Reincarnated as a ‘Useless’ Dark Flame User

Chapter 19 – Dark Blue Miracle

Immediately after Mav spoke, a blue flame with a dark hue enveloped Emily’s body, casting the room in a brilliant, otherworldly light that overpowered the dim lantern on the bedside table. The village chief and Nacht both recoiled, their eyes wide in amazement. But Mav wasn’t surprised—his gaze remained fixed on his mother, still unconscious.

The only sounds were their breathing and the quickening beat of Mav’s heart. The chill from the slightly open window seeped into the room, heightening Mav’s already frazzled nerves.

Seconds ticked by, and Emily’s sunken cheeks began to fill out. Her frail arms and legs gradually regained their strength, the atrophy reversing as if time itself were unwinding. Soon, she appeared as though she were simply sleeping.

Cold sweat dripped down Mav’s forehead, but he didn’t wipe it away—both his hands were clutching his mother’s hand tightly, as if afraid to let go.

Then, as suddenly as it had appeared, the flame extinguished, and the room returned to the dim light offered by the small lantern. Emily’s face, now restored to its healthy color, lay peacefully on the pillow.

Moments passed, feeling like an eternity, before her eyelids fluttered. Mav’s heart raced. “Mom?” he whispered, his voice tinged with both hope and fear. Her eyelids twitched again. “Mom!” he called out, his voice now filled with urgency.

Slowly, Emily’s eyes opened. At first, her vision was blurred, but as it cleared, the first thing she saw was her son—his face distraught and streaked with dried tears, dark bags under his eyes from lack of sleep. His silver hair, the same shade as hers, was longer and messier than usual, a clear sign of neglect during her illness.

Seeing Mav in such a state, tears welled up in Emily’s eyes. “What have I done?” she thought, her heart aching with guilt. “My poor son, what have I put you through?”

The village chief and Nacht rushed to her side, still reeling from the shock of what they had witnessed. The village chief’s hands trembled as he gripped the edge of the bed, his eyes wide with disbelief. His heart pounded in his chest, and for a moment, he wondered if he was still dreaming. The sight of Emily, lifeless only moments before, now breathing steadily, her cheeks full of color—it was nothing short of a miracle. He had seen death many times in his long life, had grown accustomed to its cold finality, yet here it was, defied before his very eyes. The old man felt a lump in his throat as tears blurred his vision. “How could this be?” he thought, shaking his head in stunned amazement.

Nacht, meanwhile, was frozen in place, his breath caught in his throat. His mind raced, trying to make sense of what he had just witnessed. The despair that had clung to him like a shadow since Emily’s illness began was suddenly lifted, replaced by a wild, desperate hope. He reached out with a trembling hand, his fingers brushing against Emily’s now warm skin, as if needing to reassure himself that she was truly there, alive and well. “How… how did this happen?” he wondered, his gaze shifting to Mav. The boy’s power had always been weak, insignificant, but now… Nacht’s heart swelled with a mix of pride, confusion, and fear. What had their son just done? What did this mean for them? For him? The questions churned in his mind, but for now, all he could do was hold onto Emily and Mav, as if letting go might undo the miracle they had just witnessed.

“Mom, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” Mav cried, his voice trembling as he clung to her hand.

“Mav, none of this was your fault,” Emily replied, her voice raspy from disuse. As she spoke, Mav felt a warmth wash over him, soothing the turmoil inside. His cries grew louder, and he buried his head in her chest, seeking comfort in her embrace. Emily gently stroked his hair, her touch tender, as though handling something fragile. Then she turned to Nacht, her expression soft but firm. “Didn’t I tell you to take care of him if anything happened to me?”

“I know,” Nacht admitted, tears filling his eyes as well. “I know.”

“Come here,” she said, extending her other arm. Nacht moved closer, wrapping both his wife and son in a tight embrace. Emily stroked his back, comforting him as well. Then she looked up at the village chief, who stood by, still wide-eyed and at a loss for words.

“Chief, thank you for watching over them while I couldn’t,” Emily said with deep gratitude.

Her words seemed to snap the chief back to reality. He blinked, then managed a shaky smile. “Y-Yes,” he stammered. “There’s no need to thank me. We’re all family here.” He paused, glancing at the now-reunited family. “I’ll leave you three to be together. I need to go tell everyone the good news.”

“Thank you again, Chief,” Emily said as he moved toward the door. With a nod, the chief left, quietly closing the door behind him.

Once they were alone, Emily tightened her embrace around Nacht and Mav, her strength seemingly restored. She looked at Nacht, confusion clouding her eyes. “I don’t understand… I felt like I was asleep, barely aware of anything. Then, all of a sudden, I woke up, and it felt like my body was back to normal. Just a few months ago, I could barely walk or speak, and now…” She shook her head, trying to grasp what had happened. “It’s like I woke up from a bad dream, like it’s just another normal night.”

“I don’t know how to explain it,” Nacht admitted, still in shock. “Mav… it was like he cast a skill, and a blue flame surrounded your body. Then you just… woke up. I don’t know how he did it. I still remember when we came back from the temple, and how depressed he had been by having almost no affinity with the Blue Flame. But now, suddenly, he’s done this.” Nacht paused, a pained expression crossing his face as he remembered the events from earlier. “You’ll have to ask him. I don’t know how he did it.”

“Mav,” Emily called softly, still running her fingers through his hair. But there was no response. “Mav?” she called again, concern creeping into her voice. When she moved him slightly to look at his face, she saw that his eyes were closed, his body limp.

“Mav?!” Panic surged in her voice as she shook him gently, trying to wake him. But still, there was no response from Mav.

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