Reincarnated as a Spider (Draft/Writing practice)

Chapter 11: Square one

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“Okay let’s take things slow, one at a time… First; my race Araneae1Alicia's fangs exhibit both pincer like from sides to center movement of Araneomorphs (sometimes called true spiders)  and the downwards/forwards movement of Mygalomorphs. I'm pulling the fantasy card on this one. In her previous smol spider form, she is supposed to be more Araneomorphic (think of the spider that you saw in the wild probably) while in her current for she's more akin to Mygalomorphic (think tarantulas, but without the hair) while still being araneomorphic hence the Hybrid (It doesn't simply means she's hybrid between human and a spider but also hybrid between the 2 suborders). I forgot to better portray this and I don't think I'll get the chance to. Don't worry Mesothelae in form of trapdoor 'spider' behaviour will make an appearance eventually.… sounds a lot like arachnid, so I guess it’s something close to that. I don’t even know what kind of a spider I was before my change. Hell I don’t even know why I just changed… And my rank got reset to zero with 10 points to allocate... wait let me think… Last time I checked this, my rank was at 47 or so. Between then and now I probably reached rank 50. That could explain the abrupt… evolution? Am I a goddamn Pok*mon or something? What next? Is the Arachne from Greek mythology my next stop on my evolution train?”

“Moving on, my status… Yeah those numbers don’t mean anything to me… the letters help somewhat. At least I know I’m not failing with an ‘F’. My magic stat even without any supporting skills is higher than strength, and the latter even has 3 ranks allocated to it. Might need to look into utilizing that soon.”

“Speaking of skills… Telepathy and Kindred are new entries. The second one is unique… whatever that means. If my previous theory is correct I should have 13 points for allocation, but three were used for these two skills.
Then show me what you do...”

“Ah, so this is why I can speak with Alice, Telepathy. A connection is established with kindred and telepathy uses that, which allows for us to talk… err communicate with each other.

  • Isn’t that great Alice?”
  • “...?”
  • “You didn’t get any of that did you?”
  • “is... good...?”
  • “Well that’s all you need you know really...”

“Though what are those weird symbols underneath them? I will have to figure them out eventually.”

“And the skills seem to be more descriptive. I always thought the scrying thing was a bit incomplete. And now it feels whole. Question is; why? Was it due to the evolution? Plausible. Anything else…? Alice… could it be that this gift was divided between the two of us? And now through evolution and us meeting, it’s finally complete…”

“Regardless of what happened, the current situation is… uncertain. I need to find something to eat. Now that I don’t have to eat insects anymore, I might have to actually catch some REAL food. Thing is I still don’t know much about the place or what is in it. But now I should be better suited for exploration. First thing’s first, I need to find a source of freshwater and some place to take shelter.”

Looking up there was the all too familiar oak tree… Though it was more akin to a great oak; it’s branches thick and sturdy. Through the gaps between its leaves faint golden rays of the sun were peering. “Was this thing always this big? I thought things were big because of my size but… everything in this forest is supersized. From the trees to the creatures even the insects.”

“Nevermind that, the sun’s already up. I need to start looking for the things I need.

First: Water

Second: Shelter

Third: Food”

“If I follow the rivulet that I used to drink from I should find its source. Hopefully there's a larger body of water.

As for shelter, I think I can still hang around the tree for now. If I can find some sort of cave or anything that can protect me from the elements would be even better. If not I should think about making myself comfortable and get in touch with my simian roots through an arboreal lifestyle.

That leaves only food. It’s a forest, I should be able to forage something edible. Hope I don’t get poisoned from mushrooms or berries. I might have to make traps for catching something edible.”

“Lastly, before I set out: the 10 points to use up. 3 into constitution and 3 more into toxic tolerance to not die, for when I inevitably eat something poisonous.”

“And another one with an unintelligible descriptor. Hope they’re not something important… anyway 4 points left. I should see what principle of magic has in store for me. I have to utilize that magic parameter of mine. So 1 point each, that leaves one, I’ll get… olfactory? Maybe I can identify something by scent.”

  • “Time to go look around. This reminds me of my first day here. Even though I drastically changed physically, some things just don’t change huh. Still searching for food and still don’t know where I am. At least I have fingers this time around…

Pleasant rays of the sun were mostly blocked by the foliage from the trees, despite it being noon already the air was chilly. True enough following upstream from where the rivulet was Alicia found herself near a large  freshwater lake. It’s blue water clear and pristine; So much so that one could see all the way to the bottom. Strangely, the lake lacked any fish.

Seeing her own reflection on the water’s surface. “Wow, I’m quite the looker huh. I look like a supermodel. And that’s without the makeup and all the other stuff that goes on.” What was reflected was a maiden with fair skin, gorgeous platinum colored silky long hair almost like the web she spun, eyes with the color of the sky, the irides dark as the cosmic depths with a sign of cerulean, akin to sapphire. They looked like stars; jewels, snatched from the heavens above. Her hands and waist thin and supple.

Seemingly to show contrast; below her waist she was connected to a vicious visage of a beast, that of a gigantic spider. Yet even with its savage appearance, it looked beautiful. Sharing the same platinum luster as her hair, with  gradient patterns in many shades of white, gray and silver.

As Alicia was confirming her newfound appearance, something stirred within the lake waters and disturbed the still surface. It was approaching fast and soon it surfaced.

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