Reincarnated as a ‘Useless’ Dark Flame User

Chapter 26 – Destruction

Mav stared in disbelief, his mind racing. This skill… it’s too dangerous, he thought, heart still pounding like a drum in his chest. The forest around him was eerily silent, as if holding its breath in the aftermath of the devastation he had just unleashed.

A notification flashed before his eyes:

Gray Wolf Hide x5 acquired

Gray Wolf Core x5 acquired

He had obliterated them all—nothing left but ashes. The air still held the faint scent of burnt fur, but not a single strand survived the blast.

He opened his status, his hands trembling slightly, and saw that his mana was completely drained—0/120. Scrolling down, he checked the skill that had caused the destruction:

Dark Red Nuke (Maximum) lvl. 3/120

"It leveled up? Does that mean killing the Daimoniki with it triggered the level up?" he wondered, unsure. “But what about the other skills? Dark Blue Miracle leveled up when I healed Mom, so maybe it’s based on the skill’s function? Dark Red Nuke is an offensive skill, so that makes sense… But what about Dark Yellow Transcendence? It's offensive too, so maybe it has the same condition? And Dark Green Invincibility—does it level up when I use it defensively? I need more information.”

As his thoughts spiraled, a wave exhaustion swept over him like a ton of bricks. His body grew heavier, weaker with every passing second, as if the earth beneath him was trying to pull him down.

“This is bad,” he muttered, leaning against a tree for support, the rough bark digging into his back. “I need to get out of here. That explosion might attract more Daimoniki.”

He pushed himself to move, using the trees for support. His vision blurred, the edges of his world dimming, but he forced his legs to keep moving, his fear driving him forward.

Finally, he reached the familiar creek. Relief washed over him, but he knew he wasn’t safe yet. There was still some distance to cover, and every muscle in his body screamed in protest.

With the last of his strength, he leapt over the creek, but his landing was clumsy, his legs buckling beneath him. He tumbled to the ground, covering himself in dust.

"Just a bit more," he urged himself, his voice trembling as much as his legs. Through the haze of exhaustion, he spotted the fallen trees and disturbed soil—landmarks that signaled he was close to the huge rock. The village wasn’t far now.

With a final, desperate burst of energy, Mav sprinted toward the rock. His legs gave out just as he reached it, and he collapsed against its solid surface. The cool, rough stone pressed into his back, grounding him, as the wind brushed over his face, cooling his sweat-soaked skin. He took one last deep breath, the air crisp and tinged with the earthy scent of the forest, then closed his eyes, letting the darkness take over.



“Mav! Mav!” The sudden, panicked screams jolted him awake, pulling him back from the brink of unconsciousness.

“Dad? What are you doing here?” Mav asked, his voice thick with sleep, still disoriented.

“I’ve been looking for you!” Nacht replied, his voice strained with panic, his eyes wide with worry.

“Why? What happened?” Mav asked, still trying to piece together his scattered thoughts.

“We heard an explosion coming from the forest. The villagers are panicking, especially your mother. You’ve been gone for a while, so I came to find you,” Nacht explained, his voice tinged with both relief and urgency.

“Explosion? What—” Mav’s memory flooded back, the reality of what he had done crashing down on him like a tidal wave. He quickly masked his panic. “Oh, that explosion. I heard it too, but I was so tired from exercising all morning that I just fell asleep again,” he lied smoothly, hiding the truth.

Nacht’s sharp eyes noticed the dirt and scratches covering Mav’s body. “What happened to you?”

“Oh, yeah... I tripped while running and rolled around in the dust,” Mav said, forcing a casual tone, though his heart raced in his chest.

“Anyway, come with me. Your mother's worried sick,” Nacht said, his voice softening with concern.

Mav’s heart sank at the thought of facing his mother’s worry and inevitable scolding. "I have to keep this a secret," he thought, swallowing nervously as a lump formed in his throat.

As they exited the forest, the familiar sight of their carriage came into view, its polished wood glinting in the late afternoon sun. “You even brought the carriage out here to find me?” Mav asked, trying to sound nonchalant.

“Well, Emily practically shoved me out the door, she was so worried,” Nacht replied with a weary smile.

Mav let out a nervous laugh, biting his nails. “She never changes…”



The moment Mav stepped down from the carriage, a woman with silver hair streaming behind her ran to him. Emily caught him in a tight embrace.

“Mav! Are you okay?” she asked, her voice thick with relief, though the lingering panic was still evident.

“Y-Yeah,” Mav replied, trying to steady his voice and calm the rapid beating of his heart.

Emily pulled back slightly, her eyes scanning him for any signs of injury. She noticed the dirt smeared across his clothes and the tiredness etched into his features. “What happened to you?” she asked, her hands cupping his face gently, her eyes filled with concern.

“Uh... Dad can explain,” Mav said, his voice hitching slightly as he avoided her gaze.

“He tripped while running,” Nacht explained, his tone reassuring, though there was a hint of suspicion in his eye.

Emily sighed, her shoulders relaxing slightly as she pulled Mav into another hug, holding him tightly as if she feared he might disappear.

“What happened, Mav? We heard an explosion from the forest. Do you know what caused it?” a voice interrupted, and Mav turned to see the village chief approaching, his weathered face creased with concern.

“I don’t know, Chief. I was napping and heard it too, but I was too tired to bother investigating,” he replied, forcing a casual tone, though his mind raced to come up with more convincing lies.

The chief nodded slowly. “We should prevent anyone from entering the forest until we know what caused it,” he said, his expression serious.

Mav’s heart skipped a beat. "Not good. Where am I supposed to test my skills now?" he thought.

“You’re overreacting,” Mav said, trying to sound nonchalant as he shrugged. “It was probably just a huge tree falling and making that noise.”

“Mav!” Emily’s sharp voice cut through the air, her eyes narrowing as she fixed him with a stern look. “You’re not planning to go back there, are you?”

Mav flinched. “No, Mom. I won’t go back,” he said quickly. "Not until things settle down, at least. There won’t be any more explosions... without me. I need to figure out anyway how to level up my other skills first," he thought, already planning his next move.

“But Dad, can I come with you on your next trip to the capital?” Mav asked, looking at Nacht.

“Sure, son. An extra pair of hands would be a big help,” Nacht agreed.

“Thanks, Dad!” Mav said, a smile spreading across his face as he thought about the possibilities.

“But why the sudden interest?” Nacht asked, curious.

“Remember the temple’s head priest, Organos? I want to talk to him again,” Mav said, his mind already spinning with plans and questions that needed answers.

Nacht nodded thoughtfully. “Alright, then. We’ll leave in a few days.”

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