Reincarnated as a ‘Useless’ Dark Flame User

Chapter 4 – Oraios Village

"On behalf of everyone, Emily, Nacht, congratulations!" an old man with a long white beard said warmly to the couple. The woman, with silver hair, cradled a newborn baby in her arms, while beside her stood a tall man with dark hair and blue eyes, his hand resting gently on her shoulder.

"Thank you, village chief," they both replied joyfully.

The chief then turned his gaze to the small baby, a soft smile in his eyes. "Mav, welcome to Oraios Village," he said softly.

He then turned to the gathered villagers, his voice rising with a sense of pride, "Now, let's begin the celebrations!"

With that, the villagers erupted in cheers. Music began to play as women lifted their flutes and men beat the drums in rhythm. Wooden cups were quickly filled with homemade alcohol, and people started to eat from the large table set up in the center of the gathering.

In the distance, a massive bonfire crackled, providing warmth against the cool night air and casting a golden glow over the gathering.

The table was laden with a variety of foods: Giant Boar meat, rich and savory, was prepared in stews, fried dishes, and more, accompanied by vegetables harvested from the village gardens. Such a feast was rare and usually reserved for special occasions, but tonight was an exception. The villagers had pooled their modest earnings to celebrate the birth of Mav Rose, reflecting the deep camaraderie of this humble, close-knit community.

One by one, the villagers approached Emily and Nacht, offering heartfelt congratulations and warm smiles as they greeted the couple and their newborn child. The night was filled with laughter and joy, as everyone celebrated the arrival of young Mav. As the celebration continued, the villagers danced around the bonfire, their spirits high as they welcomed a new life into their midst.

As the night wore on, the festivities slowly wound down. Families began to bid each other goodnight, returning to their homes, but the warmth of the fire and the echoes of laughter lingered in the cool air. The birth of Mav Rose had become more than just a celebration; it was a symbol of hope, unity, and the enduring strength of Oraios Village.

The celebration marked the beginning of a joyful chapter in Emily and Nacht's lives. As the months passed, the couple marveled at how easily Mav adapted to the world around him. He rarely cried, his wide blue eyes always filled with curiosity, as if he were absorbing every detail of his surroundings.

By the time he was a year old, Mav had already taken his first steps. To Emily and Nacht’s amazement, he displayed an unusual awareness for a child his age. He seemed to sense the emotions of those around him, responding to smiles with his own and reaching out to comfort anyone who appeared upset.

Raising Mav was a blessing. He never caused them sleepless nights, and as he grew, the couple found that he was incredibly easy to care for. By his second year, he was not only walking but confidently exploring the village with an almost unsettling calm, always curious yet careful.

As Mav grew older, his natural leadership qualities became more apparent. Whenever he played with the other village children, he instinctively took on the role of mediator and protector. If disputes arose during their games, Mav was always the one to step in, stopping fights before they could escalate. His calm and reassuring demeanor diffused tensions, and soon, the other children began to look up to him for guidance.

When one of the younger children fell or burst into tears, Mav was there in an instant, offering comfort with a gentle pat on the back or a few soothing words. The children, drawn to his mature presence, began to follow him instinctively, trusting him as though he were much older than his years. It was as if Mav carried an innate wisdom, far beyond his age, that set him apart from his peers.

Years passed quickly, and before they knew it, Mav was 5 years old. Emily and Nacht watched with pride as their son grew into a bright, observant child, who seemed to know things without being taught. Despite his unusual maturity, Mav was still very much a child—eager to learn and filled with a sense of wonder about the world around him. Yet, among the village children, he had already become something of a leader, respected and admired for his wisdom and kindness.

As the evening sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over Oraios Village, Emily and Nacht tucked Mav into his small bed. The room was cozy, filled with the soft light of a lantern that flickered gently on the bedside table. Mav, now five years old, looked up at his parents with wide, curious eyes, his silver hair glinting in the dim light.

Emily sat on the edge of the bed, brushing a strand of hair away from Mav’s face. “Are you excited for tomorrow, Mav?” she asked, her voice tender.

Mav nodded, his eyes bright with anticipation. “Yes, Mama. What will happen at the Bestowal Ceremony?”

Nacht, standing by the door, smiled and leaned against the frame. “Tomorrow, you’ll receive your Flame Affinity, just like all the other children in the village. It’s a special day when you’ll discover what kind of power you have,” he explained, his voice calm and reassuring.

Mav's face lit up with a mixture of excitement and curiosity. "Will it be like the stories you tell me?"

Emily chuckled softly. "Perhaps. But remember, no matter what Flame you receive, it’s part of who you are, and it will help guide you as you grow.”

Mav nodded thoughtfully, his small hands clutching the blanket. “I want to help people with my Flame, just like you and Papa help everyone in the village.”

Nacht’s heart swelled with pride as he exchanged a look with Emily. “And you will, Mav. I’m sure of it.”

Emily leaned down and kissed Mav on the forehead. “Now, you should get some sleep, little one. Tomorrow will be a big day."

As the conversation wound down, Nacht glanced at Emily, a silent understanding passing between them. “We should get some rest too,” Nacht said with a gentle smile. “Tomorrow’s important for all of us.”

Mav smiled, his eyes already growing heavy with sleep. “Goodnight, Mama. Goodnight, Papa.”

“Goodnight, Mav,” Nacht said softly, as he and Emily quietly left the room, leaving the door slightly ajar.

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