Reincarnated As Shiba Clan’s Heir! (Bleach-Gin)

Ch80- Time to Make Him Fall for Me

The atmosphere was broken with the arrival of a greenette as she yelled from outside, "Kazuki!" She elongated each syllable of his name. Mashiro then opened the door and grinned, "I am here to snatch you before Kukaku and Yoruichi put their claws on you."

Kazuki chuckled, lifting his teacup for another sip. "Ah, Mashiro, always the life of the party. And just when things were getting domestic here."

Kukaku rolled her eyes, clearly unamused. She thought to herself, 'What does she mean by 'claws'?'

Kaien, ever the fan of drama, couldn't hide his grin. New gossip was always welcome in his world.

Mashiro bounded over to the table, her eyes scanning the remaining breakfast items. "Wow, you guys have a feast here! Mind if I join?"

"Please do," Kazuki gestured to the open space next to him, moving over a set of plates to make room for her.

Ganju, who had been engrossed in his newfound chopstick prowess, finally looked up and offered Mashiro a shy wave. "Hi."

Mashiro's eyes lit up. "Hey, little man! You mastering the art of eating with sticks?"

Ganju grinned, showcasing his chopsticks and the piece of radish he had managed to pick up. "Uh-huh!"

Kazuki leaned over and ruffled Ganju's hair. "He's a quick learner, just like his big brothers."

Mashiro grinned and settled down, grabbing a bowl of miso soup and sipping it eagerly. "So, what did I miss? Was it romantic?"

Kukaku sighed, "You didn't miss anything that needs recounting."

Ignoring Kukaku's retort, Mashiro winked at Kaien. "No juicy details? You usually have the scoop on things."

Kaien shrugged. "Well, let's just say some interesting possibilities were discussed."

Kazuki shot him a look that said 'really, dude?', but Kaien simply grinned wider, unrepentant.

Turning to Kukaku, Mashiro tried to read her expression. "You look a bit flustered. Kazuki didn't propose, did he?"

"Propose?" Kazuki looked amused. "I think we're a few steps away from that, but you never know."

Kukaku scoffed. "The only proposal here was for a ridiculous baby name—'Kaien Junior.'"

Mashiro burst into laughter. "Kaien Junior? You're joking."

Kaien lifted his bowl to his lips to hide his smirk. "Hey, I think it has a nice ring to it."

Mashiro turned to Kazuki. "So, are you coming with me or staying to fend off the romantic advances of these two?"

Kazuki considered for a moment. "Well, I have a lot to thank this family for. It's nice to give back, even if it's just keeping Ganju entertained during breakfast."

Mashiro's eyes twinkled. "Aha! So, you're admitting there are romantic advances?"

Kazuki chuckled. "In this house, it's hard to tell the difference between love and familial teasing. Either way, I enjoy both."

Kukaku shook her head, pretending to be exasperated. "Well, Kazuki, your loyalty is touching, but don't let us keep you. If Mashiro's here, I'm guessing it's for something important."

Mashiro, as her bubbly self, pouted. "Actually, yes. I thought and realized all of you—Yoruichi, Kukaku, Lisa, and Isane—spent a lot of alone time with Kazuki but I didn't. I will snatch him now and make him fall for me."

Kukaku facepalmed at Mashiro's declaration, while Kaien burst into laughter. "Shouldn't you keep that last part to yourself?"

"Why? Isn't it better if I lay it down?" Mashiro tilted her head cutely, genuinely puzzled.

Kazuki chuckled and ruffled her green hair. She leaned into his touch, her eyes twinkling like someone who'd just found an unexpected treasure. Mashiro grinned, soaking up the headpat. "See? He already likes me!"

Ganju, sensing that something intriguing was happening, began swinging his feet under the table, captivated by the adults' exchange. "Kazuki, are you going with Mashiro?"

Mashiro seized the opportunity. "Yes, little man! He's going to be spending quality time with me today. How does that sound?"

Ganju clapped, his imagination already weaving tales of the adventures Kazuki and Mashiro might go on. "Sounds fun!"

Kukaku sighed. "Well, if Mashiro has claimed today's slot for monopolizing Kazuki's time, I guess there's not much we can do."

Mashiro threw her hands in the air, victorious. "Hooray! Kazuki, prepare yourself for the most fun you've ever had!"

Kaien, who had been enjoying the unfolding spectacle, chimed in. "I'm sure it'll be memorable, but maybe not for the reasons you're hoping, Mashiro."

Mashiro stuck her tongue out at Kaien. "You're just jealous."

Kazuki stood, gently lifting Ganju off his lap and placing him back on his chair. "Well, I guess that settles it for today. Kukaku, Ganju, Kaien, it's been another memorable morning with the Shibas."

"Remember to bring back some snacks," Kukaku winked, attempting to assert some semblance of control over the day's unfolding events.

"I'll make sure to put that on Mashiro's fun-filled agenda," Kazuki said, his tone teasing.

Mashiro giggled, taking Kazuki's arm and practically bouncing as she led him out. "Okay, first stop is the place with the best dangos! And then—"

Her voice trailed off as they exited, her excited chatter muffled by the sliding door closing behind them.

Kaien leaned back in his seat. "You know, despite all the hilarity, there's something pretty amazing about seeing everyone so drawn to Kazuki. He really is special."

Kukaku nodded, thoughtful. "He is. And it's not just because he's a fast learner or good with a sword. There's something more, something hard to put into words."

Ganju, his mouth full of rice, offered his own wisdom. "Kazuki is nice. He helps me with chopsticks!"

Kaien ruffled his little brother's hair. "That he does, Ganju. That he does."

Mashiro practically dragged Kazuki down the winding, cobblestone paths of their quaint town. Her feet skimming the ground with a grace that belied her boundless energy, she pointed at various storefronts and vendors.

"Look, Kazuki! That's where they sell the most awesome kimonos. And over there—oh! They have the best plum wine. But today is about fun, so first stop: dangos!"

Kazuki chuckled at her enthusiasm, unable to resist being swept up in the whirlwind that was Mashiro. He marveled at how easily she navigated the bustling streets, as if she had an internal compass set for adventure.


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