Reincarnated as a ‘Useless’ Dark Flame User

Chapter 32 – Target Found

Before Mav could flip to the next page, a light tap on his shoulder jolted him from his thoughts. Startled, he turned to find Mina, who chuckled at his reaction.

“Your library card is ready,” she said, holding out a small square piece of wood.

Mav took it, examining the intricate carvings of his name, “Mav Rose,” and “Oraios Village” on the surface. In the top right corner, a complex symbol—like a circle with lines twisting into various curves—caught his attention. It seemed like the library’s unique logo. Is it possible to forge something like this? he wondered.

“Wouldn’t people be able to fake something like this?” Mav asked, his fingers tracing the delicate lines.

Mina smiled. “Nope. My brother can recognize his own carvings, and he’s even memorized the ones our father made.”

She continued, “He also has 30 affinity with the Yellow Flame which he uses to enhance his eyesight. That way, he can closely examine each person’s library card.”

Mav nodded, impressed. “That’s a clever use of the Yellow Flame.”

Mina beamed with pride. “Isn’t it?”

“So, how far did you get?” she asked, glancing at the one in his hands.

Mav sighed. “I didn’t even make it to the fifth page.”

Mina teased, “You’re not even close to being an amateur reader, Mav.”

He chuckled. “I doubt I’ll ever catch up to your speed, Mina, no matter how much I read.”

“Hehe,” Mina puffed herself up smugly. Then, her tone shifted. “By the way, someone was looking for you—a man in a carriage, according to the guard.”

Mav’s eyes widened. “Oh no,” he muttered, suddenly remembering something important.

Caught up in exploring the capital, selling his materials, visiting the Merchant Guild, and then the library, he’d completely lost track of time.

“That’s my dad!” Mav said, panic surging through him as he imagined his father waiting.

“But I still haven’t gotten enough information yet,” he added, glancing longingly at the book.

“Why don’t you borrow it, then?” Mina suggested.

“Wait, is that allowed?” Mav asked, surprised.

Mina explained, “For members who’ve been with us for a long time and have proven trustworthy, we allow them to borrow books for two to three weeks. If they fail to return them on time, we visit their homes personally—with our guards. We also charge a hefty sum for even the slightest damage, which is usually enough to ensure they take care of the books.”

Mav’s shoulders slumped. “But I’ve only just gotten my library card today…”

Mina hesitated, then smiled. “Well, since the head priest Father Organos recommended you and… since you’ve been very nice to me, I’m willing to make an exception.”

“Really? Thanks, Mina!” Mav exclaimed, his face lighting up with joy.

“Just promise me you’ll keep the novel I’m writing between us. And I’ll be looking forward to your feedback,” Mina said, her cheeks flushing slightly.

“I promise,” Mav replied earnestly.

“Oh, I know! When I return this book, you can give me the draft of your novel,” Mav suggested.

Mina thought for a moment before nodding. “Deal.”

“Alright, it’s a promise,” Mav said, holding out his pinky finger.

Mina laughed softly and linked her pinky with his.

“I really need to get going now,” Mav said, the urgency returning to his voice. “Thanks again, Mina.”

“You’re welcome, Mav,” Mina replied, smiling warmly as he hurried toward the exit.

Beyond the silver gate, his father Nacht was waiting. Mav nodded at the guard, who opened the gate for him, and stepped outside. The sun was already sinking low in the western sky, marking how much time had passed since he first arrived in the capital.

“Mav, I’ve been waiting for ages. I've already went to the temple, but the head priest said you were at the library? How’d you get in there? Isn’t that place only for rich folks?” Nacht asked, looking both relieved and curious.

“Y-Yeah, sorry, Dad. The head priest sent me on some errands, and in exchange, he helped me get access to the library,” Mav said, trying to keep his voice steady.

“And where’d you get that fancy coat?” Nacht asked, raising an eyebrow.

“The head priest gave it to me,” Mav answered quickly.

Nacht chuckled, reminiscing. “He’s still as hospitable as ever. But he sure seems to like you, huh?”

“Y-Yeah, haha,” Mav replied with a nervous chuckle.

“Anyway, let’s get going. Your mother must be worried,” Nacht said, gesturing for Mav to climb into the carriage.

“Got it, Dad,” Mav said. Just as he was about to step in, a familiar voice called out from behind.


He turned to see Mina waving goodbye. He waved back before ducking into the carriage.

Nacht grinned as they set off. “So, Mav, did you come to the capital just to charm the ladies?”

“Cut it out, Dad,” Mav muttered, though he couldn’t help but laugh along.



When they arrived home, Emily greeted them both with a hug. Her expression quickly turned stern. “Where have you both been? It’s so late already.”

“Blame Mav; he’s already busy charming the girls,” Nacht teased, his voice light, but his eyes soft as he ruffled Mav’s hair.

Emily glanced at Mav. “You’re too young for that, Mav,” she said, half-seriously.

Mav shot a playful glare at Nacht, giving him a light punch. Nacht’s laughter filled the house.

After dinner, Mav retreated to his room. He opened his window, but the moonlight wasn’t bright enough, so he lit a lantern on his desk. Carefully, he reopened the book, mindful of Mina’s warning about damaging it. He flipped to the page where he’d left off.

Name: Giant Boar

Appearance: The Giant Boar is a bulky, massively built Daimoniki. It walks on its four short and relatively thin legs. This Daimoniki’s head is very large, taking up to one-third of its body’s entire length. They have well-developed canine teeth, which protrude from their mouths, reaching impressive lengths. Their fur consists of long, coarse bristles, brown in color.

Habitat: Giant Boars favor forests, particularly those with marshes and meadows enclosed by trees.

Diet: Humans, Daimoniki, Leaves, Roots, Berries, Mushrooms

Flame Affinity: Yellow Flame

Attack Pattern: When targeting an enemy, Giant Boars coat their small legs with Yellow Flame, preparing to charge. As they rush forward, they envelop their heads and long canine teeth in the same flame, either to pierce or powerfully crush their opponents.

"Hold on," Mav murmured, his mind racing as he processed the Giant Boar's attack pattern. He closed his eyes, replaying the details in his head. When he opened them, a slow grin spread across his face.

"This might just work," he whispered, his heart quickening with excitement as he envisioned the possibilities.

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