Reincarnated as a ‘Useless’ Dark Flame User

Chapter 7 – The Flame System Part 2 (Flame Types)

He continued, "The Flame System is divided into several categories, each corresponding to different types of flames and their associated abilities. When you are bestowed with your affinities, you gain unique powers that align with it. There are five primary Flames, each represented by a color: Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, and Dark. Each Flame has its own set of abilities and strengths."

Organos paused, letting his words settle over the crowd of children. The flickering light of the flames reflected in their wide eyes, casting long shadows across the room. Mav shifted on his feet, feeling the weight of the moment. He glanced at Emily and Nacht, who were both listening intently, their faces a mix of curiosity and nervous excitement.

He gestured toward the pillars, each flame blazing brightly. "Red flames," he began again, his voice steady and authoritative, "are associated with offensive capabilities, making them ideal for those who wish to engage in direct combat. This Flame Type is often considered the strongest." He let that sink in, the idea of power stirring among the children like a spark in dry tinder. Mav felt a thrill run down his spine at the thought. "Skills such as Red Fireball and Red Fire Armor can be gained with this affinity. However," the old man cautioned, "one can only acquire both Red Fireball and Red Fire Armor if their affinity with Red Flame reaches 50 points or more. If your affinity is below 50 points, you will only gain the Red Fireball skill."

Organos continued, his tone shifting slightly as he moved to the next Flame. "Yellow flames enhance physical abilities and strength, making them suitable for warriors and protectors. With this affinity, you can gain the skill called Yellow Enhancement."

"Green flames provide defensive powers," he went on, "allowing you to create shields to protect yourself and others. The skill associated with this affinity is Green Protection."

His voice softened slightly as he continued, "Blue flames are linked to healing and support, enabling users to mend wounds and assist their allies. Skills such as Blue Heal and Blue Creation—the ability to create mana and healing potions—are associated with this affinity." He paused, his eyes sweeping over the group of children, as if weighing the potential he saw in them. "To obtain both Blue Heal and Blue Creation, you need an affinity of 50 points or more for Blue Flame. If your affinity is below 50 points, you will only receive the Blue Heal skill. This is the only other Flame Type with two skills, its potential should not be underestimated."

Mav noticed a few children exchanging glances at that, clearly surprised by the importance placed on the Blue flames. Healing didn’t sound as flashy as offense or defense, but the way the old man spoke made it seem just as crucial. Mav found himself reconsidering his earlier thoughts—perhaps having the ability to heal and support was more valuable than he had imagined.

"Lastly," the Organos said, his voice growing more serious, "Dark flames—" He let the words hang in the air, and the room seemed to grow colder, the light of the flames casting eerie shadows. Mav felt a shiver run down his spine, and he noticed that even the more confident children seemed to stiffen at the mention of the Dark flames. "—are shrouded in mystery. Little is known about this Flame Type. The only skill associated with Dark flames is Dark Ascension.

Historically, children with even small affinities for this type have been tested for various capabilities: offensively, it could not ignite anything, even the most flammable materials; defensively, it could not withstand a gust of wind; and its healing capability could not mend even a minor cut. Enhancing capabilities were equally ineffective, failing to increase even a small amount of strength," he continued, his voice now barely above a whisper, as though he were revealing a deep, unsettling truth. The children leaned in, captivated by the ominous tone. "As a result, Dark flames are often considered useless."

A hush fell over the room. Mav felt a lump in his throat, the idea of receiving a Dark flame suddenly filling him with dread. He glanced at Nacht, who seemed to have grown even more tense, his usually calm demeanor giving way to a flicker of anxiety.

Organos' eyes softened as he noticed the apprehension that had settled over the group. "However," he added gently, "do not be discouraged. No one in the past has ever had more than 10 points of affinity with this Flame Type, and even that is rare."

Mav felt a small spark of hope at those words, though the uncertainty still gnawed at him. What if he ended up with a high affinity for Dark flames? Would he be able to find some hidden power within them, or would he be doomed to be weak and ineffective? He shook his head, trying to push the thoughts away. It wasn’t time to worry yet; he had to wait and see what the ceremony would reveal.

Organos straightened, his voice regaining its earlier strength as he continued the explanation. "Now, one can gain affinities in more than one flame type, but most people only focus on improving their strongest affinity.

Each affinity has a maximum limit of 120 points. The power of the skills you acquire is directly affected by your affinity with a Flame Type. The higher your affinity, the stronger your skills will be." He paused, letting the children absorb this information.

"The level limit of the skill you gain from an affinity is capped by the points of your affinity with that Flame Type," Organos continued, "For instance, if your affinity with Red Flame is 60 out of 120, the skill level limit of Fireball and Fire Armor will also be capped at level 60," the he explained, his voice steady as he imparted this crucial detail. He looked around the room, ensuring that each child understood the significance of what he was saying.

Mav’s mind raced. A skill capped at level 60—was that strong enough? He couldn’t be sure. The uncertainty gnawed at him, but he reminded himself that the ceremony would reveal everything soon enough.

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