Reincarnated as the Monster of all Monsters

Chapter 6: Torture and Pleasure

Hello everyone, after much thinking using my thinking cap, I decided to just not have an upload schedule, however I will always try to get at least one chapter a week. Since one chapter a week isn’t all that much, I‘ve decided to make the chapters a bit longer  in return. I hope I can satisfy your needs for a bloodthirsty, sadistic Loli monster that way.

*Warning* This chapter includes rape and some gore, please only read at your own discretion.

Luisa looked upon the outstretched hand in front of her, it belonged to a monster, a beast which heeded no laws but it’s own and did what ever it wanted to. She used to fear these monsters, but now she realised that she truly wasn’t at all different from it. They were both hated solely because they exist and they will be hunted down wherever they would go.

This monster now gave her the opportunity to live that exact style of live, doing whatever she wants, as long as it didn’t displease her mistress the monster and in exchange she would lose… nothing. She had nothing to lose since the alternatives were either death or going solo, which she most definitely would not survive. 

She didn't forget that the monster stated that she would be her toy if she were to refuse and looking at how she had treated her other so called toy, she 100% didn't want to be in that position.

And so she took the monsters clawed hand into her own.

"Excellent decision young girl now if you would be so kind to bring our guest into the house. I would do it myself but I need some time alone with my other precious pet." Luisa looked quizzically at the elf and the man at the ground.

"Oh, don’t worry their still alive, just knocked out. So bring them in already and bring them in naked."

Luisa blushed a furious red at the order, but considering Hanna didn’t sound anything but serious right now, she reluctantly got to work on getting the armour and cloths off the adventurers.

Satisfied, Hanna turned towards Adeline, who was still rocking back and forth on her spot, continuously muttering incomplete sentences. Her mind was on the brink of shattering, as she couldn’t take in all the different voices inside her head. Some told her to embrace her position as Hanna‘s pet, she would be able to protect her, others told her to hate Hanna for her treatment and her murder of Adelines parents.

"She loves me, she will keep me save… But she killed our parents… But she promised I was her most precious… She hurt me and tortured me… But she did it out of love…"

After listening to the rambling of a crazy person for a while, Hanna decided to finally do something. Hanna didn’t lie earlier, she did think of Adeline as her most precious and loveable pet but her recent elbow to the face taught her that she had to control her pets better.

She could control Luisa easily, since she could threaten her with death or slavery. She still had a reason to live, which was her thirst for revenge and Hanna could take that away from her, so controlling her wouldn’t be an issue. Adeline by comparison, had nothing to lose, as far as Hanna knew.

She couldn’t really threaten her with taking something away from her, so she had to find a different way of controlling her and Hanna decided to manipulate her into loving her. Because of her fragile mental state she would be easy to manipulate, she just needed that final push over the edge.

Hanna put a hand onto Adeline‘s shoulder and flicked her nose with the other, startled Adeline stopped her mumbling for a bit and looked at Hanna standing next to her. Her eyes were glossy and seemed to have some kind of mist inside of them, making them seem dead, her mouth was partly opened and it seemed like she wanted to say something, but couldn’t get the words out.

Hanna only grinned back at her, with her eyes shinning a devious red shade for a moment, before suddenly hugging Adeline, burrowing her face in the girls chest. Adeline flinched at the scene and looked even more confused then before.

"P-please stop, your making it harder to understand…"

Adeline whimpered and looked awkwardly to the side, her mind grew only more confused at the sudden show of real affection, she couldn’t figure Hanna out at all, her mind working in overdrive to understand the monster before her, was she genuinely loved by her or was it all a facade. She didn’t know.

Hanna in response only hugged harder, rubbing the girls back with her hands in a gentle manner, as if to calm her down.

"Adeline, I know you must be confused but believe me when I say I truly do believe you are my most precious pet. I love you and would never let anyone else hurt or mistreat you."

That wasn’t a lie, but it would apply to all her pets, if others would dare to hurt her possessions, their vocal cords would break from their screams.

"I know it seemed like my actions were intended to hurt you, but I was only acting out of instinct and couldn't control my self. I'm a monster and when I first met you and laid my eyes upon you, I knew I needed you in my life.

I saw the way your parents looked at you, they would have never given you away, they would rather see you rot away in a room as long as they knew they still had control over you!"

Adeline looked shocked at Hanna, who had a sounded on the verge of crying and Adeline didn't know what to do now, with every word Hanna spoke she grew more confused but she also started to feel something diffrent.

Whenever she had looked at Hanna in the past, she had seen a monster, but now seing her like this, holding tightly onto her she didn't see a monster, but a girl who had nothing to hold dear in her life till this very moment. It made her feel pity for the one in front of her, something she had thought impossible in the past, her pitting a monster.

"I could not, would not see you rot away like that! So I did what was right, I killed your jailors. Those would oppose any attempts of my love for you! Please understand I can't let anyone get in our way! I need you!!"

Hanna was impressed with her own acting at this point. Almost all she said was no lie, but simply worded a way it didn't sound as malicous. She did kill Adeline's parents so she could be together with Adeline yes. But she did it beacuse she thought it was fun to kill her parents. She kept Adeline around as her pet yes. But only because she was the first attractive girl she had seen here and she couldn't deny her urges any longer.

Hanna had no real emotional attachment to Adeline, she just thought she was hella sexy. Her body was tonned and her breasts were not massive but not small either and they were soft to the to the touch, and her thighs, damn her thighs. Hanna might have left a lot behind from her privious life but her absolute love of the female gender was something that definetly carried over.

Given her current position, in Adelines bare chest, she really had to focus on the task at hand to not lose herself in the temptations.

Adeline in comparison didn’t know what to do with this situation at all and for some reason, be it godly intervention or her own madness and insanity, she hugged Hanna and it felt right. It felt right to accept the love being given by Hanna and to embrace it, it felt good even. In that exact moment she tried to imagine a life without this very love and she couldn’t think of anything.

Why had she been so resistant about this, how could she had ever pushed back this wonderful love? It felt nothing she had ever felt before. It was raw and primal love, something far greater then her parents ever provided. She needed this feeling, this feeling of love, as twisted as it may be, it was love. And love couldn’t be wrong right?

With every second that past, she relaxed more, let go of her inherent fear of Hanna, she wasn’t a monster but a person giving her love, it was only appropriate if she returned it, right?

"I love too Hanna, I will be by your side forever…“

Adeline trailed off, an eternity with Hanna? If this pure love was there as well? There wouldn’t and couldn’t be anything better, Adeline decided.

Against her, hidden against her chest, Hanna grinned a madman’s smile.

'Mission accomplished.' She snickered inside her mind.

Several hours later 

Shirone awakens inside a dark room, she immediately noticed that she was laying on a bed and that she was, in fact, very naked. With a blush on her face she tried to remember what had happened to her, that she would wake up naked inside a strangers bed, so she searched through her memory, before remembering just what had happened before she had went unconscious.

In fear she started to frantically look around the room and she tried to get up, only to be stopped by ropes. She looked down and just then realised she was strapped onto the bed by multiple sets of thick rope, it was at this moment she hated her lack of fire affinity in magic, resulting in her being unable to get herself free, since the ropes restricted any movement besides her head.

After a short period of panic a door suddenly opend, giving light to this otherwise dark room. The room was nothing fancy, only holding the bed she was tied up on, a single woooden table and  a single wooden chair. Looking towards the source of light she saw a familiar face standing there.

"Frank?! What's going on here? Are you ok? What about Ade-..."

Before she could ask further questions, she noticed something off about Frank, just like her he was very much naked and under normal circumstances she would have been embarresed to hell and back, but this wasn't a normal circumstance. After her eyes becoming more adapted to the sudden light she took a closer look at Frank and was horrified.

His body was completely mutilated with many open wounds from which blood spilled out, one of his eyes was missing, as were multiple fingers, an ear and his nose, most striking however was his missing genitalia.

Horrified at what she saw, Shirone screamed in terror, the fact that Frank suddenly fell over didn't help in calming her down either. Fear is an emotion however that can quickly turn to anger and seeing a way to familiar grin behind Frank and also seeing your former prisoner there, also grining like a madman very quickly truned that fear into an uncontrolable rage.

"Now dear, I will let you two alone to play for a bit, I will be busy with my other pet. If you need anything just call for me." Hanna turned around to leave, but before she does she left one more remark.

"You don't need to hold back by the way. Do whatever you want to do."

With that she left the room and left Luisa and Shirone alone. Luisa's grin only grew as she got closer and closer towards Shirone, who's glare could probably kill a person, she didn't say a word tho. As Luisa was within arms distance of Shiron she grabbed both of Shiron's hands which she had hidden under the covers, and breaking apart the spell she was preparing.

"What a bad little girl you are, I'm an Elf as well, I can see your Mana if you cast anything dear. So it's very useless to even try~."

Before Shirone could even respond Luisa sealed Shirone's mouth with her own, this very much surprised Shirone so she did nothing to resist the kiss or Luisa's soon following tounge. Once she realised jsut what was happening the kiss was already over.

"W-what the hell dou you think your doing?!"

Shirone exclaimed while Luisa was busy unclothing herself. The intentions of Luisa were clear as day and Shiron was more then against even the idea. Not beacuse Luisa was a girl herself Elven Laws and traditon didn't say anything against such realtionships but the fact that Luisa was a "Doom Child".

Shirone was very much religous and according to eleven religion, anyone who shows the Doomed Children anything but disgust or hate, "for they bring forth the end of days for the elven race", if not removed, will be doomed themselves and are to be banished immediatly from any elven community.

"Why are you so nervous dear? I doubt you are inexperienced with the body you have~."

Luisa whispered inside her ear, after which her hands went straight towards the big mounds of flesh garnishing the other Elf’s chest. They felt squishy yet firm and Luisa felt like she was in heaven at the feeling, her legs were already trembling. To have absolute control over a person and their body, it was a feeling she wanted to feel for the rest of her live.

Shirone squirmed under Luisa‘s hands, there was little she could do to stop her however. Words would obviously not work with her assailant and she couldn’t fight against her with the restrains holding her body in place. Her only way of possibly fighting back were her spells, which Luisa, being an Elf, could easily detect.

So she had to endure for now, waiting for an opportunity where Luisa let her guard down. She could resist this situation indefinitely, she was above simple pleasures of the flesh. That’s what she believed at least.

Luisa continued her assault, her lips also participating in the assault against Shirone‘s body, her hand remained in the flesh mounds that were  Shirone‘s breast, while her lips were travelling all across the body, leaving wet stains and bite marks where ever they went. Shirone started to feel hot under the constant assault and her breathing became ragged.

"I think your a bit to silent sweetie, you don’t have to hold back y‘know The dirt bag on the floor will not wake up anymore. You can go all out~."

"Shut your damn mouth you damn crazy bitch you will be hunted down sooner or later!" Shirone exclaimed loudly and to her surprise Luisa stopped her assault and turned away from her. Thinking she might have actually intimidated her a bit Shirone continued.

"All Elves will hunt you till the day you die, not even those filthy Dark Elves would give you refuge and all races know of our traditions there is nowhere to hide and-…"

Before she could continue the sentence she screamed at the top of her lungs in pain and agony, as Luisa had suddenly rammed a knife into Shirone‘s thigh, blood spouted out of the wound as Luisa twisted the knife multiple times around, before pulling it out.

"When I said to not hold back with your voice I meant more like this dear and not the nonsense you just said. You think I don’t know that you little bitch?"

Luisa raised her voice a bit before ramming the knife into Shirone‘s other thigh and twisting it again, with even more force this time.

"You think I don’t know how your disgusting society treats me. I‘m not even a person in your eyes, I‘m as much a monster as Hanna is and you know what? If you really want me to be such an monster then I will GLADLY play that role for YOU!"

Luisa was letting all her emotions out, her voice getting louder and louder in anger and rage she had built up over the years. It was all released onto Shirone and the pain was unbearable, as Luisa stabbed her over and over again, but she made sure to never stab vital places. Before long she held the knife against Shirone‘s hand.

"But before this is over I want you to know something, if you think I will be on the run forever you are dead wrong. At one point I will return to that disgusting village and I WILL have my revenge. I will kill every last one of them and I will listen to their screams as they burn in flames of my revenge! But some others…"

She grabbed one of Shirone‘s fingers who was on the verge of unconsciousness from the loss of blood and the endless pain, yet for some reason she perfectly understood the intentions of Luisa as she held the red soaked knife against her finger. Tears, which she had shed for the last minute, began to speed up even more.

"The Priest of the village, oh I will flay off his skin and feed it to his own offspring…" And she cut off the first finger.

She listed of even more people and described how she planned to take them out, after which she cut one of Shirone‘s fingers off. The mayor, her own parents, the judge of the village and many more. At the end Shirone had 4 fingers left. It was at this point that Luisa threw the knife away into the corner.

"But all of that will take time, lots and lots of time. So before that I will get more powerful and let you all kneel before me. But until then I will just have to wait and who said I couldn’t have some fun during it~“

Shirone was on the brink of unconsciousness her vision was blurry and she was light headed, tears and blood flowed down her body in massive amounts and pain was shooting through her like electricity and at that exact moment Luisa kissed her once again.

Shirone gave no resistance as Luisa‘s tongue explored her mouth, her hands were again at Shirone‘s breasts, fondling them and playing with her nipples, this extra stimulation was what Shirone pushed over the edge and she fell unconscious, but Luisa didn’t care and she continued to have her way with Shirone‘s body.

She removed herself from Shirone‘s lips as a bit of salvia dripped from Luisa‘s mouth, her chest was heaving and her look predator like. She lowered herself towards Shirone’s legs, loosened the bindings on them and then quickly pushed her legs open. Blood and sweat was running down the thighs like a waterfall. Luisa didn’t care as she rammed her fingers into Shirone‘s folds.

She then removed the last restrains on Shirone’s body and took hold of her hand which still held her remaining fingers and guided it towards her own folds, teasingly sliding the fingers around her own entrance, her own breathing became ragged and silent moans started to fill the room and the warm blood of the hand started to mix with Luisa‘s own fluids.

For the next 2 hours were where no sounds but Luisa‘s own moans and cry‘s as she played with Shirone‘s unconscious body to her hearts content.

One might have believed that Luisa was a tragic figure in an unjust world, having been assigned a role not suited for her person. But now no one could see her as anything but a psychotic monster fulled by her own lust for revenge and her hate towards those she shared a race with.

Hanna, who was a room over and held a sleeping Adeline in her lap, grinned from ear to ear, as she listened to the sounds of pleasure and torture one room away.

I want to make it perfectly clear that I do NOT condone any acts of rape or sexual harassment. I know a victim of rape personally and I saw just how devastating it can be to a person. If you ever suffered such an ill fate you have my utmost condolences. I know it isn’t much, but I hope you know, that there are people in the world who care about you as a person. Even if they don’t know you personally.

The reason I chose to include such a difficult topic is to truly show that these characters may be Protagonists, but being a Protagonist doesn’t mean you are a good person. These characters aren’t wrongly guided or follow a path they believe to be right, no. These characters are evil in every sense of the word. I could probably write a story from the perspective of different people and make them the hero, while Hanna and her crew are most definitely the villains.

I wish you all a good Morning/Day/Evening/Night



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