Reincarnated As Shiba Clan’s Heir! (Bleach-Gin)

Ch105- Mysterious Swordsman

Once the night descended, Kazuki and Mashiro, garbed in the dark, discreet fabrics typical of their stealth attire, began to patrol the streets of Karakura City. The dimly lit lanes under the partial concealment of the moon offered them both cover and a clear pathway to navigate through the shadows, ensuring their mission of maintaining surveillance on the stationed Shinigami went undetected.

Mashiro, with her notable green hair neatly tucked under a dark hood, moved with a lighthearted spring in her step, while Kazuki, with his silver hair gently reflecting the moonlight, projected a calm and steady aura. Both were unperturbed by the spectral aura that enveloped the city during nighttime.

Their steps were synchronized, muted against the cobblestone paths of Karakura City. A soft whistle of the wind through the gently swaying trees was the only melody accompanying their silent march.

In an alleyway, they concealed themselves behind a large, weathered barrel, observing a Shinigami who leaned lazily against a wall, his Zanpakutō loosely strapped to his side, clearly unprepared for any unseen threat. His posture was relaxed, almost bored, as his gaze drifted absently across the dusky streets.

Kazuki tilted his head slightly towards Mashiro, speaking in a barely audible whisper, "He doesn’t seem to anticipate any trouble tonight. His guard is down."

Mashiro, peering around the barrel, nodded, her eyes sharply assessing the situation. "Even a lower-ranking Hollow could take advantage of this. We need to remind him of his duties subtly, without exposing our presence."

Through the subtle use of their spiritual pressure, they brushed a gentle warning against the oblivious Shinigami. Almost immediately, he stiffened, hand instinctively going to the hilt of his sword as his eyes darted around, trying to ascertain the origin of the sudden, uneasy feeling.

Their mission tonight wasn’t merely surveillance; it was to ensure the guards, though covertly, remained vigilant and performed their duties with due diligence.

The pair continued their patrol, slipping through the shadows between buildings, always eyes and ears attuned to the subtleties of the night. Mashiro, despite her usually playful demeanor, was focused and professional, understanding the importance of their mission. Kazuki, although calm, held a similar determination in his silent vigilance, reflecting his underlying appreciation and respect for the position Isshin had afforded him within the Shiba family and Soul Society.

As they navigated through the serpentine streets of the city, a faint, unsettling reiatsu prickled at their senses, causing them both to pause and silently communicate a mutual acknowledgment through glances.

It was subtle, almost imperceptible, yet held a malignant aura that tugged at their instincts. Swiftly and silently, they trailed the source, traversing rooftops and alleyways with fluid agility.

Kazuki, in a low, sturdy voice, murmured, "It’s faint but unmistakably hollow-like, yet there’s something oddly familiar and twisted about this reiatsu."

Mashiro nodded, her expression tightened with concentration, "It’s keeping its energy suppressed, moving cautiously. A strategy not typical of lower-ranking Hollows."

Their pursuit led them to a secluded area, where the aura of the elusive entity seemed to pool and linger, yet no visual confirmation could be made. An eerie silence clung to the air, dense and expectant, as they concealed themselves, senses stretched out, trying to dissect the anomaly of the reiatsu that seemed both present and elusive simultaneously.

Seeing the hollow with a small body, both knew this wasn't a normal hollow. But before they acted, suddenly a person with a sword appeared from an alley and started to battle with the hollow. Seeing the teen, both Kazuki and Mashiro were taken aback.

"He is?" Mashiro asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Kazuki nodded, he was the teen they encountered during the day, "Musashi." But he was just a human, how could he fight a hollow?

Musashi, the seemingly ordinary teenager, unsheathed his blade with an unexpectedly professional finesse, engaging the small-bodied hollow in a dance of steel and spectral energy. His movements were a blend of practiced discipline and raw intensity, each slash and parry exhibiting a mastery far beyond his years. Musashi’s blade carved through the air with a precision that held both Kazuki and Mashiro in quiet awe. His connection with his sword was palpable, each stroke conveying an unspoken dialogue between warrior and weapon.

The hollow, despite its diminutive size, possessed a formidable, chaotic energy. It lunged at Musashi, its claws swiping with ferocious speed, seeking to rip through flesh and bone. Yet, the young warrior navigated the onslaught with remarkable agility, his blade severing the air as he defended and counterattacked in seamless succession.

Kazuki and Mashiro, while maintaining their concealed positions, observed the duel with an undercurrent of perplexity pulsing through them. Humans, by normal standards, shouldn’t be able to interact, let alone fend off hollows. Yet, Musashi’s combat prowess challenged every preconceived notion they harboured about the spiritual realm and the living world.

A feeling of unnaturalness persisted in the air as the battle unfolded, a discordant note in the melody of reiatsu flowing around them. The hollow, though significantly outclassed by Musashi's skill, fought with an eerie kind of cunning, each move calculated and every attack a feint wrapped within a feint.

"He's skilled, but that hollow is unlike the common ones we've encountered," whispered Mashiro, her eyes tracking each movement of the peculiar entity.

Kazuki concurred, "Something’s wrong here; both the hollow and Musashi’s presence in this confrontation are anomalies we can’t ignore."

As the battle spiraled into a crescendo of clashing energies, Musashi drove his blade through the hollow, a momentary look of remorse flickering through his eyes. As the creature disintegrated, the air grew denser with a malignant reiatsu, whispers of a darker, deeper power emanating from the remnants of the defeated entity.

Defeating the hollow, Musashi turned towards the alley they were hiding in and called out, "Come out, I know you're there."

The unexpected recognition sent a ripple of alarm through Mashiro. She instinctively moved, readying herself to step into the moonlit street. But as her foot shifted forward, a firm hand grasped her waist. Kazuki pulled her close, pressing her into the protective silhouette of his form. His actions suggested a careful strategy, ensuring that at least one of them remained concealed.


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