Reincarnated as a ‘Useless’ Dark Flame User

Chapter 15 – A Glimmer of Hope

Mav stared at the message in disbelief, his mind struggling to make sense of the words on the screen. The question seemed both alien and absurd, its meaning just out of reach. He read it over and over, hoping for some hidden clarity, but each attempt only deepened his confusion.

Activate Dark Ascension?

What more could he lose now? The futility of his situation was overwhelming, but amid the despair, a flicker of resolve sparked. With a trembling finger, he pressed “Yes.”

The screen flickered, and new boxes began to pop up:

Initiating Dark Ascension...

Combining Red Flame and Dark Flame...

High Affinity For Dark Flame Detected. Applying Privileges...

Privileges Applied.

Low Affinity For Red Flame Detected. Applying Penalties...

Before he could brace himself, a searing pain exploded inside him, as if molten metal was coursing through his veins. Mav crumpled to the forest floor, clutching his stomach and the damp soil beneath him. His cries of agony echoed through the silent, darkened woods, each wave of pain threatening to consume him.

After what felt like an eternity, a new box appeared:

Dark Ascension Successful.

The moment the message flashed on the screen, the pain vanished abruptly, leaving Mav gasping for breath. He lay there, drenched in sweat, trying to calm his racing heart. The box continued:

Combination Successful.

New Skill Acquired: Dark Red Nuke.

With shaking hands, Mav accessed his status and scrolled through his list of skills until he found the new one:

Dark Red Nuke (Maximum) lvl. 1/120

He tapped on the skill, and its specifics emerged:

Skill Name: Dark Red Nuke (Maximum) lvl. 1/120

Description: Summons a volatile dark red flame that ignites into a powerful explosion within a wide radius upon the caster's command, incinerating everything within its reach with intense heat and explosive force.

Manacost: 120

Cooldown: 120 seconds

Mav’s eyes widened in shock. The description promised immense power, but the concept was overwhelming. A massive explosion? The potential was both exhilarating and terrifying.

But the manacost—120? That would deplete all his mana in one go. The implications were daunting. His mind raced to grasp how to wield such power with such a high cost.

Then, a thought struck him. "Wait a minute... Dark Ascension... If the prerequisites involve combining a skill from a flame type with Dark Ascension... then perhaps..."

He glanced at his remaining mana: 60/120. It was just enough to cast Blue Heal one more time, which had a manacost of 60.

A surge of hope ignited within him. Mav took a deep breath, activating Dark Ascension on himself. Dark flames swirled around him, their cold presence creating a strange, protective cocoon without burning or warming him.

Next, he cast “Blue Heal.” As the small blue flame emerged from his palm and touched the dark flames, a new box popped up before him:

Different Flame Type Detected.

Detecting Flame Type...

Blue Flame Detected.

Mav’s breath caught as he waited, the anticipation mingling with the residual pain from the Dark Ascension. The result could change everything.

Dark Flame and Blue Flame in Contact.

Dark Ascension Prerequisites Met.

Activate Dark Ascension?

Yes or No?

Without hesitation this time, Mav pressed “Yes.”

Initiating Dark Ascension...

Combining Blue Flame and Dark Flame...

High Affinity For Dark Flame Detected. Applying Privileges...

Privileges Applied.

Low Affinity For Blue Flame Detected. Applying Penalties...

Pain surged inside him once more, but this time, Mav barely noticed. The anticipation of what was to come kept him focused. He gritted his teeth as the searing agony coursed through him.

Dark Ascension Successful.

The pain dissipated as abruptly as it had begun, leaving Mav panting on the ground.

Combination Successful.

New Skill Acquired: Dark Blue Miracle.

He immediately scrolled through his skills again until he arrived at the new addition:

Dark Blue Miracle (Maximum) lvl. 1/120

Without delay, he pressed the skill to view its details:

Skill Name: Dark Blue Miracle (Maximum) lvl. 1/120

Description: Conjures a soothing dark blue flame that heals any injury, no matter how grievous, dispels curses, and cures any illness or disability, restoring the target to perfect health.

Manacost: 120

Cooldown: 120 seconds

Mav’s eyes widened as he read the description. The implications of this new skill were monumental. His heart raced with unparalleled hope. The manacost of 120 was daunting, but the potential of the skill far outweighed his concerns.

Ignoring the dirt on his knees and the streaks of tears still visible on his face, Mav surged with adrenaline. The weight of his earlier despair lifted, replaced by fierce determination. He sprinted back toward the village, his renewed hope propelling him forward with every step. The cool night air, now a comforting embrace, whipped past him as he raced toward the promise of healing and redemption. He silently thanked his past self for all the relentless training that had honed his speed and stamina. Without it, he wouldn’t be able to run this fast or endure the grueling journey.

As he ran, his mind kept returning to his mother. Waves of worry crashed over him, and anxiety clawed at his chest. He had been gone for quite a while, and the fear of what might have happened while he was away gnawed at him. "Please no," he repeated in his mind, "please no..." His thoughts spiraled into darker scenarios, each more distressing than the last.

Lost in his anxiety, Mav barely noticed that he had finally reached the edge of the village. He skidded to a halt, his breath coming in ragged gasps. His eyes widened at the sight before him—a gathering of villagers stood in front of his house, their expressions a mix of concern and confusion. Whispers and murmurs filled the air, their worried tones fueling Mav’s rising panic.

Panic surged anew as he pushed through the crowd, trying to push aside his fear. He raced toward his house, his legs feeling like lead despite his frantic pace. The scene before him was a blur of anxious faces and worried whispers, but his focus remained fixed on getting inside and finding his mother.

The villagers parted to let him through, their eyes filled with surprise and concern as he barreled toward his home. Mav’s pulse thundered in his ears, each beat echoing the urgency of his mission. As he reached the door, he braced himself, hoping against hope that the worst was not yet to come.

He noticed the door was ajar and the faint glow of lanterns flickering inside, casting long, eerie shadows on the walls. A chilling silence enveloped the scene as he hesitated, one hand on the doorframe. The sight of the villagers’ anxious faces and the unsettling quiet made his heart pound harder. What had happened while he was away?

With a deep breath, Mav pushed the door open, bracing himself for whatever lay beyond. The tension was palpable, each creak of the door amplifying his dread. As he stepped inside, the darkness seemed to swallow him, and he strained to make out the shapes and sounds within.

In the dim light, he caught glimpses of something that didn’t quite add up. The air was heavy, charged with an unspoken tension. He couldn’t shake the feeling that something was terribly wrong.

Mav’s mind raced as he moved forward, the promise of answers just out of reach. What had he returned to? The uncertainty gnawed at him as he prepared to confront the unknown.

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