahir roared, “Little dragon, become my familiar, and I will allow you to live!”


Lightning magic had no effect on the red dragon. Tahir was well aware of this.

However, he wanted to prove his strength to the little dragon. He wanted to prove that it was easy for him to kill the little dragon!

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