Reincarnated as Supergirl (YJ / DC)

Chapter 46.2

Things IRL continue to be a problem, but I managed to finish my Supergirl chapters in time, it remains to be seen if I'll finish the newest chapter of Will of the Force as well

Anyways, here's the end of the battle, I think I did a good job of making it satisfying and I hope you guys enjoy it!


Around the main portal, Fate had finally finished getting rid of the tumorous growths that formed the connection and was about to fully close it, but Wrath had managed to recover from Kal’s blow and was flying back into the city, releasing blasts of magic at the Lord of Order’s back.

Focusing fully on the demon, Kara channeled all her power, all her feelings of rage and anger, releasing the strongest blast of heat vision she had ever managed, a visible crimson beam of power that smashed into the demon with so much power it cut off his attack and stunned him for a second.

Adjusting her grip on the digit, Kara swung it around in a circle, gaining speed before releasing it towards Wrath. The phalange smashed into the demon and created a shockwave as they both went flying right back towards the sea.

Wrath flew for a few kilometers, but he finally managed to recover. Without a Kryptonian’s bioelectrical field, he couldn’t fully stop the finger, but he managed to push the limb aside and free himself, narrowing all four regenerated eyes at her.

Kara hadn’t been idle, using the distraction to get within range and slammed into him once again. This time, she was able to feel his power trying to feed on her rage but, somehow, she resisted, her anger focused and under control so that his power couldn’t find any purchase into her mind.

Unable to draw on her strength, the demon wasn’t a match for her. More than that, Kara realized this was not what she should be doing. She didn’t need to waste time on him.

Oh, she still wanted to restart their fight, to destroy him and wipe the smile from his face, but Kal was right, in the face of what was happening, Wrath was unimportant. Not insignificant, not really, but so far below her priorities it barely registered.

Snorting, she punched him in the throat, her Nth metal gloves bypassing some of his magical protections and leaving him gasping for air.

Wrath tried to flail at her with one arm while grabbing his throat with the other, he got her once, the punch hitting her face, but Kara recovered quickly and managed to grab his arm, breaking it at the elbow.

The demon roared, striking out with a blast of magic aimed at Kara, but twisted aside and hit his temple with an elbow, causing him to stumble in the air. He was left disoriented, weak, unlikely to recover fast.

She wanted to continue, but honestly, she had more important things to do. Instead, she kicked him away, content to emulate her cousin and just send him flying away while she took care of more urgent matters.

“SHAZAM!” a huge bolt of lightning struck Wrath as he was flying away, causing him to scream out. Captain Marvel had arrived.

The hero had a serious look on his face and struck at the demon, carrying the both of them into the sea. Kara considered if she should follow but, at this point, Billy was actually stronger than her and she trusted him not to succumb to Wrath’s influence, it wasn’t in his nature.

Down on the streets, the amputated tentacles seemed to reanimate, turning into unspeakable horrors that grew hundreds of mouths screaming in pain and horror. But the portal was almost completely neutralized.

Down on the streets, Dani rained fireballs down on the newly created abominations, incinerating a few of them while Kal fought others. Thankfully, after so long, Jay, Barry and the drones had managed to evacuate all of the civilians close to the fight.

“Heh, I guess it was fun while it lasted… and to think I had such hopes for the brothers,” Klarion sighed, having re-grown his head. Snapping his fingers, he created a portal behind him and saluted a wounded Wonder Woman, taking the time to laugh in her face. “See ya, losers!”

Still feeling the effects of her rage, Kara flew towards the bastard, but she knew she wouldn’t make it, she was too far away.

Just as he was about to step back, a green sword slashed the portal in half, causing the Lord of Chaos to frown and float back as Alan Scott floated in front of him. The man looked tired, but his face seemed actually younger than before the fight started.

“Whoa,” Klarion floated away from the Green Lantern, both arms raised as if in surrender, but he still had a smirk on his face.

“No, you have done enough damage,” Alan growled, his armor almost pulsating like a beating heart. “No escape for you. No coming back later. No trial. No mercy.”

“Awww, what are you gonna do, hit me with your sword?” Klarion mocked, but there was a hint of something strange in his voice. “Piss off old man!”

From his raised palms, two blasts of magic flew towards Alan as Klarion attempted to flee again, but Wonder Woman snared his feet with her lasso and smashed him against the top of the building they were on.

“I’m the Green Lantern! Whatever I envision happens!” Alan shouted, waving his sword and cutting through both blasts. Flashing forward, he pierced the Lord of Chaos heart, pinning him to the floor and leaning forward. “And right now, you insufferable twat, all I’m seeing is your death!”

Emerald green flames burst from Klarion’s wounds causing the old monster to scream in pain for the first time in the fight. His hands grabbed the sword in a desperate attempt to push it out of his chest, but Alan just gripped the handle harder and pushed the weapon down to the hilt, generating another wave of fire that covered the entire top of the building.

Struggling like mad, Klarion’s body started morphing, changing from a child into a shapeless mass of darkness and crimson light that was slowly being consumed by green flames.

Suddenly, a mammoth sized cat appeared from nowhere, his form breaking a spell of invisibility as it slashed at Alan’s unprotected back. Wonder Woman reacted so fast she almost teleported in front of her friend, using her bracelets to block the claw strike, but it still drew a line of blood from Alan’s shoulder blade.

Using all his magically enhanced strength, the cat pressed Wonder Woman down and opened his mouth wide, forcing Alan to lean away lest the beast bite his head off.

Now arriving, Kara smashed feet first into the cat, her eyes blasting his head with heat vision. The feline twisted around with unnatural grace, leaving several deep gashes in her real leg before pouncing on Wonder Woman again, but Kara grabbed him by the tail, briefly halting his movements.

Unfortunately, when Alan had leaned back, Klarion got just enough space to move. Grabbing the sword by the blade again, he pushed it sideways through his body, roaring in a demonic voice as it cut its way out of his chest.

Alan slashed after him and cut off one of his arms, but Klarion still got some distance, opening his mouth impossibly wide and releasing a wave of chaos magic that obliterated the entire top of the building.

Grabbing the cat by the neck, Kara managed to use his body to block the blast. Twisting around, Teekl hissed at her, all four limbs slashing towards her chest and neck. With lightning fast reflexes, Kara leaned back and blasted him away with heat vision before he could hurt her.

“You accursed bastards!” Klarion roared, his voice filled with utter hate. “I will tear out your hearts! I will hunt down your families and skin them alive! I will…”

“You talk too much,” Alan said, a green flaming spear flying towards the Lord of Chaos heart.

Teekl roared, jumping on top of his owner and pushing him out of the way but getting a cut all the way through his body.

“NOOOOOOOOOO!” With another roar of pain and rage, Klarion exploded into power, sending thousands of crimson beams towards them.

Without a convenient shield nearby, Kara had to fly closer to Alan, allowing the Green Lantern to protect her with a shield large enough to cover all three of them.

Flying back, Klarion cradled the bleeding and quickly shrinking cat to his chest with only one hand and, this time, didn’t waste time jumping through a portal, disappearing before any of them could do anything else.

Alan dismissed his shield and the three of them stared at the pieces the Lord of Chaos had left behind.

“FUCK!” Kara yelled, utterly frustrated at the fact he had escaped, even if she had no way of permanently dealing with the creature at the moment.

And to think that, if she had been just a few seconds faster or managed to delay his escape a little longer, her armor would have managed to get the perfect shot on the cat, banishing the Lord of Chaos from the mortal plane.

With barely contained rage, Kara screamed, striking out at the building below her and destroying its roof while sending shards of Red Light in random directions. Finally, she was left panting, exhausted.

“You get used to it, kid,” Alan patted her back, his hair slowly turning back into its gray color as he gave her an understanding look. “Villains are slippery like that.”

Throwing her head back, Wonder Woman adjusted her disheveled hair and wiped the blood away from her face to reveal some of Teekl’s scratches still hadn’t healed. Stepping besides her old companion, she asked. “Can you deal with the remnants?”

“Not in a single attack, protecting the city took a lot out of me,” the Green Lantern sighed, his light dimming as the exhaustion became obvious for all to see.

Looking down at the city, Kara saw her drones working overtime to contain the eldritch beings, locking them in barriers while harassing those too strong to be restricted and keeping them away from everyone.

From the sky, Captain Marvel fell on top of one of the tentacle monsters, a discharge of electricity turning the creature into a charred mess before he threw it aside and flew towards a second one, an unconscious Wrath held in his other hand.

Looking at her Armor who was already packing away his weapon, Alan lifted an eyebrow and Wonder Woman cracked her neck. “I appreciate the help, fella, you gonna stay for the aftermath?”

“No,” the forge armor replied, emulating her voice while wearing it. “Our interests aligned today, but I have no interest in being a hero, only hunting down the abomination.”

“Fair enough,” Alan shrugged. “Just don’t cause trouble and we won’t have a problem.”

The armor didn’t answer, but that seemed to satisfy both Wonder Woman and the Green Lantern enough to dismiss its presence from their minds.

“Well, my friend, it seems like the easy part is over,” Wonder Woman commented towards Alan. Floating away from the building, she looked around for where she was most needed. “Now for the harder part.”

“Oh joy… if only it wasn’t also the most important,” Alan sighed, watching the woman fly and starting to fly himself. “Good job, kid. Thanks for the help. Come look for me once this is over, we can talk about what just happened.”

As Alan flew towards the remains of the fight, Kara considered what to do next but, as several other heroes started arriving and things weren’t moving as fast, she found that the best way to help was no longer to get directly involved, but coordinate the rescue and containment.

Using her computer, she ordered the armor to collect Klarion’s amputated arm and the blood he had spilled, having it give her a nod as if it was a stranger before teleporting it away for safekeeping.

Sitting down, she pulled out a holographic projector from inside her costume, creating a display in front of her face. Briefly closing her eyes, she took a few breaths to calm herself further and accelerated her thoughts as fast as she could.

Then she opened her eyes again and started working, furiously manipulating the drones to coordinate with the working heroes. Wonder Woman was right, seeing the result of the fight was much harder than participating in it.



If you enjoy my work, I have an advanced chapter for my patrons or you can also take a look at my other fics: Dungeon Delving is Damn HARD  (SFW) / Reincarnated into a H World (VERY NSFW) / Will of The Force (SFW).

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Thanks for my patrons : Xhaustedhero, Iori Daemona Angel, AlliterativeArts (Eric Faust) Comics, DAERMONIAN, Davvy chappie, WanderingDaemon, GrumpyJustGrumpy, Travis cox, camarada fugu, Rootbeerguy, High Priest of Torga, Michael Neal, Felrook, NotableRonin, Josh Orton, stanley seymour, AjiTae, danxzn, Louis Kasser, JVR, Joseph, Mike Bellavoir, Vegetables, George Dashner, Alexander Bloom, MissingNote, Brendan Ferguson and Sleepymoonfox for supporting my work!


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