Reincarnated as a Spider (Draft/Writing practice)

Chapter 1: Getting one’s bearings

Older chapters have issues with images not displaying. I HIGHLY recommend that you read the google docs version here until  you've reached the later chapters.

The light gradually dimmed and details of the surroundings came to him. Rough hard surface with crevices, greenery all around.

Where am I? Such a thought passing his mind, instinctively he tried to look around, only to have an unnerving feeling of disconnect. Simply put he couldn’t turn his neck. Actually spiders don’t have necks, their heads are fused to their bodies. However this was quite a shock for something that was previously an organism - specifically human to be exact - who’s used to having a neck. Even attempting to move was uncoordinated mess. With the unorganized movement he almost fell off of what he was on.

“Okay, okay calm down. That girl said I was to be a spider, so let’s analyze what I am.”

“Two fangs, a mouth, four pairs of legs each independent of each other, a set of appendage that’s almost like an arm that’s short and sensitive. Lastly what I think my head, stuck to my torso.

My body color seems to be white or gray at least, what kind of species am I? Or am I an albino mutation? Also, aren’t spiders supposed to have bad eyesight, were they able to differentiate color? If I focus on something can see it pretty well, like that green leaf that’s few meters away from me? That can’t be right, my sense of scale must of off because of my current size. Then… Oh the sky, I can make out the shapes of clouds from here, isn’t that pretty good? I’m just glad my vision is not tinted in some color or not being able to see certain colors.

Err… My peripherals are… wide, I’m guessing it’s from my other eyes. I can smell without a nose… Not quite, more like feeling with my whole body? Can’t really understand how that works.

I have a sense of gravity, and with it, I know that I’m on top of something, the surface doesn’t seem to be soil, and with leaves all around me it should be safe to assume this is a tree.”

The spider’s eyes were not focused on anything in particular, as it’s mind was in thought, wandering about.

“Now what did that weird girl tell me before abandoning me here… hm…

  • Being reincarnated to a fantasy setting world,
  • As a spider because something of karma…
  • And I must umm… suffer? That doesn’t fill me with much hope.
  • Memories repressed or lost but general knowledge and skills will remain…
  • I have some compensation of sorts... 
  • I’m the master of my own fate or something… and self scrying… whatever that means.

Is that all?”

Silence of the forest was broken with only the occasional rustling of leaves.

“Now what should I be doing now… Wait I should be trying to figure out how to do that thing she mentioned…”

“Close my eyes and focus…

...I don’t have eyelids. Well just focus then...”

With an intention to look deeper into oneself, he focused... moments later something formed within his mind.


“Whoa, that’s… just… wow okay then… Where do I even start?

First of all; My name’s Alicia? That’s odd, I don’t think spiders name their offspring… If I remember correctly that girl also called me by that name. Is that what I’m named now? Well it’s fine, I can’t remember my old name anyway.

Secondly; Isn’t that quite feminine? I’m a straight man attracted to females thank you very much.

Thirdly; Those stats… They are so sad that they had to go lower than F to show it. And 2 of it is so low that it’s not even a full number, being rounded down to the nearest number, zero.

Fourth; The skills, I can understand those could be a spider related things but what the hell is pallesthesia? The word is alien to me.”

His ponderings were cut short by an epiphany.

“Huh… Okay at least I know what it means but that still doesn’t help me with what it does.”

Focusing on other entries he had, the only ones that were made clear were skills he had.




So I can’t look into what the available skills can do. Fair enough I suppose, It’s self scrying, not soothsaying.

Fifth what are those scary sounding traits?
Dying wish? I can’t quite recall what I was wishing for… err actually I wanted to go check out that new diner opened up near my workplace… I don’t think it was that big of a wish to be a separate entry as a ‘Trait’ since my definitely real skill of designing and electrical engineering is not mentioned.

Also, Twin souls? Is it because my one soul died and I’m somehow alive again over here in this world?”

As he was trying to make sense of what it was, some odd unnerving feeling welled up from within but it mellowed down, overshadowed instead by a warmth growing from inside. As it settled down a change had occurred to the status.

He had gotten an unexpected addition, Analysis.

“I don’t remember that Analysis being there the first time and the rank just changed to 1. Also the available points have increased by one.
Why did that happen all of a sudden? Was that feeling just then some sort of forewarning? Hold on was it because I was looking through what skills I had?”

Even after much deliberation the answer still eludes him.

“Aaah! if I keep thinking about it I could spend a whole day or two.”

“Getting back on track,
Sixth, I can get skills by earning them somehow, with some skills being a prerequisite I don’t think I’ll be able to just get them. Another thing Analysis wasn’t even offered as an available skill so I must have fulfilled some criteria without knowing about it, so that’s another way of getting acquiring them.

Seventh, I should be able to use those allocation points for acquisition of more skills.”

Tidying his thoughts once more he decided that it’s better to organize what he found out.

“In short…

I’m Alicia, My stats are abysmal, I have some spider related skills, I can get more through the points or earn them by fulfilling some criteria.
Current objective… Survive?”

An Engineer turned spider’s second life in another world begins with an uncertain prospects...

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