Reincarnated as Supergirl (YJ / DC)

Omake 1 – Non-Canon

EDIT: Changed the chapter, the earlier version was incomplete, and I also made a few more changes to make it better.


So, today is a day I hate... well, hate is a very strong word, but I really, REALLY dislike.

I'm not going to be releasing any april 1st jokes, but I had this ready for a week or two, so I decided to release it instead.

It's not canon for my story, just something that I wrote in a whim, probably gonna play with it again at another time, releasing a second Omake, but it's not gonna be anytime soon.

WARNING: it was writen fast and without any planing, so it's not gonna be as good as the main story.

Also, this is the mask she's currently using, only without the detail. It's simple because she was just using it to cover her face even before she debutted, she didn't want anything identifiable in the mask.

She's probably gonna be painting it red, blue or black soon, or changing the mask entirely.

EDIT 2: Found this and it's, more or less what I had in mind, I had no idea there was a comic where she wore anything like this.

I think this comes from the Smallville comic? As I described the first time it was mentioned, there's no cape and, unlike in the picture, one side of the costume folds over the other, instead of opening in the middle to better protect her chest. she can easily open the coat and grab any devices she keeps in inner pockets.

The costume, not Kara herself I mean


Kinda like this, but without as much padding since the nanorobots can harden for protection and with gloves:


TUDUM! Tudum-tudum!

In the middle of Metropolis, right on top of LexCorp building, sparks of electricity started appearing, the released power leaving electrical burns on the concrete. One of the discharges hit an antenna causing a short circuit.

Suddenly, a small displacement of air caused a sonic boom, revealing a metal figure kneeling in the middle of the building, a round area of burned concrete around it. Above its armored head, a ball-shaped drone pulsated, releasing loud music.

TUDUM! Tudum-tudum!

Slowly, the figure got up, looking around itself and taking everything in, it was the middle of the day and the sun hit the gleaming metal of its armor, finally revealing the full figure, slowly, it floated off the building to hang in the air, its head turning towards the incredibly visible globe on top of the Daily Planet.

Quickly, the power armor hacked the nearest Wi-Fi, accessing the internet and doing a quick search for information about the date and all the active heroes in the planet.

“FUCK YEAH!” Said the distorted female voice as the figure lifted an arm and pumped it in cheer. “I fucking succeeded!”

Flying aimlessly above the city’s grid, the figure started to think about what to do now, she didn’t really have a lot of time, probably only a day or two before she was found out, her mission failing.

From her right, she heard the commotion of a bank robbery. Here, in Metropolis? Under her helmet, a green light shone like a star and she flew towards the commotion.

A chance to fight a criminal! She never did that before, nobody dared.

The armored avenger hit the floor in front of the bank, cracking the ground in a wide area around herself, her knees hitting the asphalt in a classical superhero landing.

Grabbing at her back, she pulled out a small metallic stick. Immediately, it expanded into a quarterstaff and its shaft started to gather light, the bottom side turning into a giant chainsaw while the top morphed into a gun barrel. Bursting into the bank itself, she lifted her weapon and caused the teeth to start cutting, making a shrill sound!

“Surrender, vile malefactor! Resistance is futile!” Above her armored head, a small drone pulsated with sound.

TUDUM! Tudum-tudum!

Around the bank, the civilians were doing their best to stay out of the way as a large white zombie held the vault door over his head. For a second, everyone froze, taking in the impressive newcomer.

4’4 feet of pure, pink colored metal armor, with a pair of cute cat ears on top of the mirrored helmet. She had a pink chainsaw larger than she was held in her hand and a round drone that looked surprisingly soft for a metal ball floating above her head.

“Grundy don’t surrender!” the zombie said, looking down at the figure. Shrugging his giant square shoulders, he decided to ignore the girl and move on.

“Then perish, criminal scum!” The girl screamed, opening fire with her weapon.

The first shot flew wide over Grundy’s head and the following five hit the vault door as the zombie used it as a shield, the projectiles splashed harmlessly against the metal, each one exploding into a different color but, otherwise, not doing any damage.

“Muahahahahah!” Came the distorted laugh as the figure continued shooting, but all the projectiles hit the door and the walls around it, leaving the bank painted in a myriad of colors. Three hundred bullets were released in ten seconds and then the weapon clicked empty. “Awww, crud.”

Lowering the door, Grundy looked at the painting and walls around it with a curious glance, his current intelligence wasn’t great, but even he could see it wasn’t doing any damage.

Still, seeing the armored figure distracted recharging her weapon, he pulled his arm back and threw the vault door at her.

Above her head, the pink, balloon-like drone uncurled itself, revealing it was made from a nightmare metallic tentacles holding blades, torture devices and exotic weapons, one of them pointed at the metal door and released a ray of red energy, vaporizing it midair before closing back up before the girl finished reloading.

Turning his head sideways, Grundy grunted at the disintegrating door. Briefly looking at the vault and back at the diminutive figure, he finally decided to deal with her first, starting to walk towards her.

“Right, let’s continue! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!” She yelled once she finished reloading, but she had grown too excited and, despite the distance diminishing, the shoots started flying everywhere. “Die, die, die!”

Finally, one of the balls was gonna hit Grundy in the face, but the zombie blocked with an arm before shoulder checking the armored figure, sending her flying out of the bank to hit a car, getting buried in the destroyed fuselage.

Feeling something strange, Grundy looked at his giant hand and saw the yellow substance seemed to be eating away at his skin, very quickly consuming his arm and spreading up his biceps.

Before it could spread to his entire body, the zombie grabbed his own shoulder and grunted, ripping it off and throwing it to the ground where it was fully consumed in only another two seconds, disappearing without leaving anything behind, not even ashes.

“Grundy don’t like annoying midget,” the giant grunted, narrowing his eyes at the still hovering drone. “Grundy crush annoying midget into paste!”

Almost absentmindedly, the giant waved his remaining hand at the drone, trying to slap it out of the air, but the device grew translucent and his hand passed right through it.

“Attention, do not attempt to harm this device, useless meatbag,” the drone beeped with a squeaky, but disinterested voice. “Initiating, discouraging measures.”

A single metal tentacle uncurled from the round ball, revealing a small, pen-like device on the shining tip. Pointing it at the zombie, the drone released a quick zap of electricity.

“AAAAARGH!” Grundy yelled, stumbling to the side and having to steady himself with a hand on the ground as the electricity briefly ran through his body.

“Ha! Feeble villain, you can’t stop me!” The armored girl finally recovered, using her arms to push both sides of the car away and freeing herself. “Eat bullets!”

Grabbing her weapon, she pulled the trigger again, spraying the remaining of the ammunition in a wide arc and, this time, hitting several civilians as well as the walls of the building.

Still unsteady, Grundy wasn’t able to dodge, getting hit in the face and chest, the multi-colored paint quickly spread through his body and, before he could ever say anything else, his entire body was consumed.

The three civilians who were hit with the paint briefly stared at the dissolving zombie, then back to themselves.

“AHHHHHH, get it off, get it off!” Desperately, they screamed and did their best to get rid of the paint, taking off clothes and batting at it with their hands, but only spreading it further.

“Hey! Don’t be a baby!” The armored figure scolded the light coming from her helmed narrowing to imitate squinting eyes. “If it was gonna do anything you’d already be gone! Frankly, as if I wouldn’t program a safety on my nanomachines! Humph!”

Floating closer, the drone played a short ‘Victory Fanfare’, a single, small firework exploding above her head and causing the figure to prune a little.

“And what do we have here?” said a male voice from high up, causing the fearless hero to look up.

“ACK!” she valiantly yelled in defiance, she was NOT going back, not yet. “Think fast!”

Moving at super-speed, she pressed a spot on the side of her armor, causing it to open up with a hiss and release a small glass ball with an ant sized Grundy uselessly punching the wall inside.

Pulling her arm back, she threw it up as hard as she could, causing it to soar away and causing an explosion like a gunshot.

Superman’s eyes followed the ball, widening slightly as he saw what was inside. For a moment, he considered what to do, but the figure hadn’t really done anything too troubling and had, in fact, stopped a bank robbery.

He also couldn’t risk the glass shattering and releasing Grundy somewhere in the city. “I’ll be right back, don’t go anywhere.”

The figure watched him flying away for a second, and then burst into movement, grabbing at the drone and starting to send commands. “Heh, sucker! You will never catch me!”

With a blast of light, both figures disappeared from the street, teleporting away before the Man of Steel could catch her, a brief moment later, she appeared in a farm in Kansas… it, probably wasn’t the best location to come when fleeing, but she had acted more on instinct than reason.

Before she could get her bearings, a white blur hit her, driving her through the field, creating a large ditch until she was at her back, a growling Krypto on top of her, his eyes shining red.

Slowly so as to not alarm him, she unlocked her helmet and pulled it off, revealing long, blond locks that fell all around her, a giant smile and shinning green eyes on her tanned face. “Hi boy, long time no see.”

Slowly, the dog lowered his nose towards her and sniffed once, twice, its face becoming very confused as it couldn’t understand what he was smelling.

“Well, I guess you’ve never seen me before, not yet at least,” The girl was young, only twelve or so. Slowly, she sat up, letting Krypto continue to smell her until he decided she was safe and started licking. “Argh, no, no, mercy! You’re not that excitable in the future!”

Laughing, she tried her best to push the large dog away, but he was too strong.

Really, she knew she shouldn’t be here, but it was her mother’s fault, why the heck did she have to make running away from hope so hard?

At least she had scrambled the temporal clock on the time machine, so mom shouldn’t be able to narrow her temporal coordinates perfectly, missing by a day or two… unless she was already here?

Narrowing her eyes, she looked around for a full minute before relaxing, Mom was so controlling.

Above her, floating in the air, the drone recorded his charge’s antics. A single red light following her movements and keeping her safe even as it broadcasted her temporal location... It's mistress would be pleased.


If you enjoy my work take a look at my other fics: Dungeon Delving is Damn HARD  (SFW) / Reincarnated into a H World (VERY NSFW).

Also, think about giving me a tip if you have some spare change by supporting me on patreon, ko-fi with the buttons bellow the chapter, or just a one time donation directly to PayPal.  All my content is free and you can support me for a single dollar.

Thanks for my patrons : Xhaustedhero, Iori Daemona Angel, AlliterativeArts (Eric Faust), Lynx of Chaos, Comics, Davvy chappie, Ian Michael, WanderingDaemon, GrumpyJustGrumpy, Travis cox, Rootbeerguy, High Priest of Torga, James Williams, Michael Neal, Felrook, Kenzie, NotableRonin, Josh Orton, stanley seymour and Frank for supporting my work!


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