Reincarnated as a red dragon, I wear a crown of flames

Page 53

Thick eyelids covered with fine scales lifted.

Stand up.

In front of them, Angela and Karel buried their heads in eating.

The sound comes from these two.

Step out.

Hear footsteps behind him.

Two stopped to eat.

He raised his head and looked behind him.

In sight, Augustus was crawling towards him.

Wait for the dragon to approach.

Angela, who had half of the gnawed bone in her mouth, spat it out silently.

"Want to eat?"

Very discerning.

In contrast, Karel, who was still holding half a bone in her mouth, still looked stupid.

Look at the half bone on the ground.

It has been chewed in half, and it is covered with crystal dragon saliva.

Really buried.

He shook the dragon's head.

"I'm not hungry~"

"Eat it yourself"

After speaking, he looked away from the two bodies in front of him.

The pile of internal organs on the ground has not been moved.

It's just how it tastes...



It stinks, that's right.

He raised his head and looked out of the cave.

The sky outside is already scorching sun.

The billowing heat waves emanating from the platform at the entrance of the cave directly distorted the line of sight.

Also...not too late.

Just went to dig a hole by the river.

He stretched out his paws and pulled out the internal organs.

A strong rancid smell came.

It's completely rotten.

As for fish, carrion should also be eaten, right?

Augustus couldn't be sure.

Chapter 44

Forget it, just try it out.

Glancing back, the two guys are chewing on the last bones.

Fresh skeletons are also a delicacy for dragons with good teeth.

Especially the bone marrow inside.

Get down.

Watching two guys eat.

He felt a gaze watching him.

There was a pause in the chewing motion.

Angela glanced at the lying figure in front of her.

Is this waiting for us to finish eating?

It seems he has something to do.


Karel next to her was still happily chewing her bones.


Waited a while.

Augustus was still lying there.

No plan to come up at all.

Continue to bury your head and focus on eating.

Since he didn't intend to come up.

He should be waiting for himself and Karel to finish eating.

Weird red dragon.


After waiting for about ten years, the two dragons gnawed off all the skeletons.

He propped up his body and climbed forward.

"Have you eaten well?"

Is it up yet?

He looked at the approaching figure.

Angela silently nodded the dragon's head.

"I've eaten"

"I'm full~" Karel said.

"Then go hunting with me."

"Why Go Hunting"

"Isn't there still Kodo?"

The only one who can ask such a question is Karel, an idiot.

He glanced at the idiot.

After being glanced at, Karel shrank her neck.

The memory of being beaten a few days ago is still fresh.

But she was obviously worrying too much.

Augustus had no intention of beating the dragon.

At least not for the time being.

“Kodo will finish”

"So need to hunt"

Hearing what Augustus said, Karel looked at Angela.

Compared to Augustus who often beat himself.

Obviously Angela, a semi-ally, is more trustworthy.

The white vertical pupil and the blue vertical pupil looked at each other.

"Augus is right~"

"We need a new hunt"

Hearing Angela say the same.

"That's good"

The white dragon's head glanced into the depths of the cave.

Didn't want to go hunting at all.

want to sleep.

The reluctance in Karel's tone can be heard.

But just ignore it.

We don't have a dragon mother to guard us.

"Where do you want to go hunting?"

He looked up at the pair of blue vertical pupils.

Unlike ordinary blue dragons, her vertical pupils are too calm.

Like a pool of stagnant water, it is difficult to make any waves.

The blue vertical pupils didn't budge.

She seems to have guessed herself right.

"Go to the river, there are fish at the bottom of the river"

"That's our goal"

Raise the left paw.

The two young dragons looked away in the direction the claws pointed.

A pile of rotting internal organs came into view.

"You two remember to take the offal"

"That's the bait"

Karel: ( ̄_, ̄ )

Angela: ( ̄_, ̄ )

The two young dragons looked at each other.

Two words were revealed in the eyes of the other party.


None of them wanted to touch that pile of stinking offal.

Walk to the platform and stop.

Enjoying the sunshine.

It is really the temperature that makes Long comfortable.

Close your eyes and enjoy for a while.

Why is there still no movement.

Those two guys were dawdling about something.

Lift the dragon head and look back.

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