Reincarnated as Supergirl (YJ / DC)

Chapter 44.3 – Interlude 7

Hey, final part is here, next chapter we'll be back with Kara as she joins the "JSA" in their fight.


Also, one last reminder that I have a new story here in SH, don't worry, I won't be pushing the story in this fanfic again beside the small message with links to my other stories at the end of the chapter.

Will of The Force will be posted until chapter 5 here this week and get an update every Friday. People really seem to like that one and, while I know SH doesn't have a big Star Wars or Worm fandom, I do think people can enjoy the story.

The main focus is on Anakin (Darth Vader) recovering from his fall to the dark side and saving a young precog, preventing her from being forced into a life, or at least a long time, as a  slave to a supervillain and taking her under his wing.


Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy the chapter


Danette had been waiting under the stairs Klarion had been climbing, using some of her new tech to remain invisible to normal senses. When Alan attacked, she had gathered her flames, forming a ball of fire between her hands.

In less than a second, the fire grew hot, the flames glowing orange in front of her, more than a thousand degrees Celsius just sitting there between her fingers.

And then she activated her second core, drawing oxygen into the flame. For a moment, the flame expanded, but then she refocused and concentrated on it, the color going from orange to blue in an instant.

Amongst the destruction of Alan's attack, she saw Diana grabbing Klarion and one of the demons reaching for Kent while her target lifted his want and created a shield around himself.

She released the inferno she had been holding, a pillar of blue fire wider than she was tall and over 4000 degrees hit the stairs, the entire construction didn't offer any resistance, erupting into a shower of ceramic and melted stone.

The attack smashed against Abra's shield and sent him tumbling back while both demons went flying. For a second, Danette worried about Kent, but Flash was already there.

Jay wasn't as fast as the current Flash anymore, but he was close. He exploded into action the second Diana has taken the Lord of Chaos away.

Running towards the group, he saw Abra activating a shield, the barrier reaching for Kent and he knew he wouldn't make it. Still, he stepped harder, increasing his speed as much as he could.

Right as the shield was about to envelop Kent, the entire floor exploded, sending Abra back. Giving a brief glance down to Danette, he ran between the debris and the pillar of fire as if everything was in slow motion, grabbing Kent just as his feet were starting to leave the ground.

The heat started to affect him, a bead of sweat started to gather on his face, but he turned back, carrying his old friend on his shoulder.

One of the demons, the fat one, was still close enough to attack, opening his mouth into a giant maw and attempting to bite down on him, but Jay twisted aside, driving an elbow on his face so hard he snapped the head back and saw the shockwave forming.

Then he was out, the temperature decreasing. Always the eager one, Alan flew towards the fight, yelling towards the falling demons. "Come back here, I only want to hurt you!"

Feeling a hand squeezing his arm, he laid his friend on the ground and looked at him. Kent looked terrible and there seemed to be something getting even more active under his clothes, but his eyes were determined as he tapped the collar on his neck.

Grabbing the device, Jay couldn’t unlock it, so he started vibrating his hand as fast as he could, the limb turning into a blur as he pushed a finger through the collar and destroyed the lock. Ripping the thing off, he threw it aside.

"The helmet," Kent gasped, not losing a second. "I need the helmet before it's too late."

One last blast from one of the demons almost hit them but, now that he was free, Kent managed to parry it aside with a magical shield, grunting in pain as a tumor seemed to burst from his chest, soaking his shirt.

Looking at his struggling friend, Jay gritted his teeth and nodded, running back to grab the helmet; they hadn't dared bring it here for the confrontation.

Seeing her friend safely rescued, Danette released a breath of relief and refocused on Abra Kadabra. The villain had fallen into a lower stairwell, but he was already getting up and adjusting his clothes, the barrier having managed to block most of her fire and heat.

The little drones were everywhere, doing their best to block attacks and help in the fight, but the levels of power displayed were just too much, any attack broke through their shields with barely any problem and they couldn’t move as fast as most of the fighters.

Jumping down, Danette used a combination of fire and wind to direct herself; it wasn't flight, more like falling with style. Two of the drones formed a platform in the air she used to take a second jump and then she arrived, her feet impacting the ground with strength, cracking it around her as she righted herself.

"Well now. You aren't supposed to be here," Abra said, studying her figure. "Then again, I did hear that Dr. Morrow was defeated earlier, how odd."

"You really shouldn't have come after Kent," Danette said, starting to walk towards him. "Try not to die too quickly."

Abra didn't take her seriously, simply raising his wand towards her. "Don't worry my dear, I guarantee you I won't. Sleep."

Danette stumbled, feeling something hitting her systems and causing them to momentarily lose power. An EMP.

Regaining her footing, she smirked at him. One of the first things Kara had changed in her hardware was to shield her against such things and put in a lot of redundancy.

Even the biggest EMP detonated inside her armor would only disable her for a couple of seconds, much less a weak one coming from outside.

"Ah, that also wasn't supposed to be possible," Abra said, uncertain for the first time and then Danette activated her plasma sword, the blue blade distorting the air around itself from the heat. "Well, shit."

Abra waved his wand, shooting several laser bolts towards her, but she countered with a huge wave of fire that blanketed the area. It was red and less than 1000 degrees this time, but it managed to block his vision and freak him out.

With another wave of his wand, he started floating, trying to gain space from her. Danette wasn't having it. Gathering even more fire, she gestured with her free hand; shaping it above his shield and smashing down on him like a hammer.

For three whole seconds, Abra resisted and even gained some ground, but Danette's torrent of fire wasn't stopping and, with time, she started increasing the heat by feeding it with air.

Finally, the villain was smashed into the ground, his flight unable to overcome her fire but his shield was doing a good job of stopping the flames and dispersing the heat.

Stomping the ground, Danette smashed into Abra's shield, her plasma sword hitting it and causing it to light up. She slashed twice more, sending Abra stumbling back.

Adjusting her grip, she aimed the tip of her sword at his chest and pressed the blade against the shield. The plasma again lit up the device, revealing a bubble of energy around him.

Her sword was specifically made to be her hottest flame, it was several thousand degrees hotter than anything she could manage even with two cores and, without the energy shield to stabilize it, would be capable of incinerating everything around her just by its sheer presence.

Slowly, it burned into Abra's shield, the entire thing growing brighter as it failed to disperse all the heat and Abra's own skin started to burn.

Suddenly, a wave of eldritch magic hit her in the chest, piercing her armor and sending her flying. The blow was so strong Danette was sure it would have blown a hole through her had it not hit the wind core in her chest and lost most of its strength on the Nth metal components inside.

Still, sparks flew from the hole it had made and she felt her sword and wind powers being disabled as the nano-machines inside her started repairing her circuitry. Thankfully, the safety feature that forced her shut down when supposed lethal damage happened was long disabled.

Stumbling to her feet, she frowned. The attack had only been a glancing blow from Klarion as he attempted to kill Diana. Turning back to Abra, she saw the villain collapsed to the floor, probably from the pain of his second degree burns.

"Ahahahahaha, you're surprisingly resilient for a baby Titan aren't you?" Klarion laughed, shooting blasts of red energy at Diana. "Still, are you sure you should be fighting me? Don't you have something more important to do like saving your friend?"

Glancing at Kent, Danette saw most of his right arm had turned into one huge tumor, red flesh growing and pulsating as if it was a living creature.

Running towards him, she used all her strength to jump into the stairwell he was in, again, using the drones as platforms and sending jets of fire through her feet to help propel herself up.

She hit the floor running, sliding to a stop close to her old friend. Kent's eyes widened when he saw her. "Firebrand?" He gasped weakly. "Honestly, couldn't they send my Inza?"

"Sorry Kent, you're not dead yet," she said, trying to come up with a solution, would it help if she burned the tumors?

Kent looked at the hole in her chest still releasing sparks and breathed out. "Ah, a robot doppelganger, most convincing I have to say."

"I hate to say it, but Prof. Morrow was a genius," she laughed nervously. "What can I do?"

"Nothing, I'm afraid. The spell is almost complete," Kent coughed, his voice weak. "I wanted to have the helmet to provide some support one last time and maybe delay the spell, but I don't know if Jay is gonna be fast enough."

"No, no! Maybe I can burn it off, buy you some time?"

"Yes, if Jay doesn't arrive in a minute, burn it," Kent gave her a smile. "It won't stop the spell, but it will leave it incomplete, the gate won't form perfectly."

Danette was about to complain when Jay arrived, the helmet of Fate in his hands. Sliding down beside them, he knelt over Kent and put the helmet into the hand of his still working arm.

"Help me put it on."

Together, Jay and Danette did, releasing an explosion of golden light that drove them back and caused Klarion to roar with rage.

Kent Nelson opened his eyes inside the helmet; the entire space was an empty plane with only Nabu, in the shape of a golden helmet, floating in front of him. "Kent Nelson, you have brought disaster to this world," Nabu's voice boomed.

Kent just shook his head, a bitter smile in his face as he lowered his eyes. "I apologize, Fate; I should not have left you alone for so long."

Nabu was taken aback, growing quiet as he stared at his former host. Finally, it was Kent that broke the silence. "Will you help me one last time?"

"It was your fate to wear the helmet, your actions that allowed Klarion to continue to act as he is," Nabu growled, but Kent gave him a smile as he sensed the answer.

"What is happening to me?"

The Lord of Order stayed quiet for a moment longer but, finally, he gave up. "Long ago, both Chaos and Order once worked together to repel certain beings, things that did not belong to our reality. Creatures so inherently damaging even the Lords of Chaos agreed to their banishment. Yog-Sotha is one of those things."

"Is that what I'm becoming?"

"No, such a creature could not be contained in a mortal body, even one such as yours," Nabu denied. "One of its spawn was long locked under the ice on the pole to forever sleep; it contained a key, a key that Klarion used to turn you into a gate."

"Can it be stopped?" Kent asked, even as old as he was, there were some things he did not know. "Will my death help or hinder it?"

"Your sacrifice would hinder it, but the door was already created, the connection made," Nabu revealed. "More than death will be required from you to avert this disaster."

"I already guessed, even if I hoped differently," Kent sighed, turning away from Nabu.

"Kent Nelson, it was your fate to wear the helmet," Nabu spoke again, his words hitting him with the weight of the world. "It is still your fate. You once fled from your responsibility, will you do it again?"

Looking down, Kent put his cane against the ground in front of him and held it with both hands for a few moments, closing his eyes and letting a few tears fall.

"Forgive me, but you'll have to wait a little longer, Inza," he whispered as quietly as he could. Looking up, he nodded towards Nabu. "No, I guess I’m not."

"So be it!"

Fate opened his eyes, the resulting golden light washing over his tower and driving even Klarion back a few meters.

"Aw crud. Nabu, you spoilsport!" The childish abomination yelled, sending a wave of red flying towards the two heroes’ location.

Widening his eyes, Jay grabbed on to Danette and ran back while Fate formed a shield, it was able to block the attack completely, but he was still sent back several meters as the stair disintegrated from Klarion's power.

Breathing hard, Diana dropped beside Danette and Jay. Together the three of them took stock of the situation.

On the ground, Klarion sat on top of his monstrous cat, the beast was still the size of an elephant and only had a few bruises from the fight.

In front of them were the dried husk of Kent's rejected mass, an arm and a leg as well as pieces of his chest momentarily drained of color, but already starting to recover, growing like a fungus. Danette frowned and directed her fire towards the remains, but she wasn’t doing much more than slowing down their growth.

Fate floated on the air, half of his body glowing gold as his magic sustained his life and slowly recovered his missing pieces. "It is over Klarion, Fate already sees your defeat."

"Oh bugger off! What are you gonna do with a half dead host?" Klarion mocked, a huge smirk on his face. "I bet the old geezer doesn't even have a minute left before you finish draining the life out of him."

"It is not Kent that is being drained, Klarion," Fate answered, creating an enormous ankh of light at his back.

For a second, Klarion narrowed his eyes at his counterpart, and then he glanced at the quickly recovering tumors. "You're still connected. Clever boy, your father would be so proud!"

A blast of gold hit him in the belly, causing his body to explode from the impact and go flying in two different directions. The cat hissed in anger, its fur lifting as it jumped away from the stairwell and started fleeing while dodging blasts of magic.

Klarion himself was still laughing, his blood turning into black strings that moved like tentacles, grabbing each other and reconnecting the two pieces of him. “Uuuuuh, someone’s feeling a little saline!” With a wave of his hand, he blocked two other blasts and formed a pentagram below the regenerating tumor, teleporting it on top of Teeki and away from Danette’s fire as it had started to gather heat.

Connected again, Klarion’s eyes shone red, almost spilling malice. Diana took a step forward, but the Chaos Lord glanced her way and sent a large blast of magic, forcing her to block it.

“Hmm, I think I’m missing something,” Klarion complained, looking down at his chest where there was still a hole. “Nevermind, I never had a heart to begin with.”

Suddenly, a large beam of green energy cut through the tower, almost hitting Klarion as Alan flew back, roaring with rage. The muscled demon was holding on to his body and punching him repeatedly while Alan blocked with a shield.

Behind them, the second demon followed, far slower but still faster than an average car. Since Klarion was clearly the biggest threat, Diana flew towards Alan, smashing into the demon holding him and punching it away.

“Alan, are you alright?” she asked while the older man breathed hard, his eyes looking all around for a target.

“I need something to fight… something to kill,” he mumbled and then grabbed his face, shaking his head to gather himself. Speaking louder so everyone could hear, he continued. “Sorry, both of them have an emotional manipulation power. Also, don’t block their blasts, they have some kind of aging magic. I saw some armor set rusting and collapsing from a single hit.”

The second demon aimed another magical blast from his way, but Jay arrived in time, delivering a punch as fast as he could and sending the fat monster flying back.

On top of the stairs, Danette looked down at the fight and concentrated. For about half a minute now, the nano-machines inside her body had been working overtime to repair her. She still had a hole in her chest, but her wind core was already working again.

From all around her, some of Kara’s drones arrived, entering her wound one after another and allowing the nano-robots to cannibalize their materials to finish the repairs.

Lifting her arms, she created the hottest flame she could, feeding it with oxygen again and turning it blue. The heat was contained by her power, but she increased it more and more, turning it into a fireball the size of her head and it only grew bigger by the second.

“Aww, you guys are useless!” Klarion complained.

“Fuck you, how would I know wrath and willpower would be so compatible?” the larger demon growled, cleaning some blood that had leaked from the corner of his mouth where Diana had punched him.

Seeing as there wasn’t anyone in the way, Danette released her power, causing a second pillar of fire to shoot at Klarion. This time, she had kept it as contained as she could, increasing its potency even more.

Klarion blocked it; the fire roared against one of his magical barriers, but it pushed him back and boiled his flesh, leaving only blackened bones with two red lights in the middle of his skull.

Shadows covered his body, taking the place of his skin and leaving the Chaos Lord as a mass of darkness and eldritch energy, his voice becoming hoarse as he ‘tsked’ and glanced around. “Well, I guess it’s time to change the battlefield.”

Releasing a shockwave of power, Klarion pushed the heroes back and teleported close to his cat once again. Lifting his hand, he blocked one last blast from Fate and created a red portal at his back.

Together, Danette, Fate and Alan sent waves of power at the blocking Lord of Chaos as he bought time for the demons to flee, but Klarion was actually taking things seriously and had created several consecutive shields. Danette didn’t have time to build the heat and was the weakest of the fighters.

Both Jay and Diana rushed towards the bastard, but Klarion collapsed the path ahead of Jay and blasted another wave of power at Diana, slowing her down. “Hehehehe, your precious tower may be able to take our battle, but I wonder how the city is gonna handle it! See you later, armadillos!”

Feeling all of her functions finally coming back on, Danette looked at the others for a second, unable to do anything as Klarion’s portal closed behind him.

Looking up, Fate growled. “Klarion has released the portal on top of the city,” closing his eyes in concentration, he finally finished re-growing his body, leaving him with fully white limbs in place of human ones. A moment later, his costume covered it. “Come, we must hurry outside before the damage grows.”

“Good to see you too Fate,” Alan commented, grabbing on to Jay and flying up.

“What will it do?” Danette asked, holding on to Diana as they flew up through a portal Fate had created.

“Without the tower’s suppression, the door will open much faster. Yog-Sotha must not be allowed to gain a footing in this plane,” Fate growled, finally flying out of the tower to stare at the outside.

From the middle of the sky, supported by Klarion’s magic, the released pieces of Kent’s body multiplied faster and faster every second and started to form a large circle from which a green light spilled out.

“Ignore Klarion and the demons, the portal’s formation must be delayed until Fate can repel the being.”

Looking upward, Danette already saw her brother engaging, a large tornado of wind smashing towards Klarion as Red Tornado flew towards the villain, his legs covered by a twister.

Before she could say anything else, Fate, Diana and Alan flew up to engage, leaving her and Jay alone on top of the tower. With a command, she gathered the last of the drones and stepped on top of a shield formed between two of them, ordering the others to start rescuing civilians.

“Fuck, I knew the meeting wasn’t a good idea,” Danette cursed, already starting to gather another fireball. “It’s either a stupid fight or a supervillain attack, nothing good ever comes from supers meeting.”


If you enjoy my work take a look at my other fics: Dungeon Delving is Damn HARD  (SFW) / Reincarnated into a H World (VERY NSFW) / Will of The Force (SFW).

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Thanks for my patrons : Xhaustedhero, Iori Daemona Angel, AlliterativeArts (Eric Faust), Lynx of Chaos, Comics, Davvy chappie, Ian Michael, WanderingDaemon, GrumpyJustGrumpy, Travis cox, Rootbeerguy, High Priest of Torga, Michael Neal, Felrook, NotableRonin, Josh Orton, stanley seymour, AjiTae, danxzn, Louis Kasser and Joseph for supporting my work!

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