Reincarnated in an Otome game as the ugly character in the background

Chapter 52: Goodbye, background character

The situation was bad.

A big dragon was attacking us.

My electric attacks will be useless against its steel skin.

Therefore, Evelyn will have to finish it off.

I shouted at them.

"Celia, cover me! Evelyn take care of it!"


They both shouted in unison.

Celia was following me, I was using my Raijin, but still she was behind me.

The dragon was looking at us, preparing to attack, but with its claws.

It was fast approaching, we parted Celia and I as a pile of earth with trees was torn apart.

The dragon was in my range, so I wanted to try something.

With a strong leap, I was propelled until I was at the dragon's head, I could see its eyes, they were black, they looked like they were empty sockets, but there were eyeballs.

I kicked it hard.

It hurt me.

The fucker was very tough.

It used its tail to hit me.

It hurt me again.

I fell to the ground and spun around.

My new clothes were full of a little blood and dirt.

But to defeat a dragon requires at least getting your hands dirty.

I watched Celia firing magic energy bombs.

It's like an air balloon that explodes on contact with something.

The dragon wasn't taking its damage.

It's a super strong monster for a reason, it wouldn't be hurt by attacks like these, but we must buy time for Evelyn.

So Celia and I continued to attack it from a distance, I was throwing lightning spears while she was shooting at its back.

Our attacks were not working. But that wasn't what mattered.

"I-it's all set!"

We just waited for Evelyn to say that.

We walked away as she charged her attack.

Evelyn held her staff as high as possible. Different colors like rainbows were glowing.

She was talking low, but the magical power around her was gathering in her blue gem.

She pointed the staff high up and recited her strongest attack.

"Star Magic: Andromeda Blast!"

Evelyn manifested various magic circles which rose to become larger.

After a few seconds of watching that, we moved away.

From the sky a great rainbow lightning bolt came down like lightning which struck the dragon.

The earth around it was destroyed.

After waiting a while for the dust to disappear we watched as the dragon lay dead on the ground.

Evelyn approached us.

She looked happy, she had to be since she was the star or MVP of this fight.

I'll praise her a little.

"We certainly couldn't have done it without you, even if it was a threat of SS danger, your magic was stronger, I'm sure when we report this, you will come out on top, well done Evelyn."

As I said those words, I stroked her head.

Her double braided bun that makes her look like mouse ears was very adorable.

As I finished stroking her, she cried out.

"Razel-san! Could you do it again?"

She looked at me like I was a little girl asking for more compliments.

It was a bit similar to Eli wanting me to spoil her when she got good grades. Gosh, I can't refuse when her loving eyes demanded it.


Again I stroked her head. I liked doing it

Evelyn looked happy and that was all that mattered.

I stopped to approach Celia, I was going to tell her which one of us should go to bring help to bring the dragon to the city.

But then a loud noise sounded.

As I turned around, it was in the blink of an eye.

The dragon's tail that seemed to be just bones moved so fast that it hit Evelyn hard, sending her crashing into a tree.

I was speechless at what I saw.

The force of that blow was strong enough to see how Evelyn's body was bent in half.

I just watched as one of my girlfriends was killed in front of my eyes.

I just watched... as someone close to me died...

But... what is this...

I feel... like nothing happened.

Oh, it's true. That time it was the same.

My cat that I had when I was a kid and my parents "loved" each other died in a car accident. The driver hit him because he didn't see him.

We were in the park, my cat went to chase a bird while I was playing in the litter box, we were making a castle for him.

The driver got a ticket and that was his punishment.

But... what about my cat?

He was a living being and they don't send him to jail?

Is human life superior to that of a murdered animal?

What I say may appear stupid and even hypocritical coming from someone like me who enjoys eating meat and fish.

But my point of view is different, killing to eat is not the same as killing someone you will not eat.

Am I wrong?

I don't know.

I don't know what I'm doing now.

Why do I feel that everything is distorted?

The dragon and the trees were inverted. I could feel a warm liquid running down my cheeks.

I see, I see.

(This all happened to be a background character...)

Hey, whose voice is that?

(If I was ambitious, I wouldn't have let my girls face the danger...)

Ah, I get it.

(If I had left them in a safe place, none of this would have happened...)

It's my fault, for being a background character, someone close to me was killed. It's the same with my cat.

I shouldn't have let him go. If I had ordered him to stay, even if it was against his will, none of this would have happened.

If only... I had done what I knew was best, I would have killed that driver years later.

Same thing to those bastards that bothered me.

I hated it.

I hate being made fun of, being belittled.

I'm not trash, I'm not their toy.

I'm not a bug for them to stomp on!


Celia was horrified.

The dragon was still alive. It used its tail and "killed" Evelyn.

Razel didn't know it, but Evelyn was a homunculus. A perfect artificial human being.

She was the only one of her kind in the world. Because of that, she could not die.

She could regenerate her wounds.

She knew that, but it still horrified her.

But what horrified her most now, though, was Razel's face.

"... What happened to him?"

Razel was emanating a black aura from his arm. His eyes didn't look human. They were bloodshot.

Celia watched as Razel's magical power increased with each passing second.

The density of his magical power was visible, a dark blue color similar to a transparent membrane was visible.

Razel screamed as he stomped on the ground.

"I'll kill you, I'll kill everyone who looks at me like an insect, no one will ever see me from above again, not even the emperor will be allowed!"

Razel's attitude changed drastically as he looked at Evelyn's "corpse".

He quickly lunged at the dragon, running at high speed while screaming.

The dragon got into attack position, it was preparing to launch a flare.

The inside of its neck expanded like a balloon and then rose up to its mouth, and then it spat it out.

A large purple flare was rapidly approaching towards Razel.

Celia wanted to scream to run away, but Razel kept running.

Then she moved her right hand, that hand had a black mist emanating from it.

The flames approached Razel and he stopped.

They made contact with him... but nothing happened.

The black mist engulfed the flames. It seemed to be devouring them.

Celia couldn't believe that, much less the dragon that stopped.

They both watched Razel intact.

He looked like a beast that not even bullets could defeat.

The dragon was beginning to feel fear.

A being like him... an invincible killing machine.

It was afraid of a human that ended its flames.

The dragon took flight to escape.

But Razel...

"You will not escape from here!"

It won't let him.

Razel was manifesting a great amount of magical power in his right arm.

A dark blue spear was forming.

The spear was two meters long and glowed so brightly that the sunlight itself was small compared to its radiance.

Razel took aim at that dragon that was preparing to flee.

"Lightning spear of fury!"

The spear was launched and flew faster than a sparrow.

The sound it made as it flew, gave the impression that it broke the sound.

In less than ten seconds. It hit the dragon and then its head was destroyed.

The dragon's body fell.

But Razel was...

"I'm going to kill you!"

He was still in a state of madness.

He ran up to the dragon's body and proceeded to punch it.

Razel's fists were shattering from the contact with the hard steel skin.

But that didn't stop him.

Even if bone and flesh were being ripped away.

Mysterious blood vessels were beginning to show on Razel's skin.

It was bright red.

The bones and flesh began to regenerate, without knowing it, Razel was manifesting symptoms of the Blut. The power that only vampires could use.

"I will kill you a thousand times and more!"

Razel's anger would not subside.

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