Reincarnated as the Monster of all Monsters

Chapter 4: Being found.

Hanna wasn’t all to thrilled by the idea of walking into a city were practically everyone wants her dead, but looking on at the map she had it was the only possible destination, as there was basically no other place for her to go.

She could walk aimlessly around and maybe find something interesting along the way, but that didn’t sound like a idea that would pay off long term, so she came up with an idea. This old cabin would be her new home! It wasn’t fancy but it was better then nothing.

It had been 3 days after she first came here and she had settled in quite nicely and over time she really grew to like the quaint little atmosphere the place had. The cabin wasn’t located near any roads so she wouldn’t have to deal with any one else coming over. She had a good water source thanks to the nearby river and food wasn’t an issue either.

For one she could hold on long before her next meal anyway, she had spent over a week in the ruins and some days wondering the forest before actually experiencing any discomfort and even so, she had a fresh source of food right in her house!

Grinning from ear to ear, she opened one of the doors leading to a single bedroom. On the bed laid the body of Adeline, her body covered from top to bottom in bite and scratch marks.

Adeline laid unmoving, her eyes lost all light and her expression was emotionless, the bed under her had a stench that was a mixture of blood and other bodily fluids, yet she didn’t care, she couldn’t care.

In her mind she was already dead, only her body remained and that body was being used as entertainment and food by the monster inside her house.

Adeline didn’t even look up to see who had opened the door to her prison, she knew who anyway, suddenly her leg was grabbed rather harshly, Adeline didn’t even flinch.

"You know it’s rather rude not to greet someone when they come to see you? Are you perhaps a naughty little girl?"

Hanna had a giant grin on her face as she looked upon her source of food and entertainment. The fact that her species fed upon negative emotions still didn’t really make sense in her head, but neither was her ability to breathe fire, so she ignored it.

Adeline didn’t respond, nor did she look upon her torture master, she simply couldn’t, she just awaited the sexual harassment and pain that was surely about to come and get her, yet nothing happened, rather she felt her bindings slightly losen, confused she decided to look upon the monster after all. The monster in turn smirked at her.

"I have decided to let your leash a bit more lose for now. You will be able to walk around the house now, Someone really has to clean it. As long as you don’t leave the house and behave yourself, you won’t be tied up anymore."

So the monster wanted her as a workforce around the house? Adeline didn’t like it and she rather just wanted to die but literally anything was better then being tied up on the bed, so she slowly got up and stood before the monster.

Adeline was way taller then it, yet she knew fighting it was pointless, it possessed strength most other monsters only ever dreamed of, as she easily broke the blade of an giant axe in two with only one hand.

Even in her prime, Adeline couldn’t hope to beat it. So she resigned herself to her fate and simply went towards the door to go and start cleaning, but the monster wasn’t quite done with her, as the tail of the monster suddenly ensnared her leg.

Adeline stopped immediately as she knew one wrong move might end in hours of torture, if this thing wanted something it would get it, no matter what, and Adeline would rather not go through any 'Play time', as the thing called it, right now. She knew it would be unavoidable and at one point she would have to suffer once more, but she could at least push it back as far as possible, so she played the part of an obedient pet.

"You know dear, I know for a fact that you have a voice and while I absolutely delight at the sound of your screams, I think your speaking voice would be equally beautiful, so use it more for me, please?"

That please was absolutely only there to mock her, it wasn’t a request and Adeline knew it, she gritted her teeth but simply nodded her head.

"Ok, I’ll do that."

Her voice was weak and hoarse from the hours of screaming and her walking was uneven and wobbly, both from pain and being tied up for days straight, nevertheless she made it to the door but before she could leave the room the monster stood right behind her, her mouth directly next to her ear. Adeline ceased all movement as she felt the forked tongue of the thing lick her earlobe.

"For your information, I have a name. It’s Hanna and I would love it if you would call me by it, m‘kay?" She whispered these words inside Adelines ear before walking in front of Adeline and through the door, grinning like a madman while doing it.

Meanwhile Adeline was way to scared to move. She was shacking and that bit of colour on her face she still had, disappeared. Her mouth was wide open as where her eyes. A named monster was something she has never heard about.


"So what your saying is that they still haven’t come back? It has been almost a week hasn’t it?" A man asked with a confused look on his face, the women across from him simply nodded her head. They were inside the office of the Guildmaster of the Adventurers guild inside the Capital city of the kingdom of Fahrgust.

The man was said Guildmaster, a tall man with a white beard and multiple set of scars on his face. He wore light leather armour with a red scarf around his neck. He was once the greatest adventurer of the kingdom, that’s what the stories tell at least.

The woman was the secretary of the guildmaster and she had just informed him about the fact that the Strand family had yet to return from their Wolfken hunt, this was unusual.

The Strand family is one of the oldest and best Adventurers known inside the capital, both of them were platinum ranked, their oldest son was part of the Cloud Order and their daughter was more skilled then some silver ranked adventures despite not having registered yet.

The guildmaster knew them personally and he knew a single Wolfken could have never been such a problem for them, it was then that he remembered the letter he had received a few days ago and his expression darkened, he didn’t want to believe it, he wanted them to have beaten it, but he knew better to fall into any delusions.

"Theresa do you recall the letter we received from his majesty?" He said, looking through multiple books that were laying on his desk, his secretary‘s eyes widened at what the guildmaster was implying.

"S-sir do you really think-" 

"What else could it be Theresa? What else could it be? Bring me Frank. He is the best group we have in our guild, he will hopefully settle this problem."

Theresa nodded and then left the guildmaster alone to look for Frank and his group, while the guildmaster kept searching through his books, until he came across a small book with a red leather casing. He skimmed through it until coming to a stop on a particular page, that read.

"Monster Manual entry number 78: Dark Margenko"


Hanna was having the time of her life right now, she always wished she had the ability to just leave any and all house chores to someone else and now she could finally do exactly that thanks to Adeline‘s, 100% own decision to be her house maid. And when she got bored, she would simply use Adeline as her entertainment, since she also agreed to be her plaything as well. What a nice young lady.

It was during one of those playtimes that they were interrupted by a knock on the door, they both stopped, Hanna was definitely not amused to have her playtime interrupted like this. Adeline was to dazed to even realise there was a knock on the door, she only got out of it as Hanna yanked her up from the floor where she was seated not long ago.

"Well my dear pet, it seems someone is at the door, why don’t you tell them about that deadly disease your parents have, before they accidentally get infected as well hmmm?" Hanna’s eyes glowed pink for a moment, using her Suggestion spell to insure there was no way for her to do anything else anymore.

While she had enjoyed her time inside the cabin, she hadn’t been idle all the time, since she never really had a chance to practice her spells that needed a specific target, like her Hypnotic Gaze, Curse and Suggestion.

Hypnotic Gaze weakens a persons senses, Suggestion makes the victim do one Action the caster wants it to do, if he doesn’t resist it’s effect and Curses puts a curse onto the target, what the curse does is effectively limitless, but depending on how severe the curse, the more Mana one has to use.

Adeline walked towards the door, with Hanna close behind her, just to make sure nothing happened, she knew she would be hunted down sooner or later, so she wished to remain as undetected as possible. She also didn’t know if she had been lucky till now or not, perhaps the people outside could actually put up a fight against her.

"W-who‘s there? Please go away!"

Adeline shouted through the door, her voice dry and avoid of any emotions. There was a pause before a male voice answered.

"Adeline it’s me, Frank! Is something wrong you sound sick? Are your parents here? The guild has a message for them!"

Adelines eyes went wide with surprise as she heard the man talking and a small shine could be seen in them, like a candle of hope had been reignited, it quickly disappeared again, once she felt sharp claws against her neck. Hanna started to tap her foot in annoyance. Fear flashed across Adelines face once more.

"I‘m sorry F-Frank, but my parents have caught an unknown disease! They can barely move and I don’t know if and how it can spread so please stay outside!"

Adeline cried out in desperation, her eyes started to grow watery and red, as she remembered what happened to her parents, she really never wanted it to be brought up again.

"I have Shirone with me, let her look them over! Maybe she can heal them, so please open the door."

Hanna released a grunt of annoyance at the answer, she just wants her playtime with her adorable pet, who was that man to dare and interrupt them?!

Hanna applied a bit more pressure onto Adeline‘s neck who started to sweat profusely she was in an complete state of panic and looked from side to side, she was out of options at this point, she knew if she didn’t convince Frank to leave both their lives would most likely be forfeit, so she took a gamble, she knew it was stupid and dangerous, but in her panicked state it was the only thing she could think of.

With all her might she rammed her elbow into Hanna’s face, then quickly turned around and kicked her in the stomach. Hanna, who wasn’t excepting this at all and was completely unprepared screamed in pain as she fell backwards into the nearby table. It brought Adeline enough time to throw the door open and run into the tall man standing behind it.

The man had blond hair and had blue eyes, he wore a armour of metal and had golden lines as decorations along it. Behind him was a tall women with amber eyes and golden hair, she had longer ears that obviously pointed to her being an elf. She wore white robes and had a wooden staff in her hands.

Even more behind them stood a small girl, she had purple hair and eyes and unlike her two companions, she wore nothing more then  rags, torn at multiple places and she looked malnourished. Her eyes held no light similar to Adelines not two seconds ago. She also had long ears pointing to her also being an elf, although she was way shorter then the other one.

Frank looked confused as the door suddenly blasted open and was even more confused about the sudden and naked Adeline who jump behind him like some scared dog. He turned around to calm the young girl and it was at that moment he noticed all the scars, claw and bite marks across her entire body, as did the taller elf, both looked shocked at Adeline, who did nothing but shack behind Frank, as she held onto him for dear life.

The taller elf placed her hand onto the girls shoulders and a green glow started to emit from them, it engulfed Adeline, who’s scars and marks slowly disappeared and she also stopped shaking after a while. The elf started to pet Adeline on the head and the girl visibly relaxed, both the elf and Frank had relieved expressions as they managed to calm Adeline down enough, before they could ask questions however there was a cough behind them.

Turning around they were greeted by an very pissed Hanna, with a smile on her face and her eyes solely focused on Adeline, who, once she met her gaze, shrieked and stumbled backwards.

"I would highly appreciate it if you guys would leave my pet alone. She isn’t used to new people after all. You don’t know if she suddenly hits you."

Hanna practically spat the last part of that sentence, her gaze never leaving Adeline, who now retreated behind the elf now. Frank gave her a suspicious look in return.

"She is most definitely not your pet girl, she is Adeline Strand, daughter to the Strand family, one of the best adventurer families in the world."

Hanna’s tail swayed from side to side as she in visioned all the things she would do to Adeline once they were alone again and she unconsciously licked her lips. In response The elf took a protective stance, hiding Adeline from Hanna’s view, she growled at that.

"You think I would care about some dead peoples titles? I wouldn’t even care if they were still alive dumbass, but they ain’t anyway."

Both Frank and the elf looked shocked for a moment, before shaking their head, glaring at Hanna now.

"Nothing in this forest is strong enough to kill them, they are top tier adventures after all and they would nev-…“

Frank could never finish his sentence, as Adeline butted in with her crying, their eyes turned to Adeline, who was crying waterfalls, Hanna licked her lips again.

"N-no. S-she’s right. She killed them! She killed them! SHE KILLED THEM!!!"

Hanna broke into an insane laughter at the scene, she had tortured the girl on any way possible and this makes her cry?! She couldn’t hold it in at the pure insanity of the whole situation.

Frank and the elf both looked horrified at the revelation and at the murderers reaction to it all. All of this made no sense to them, until they took a good look at Hanna and her appearance, it was at this moment they both realised what was standing in front of them, it was their target, the reason the entire adventures guild was in a frenzy.

"Shirone that’s the Dark Margenko, ready your spells!"

Frank said, pulling his longsword and pointing it towards the Monster in from of them.

"No need to remind me Frank!"

Shirone answered, her hands glowing in a yellow light. Hanna one The other hand simply raised a eyebrow at them.

"The Dark Margenko, did I become popular already? Am I that big a threat? You flatter me!"

Hanna said, a giant grin on her face. She readied her claws and stared at her adversaries, a smirk slowly forming on her face.

"Come on you bastards I‘m waiting! Show me what you got!"

With that provocation, Frank dashed forward, ready to split that monster in twain and Shirone shot beight arrows from her hands towards Hanna, who’s smirk never faded.

Further away, outside the house, Adeline and the other elf stood, looking at the outbreaking fight, suddenly the elf spoke, her voice was dry and emotionless just like Adelines.

"This Battle is a Battle they won’t win…"



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