Reincarnated in an Otome game as the ugly character in the background

Chapter 64: Time Limit

The days went by and little by little the day of the school festival was approaching.

The students were working hard to pass the tests or prepare for the food and entertainment booths that would be set up.

But while they were having fun, in one of the rooms of the imperial palace, a meeting was taking place.

At that meeting, one person had a large vein marking his forehead.

He entered just his 22nd year of life, to be very attractive, his face was just like that of an angry dog, his twitching eyebrows indicated that the report he heard only made him angrier.

His blond hair was short, but a braid rested on his shoulder. His blue eyes were sharp, giving a sense of ferocity.

On his right shoulder rested a black cloak which was the emblem of the empire. Only those who belonged to the imperial family could wear it.

He was Blake Emil von Bryes, the second prince in the line of succession, one of the characters in the game, a capture target pay... and Lily's enemy.

Blake was very upset because he had been sitting for two hours listening to things that only made him angry.

"New victims that belonged to our faction were found. Macbeth Fleming, a wealthy merchant who traded with the Unified Kingdoms, Narcisse Lapis, a noble who was in charge of our funds, and Elijah, the eldest son of the Grassgreens, who were in charge of─"


Blake stopped the official of his faction who was speaking.

Everyone was looking at him in a frightened manner.

Blake usually had an expression that was always serious and sharp looking, but this time his face showed how angry he was.

"... No culprit yet?"

His unease was because, for weeks now, there have been murders of members of his faction.

It is no surprise to anyone that he, the second prince in the line of succession to the throne, wants to be the next emperor.

Which by right belongs to the crown prince.

Normally, the position of heir was a bloody battle between princes and princesses of former dynasties and generations.

But that changed with the arrival of Loic I, the first emperor of the Bryes dynasty.

He declared that only the second prince could be prime minister and grand duke.

The position of grand duke was given to relatives who could be dangerous for the successor to the throne.

But this emperor was different.

Because the old dynasty killed each other, he did not want this to happen, so he declared an immovable imperial decree, that being the reason why only the two of them can have middle names, while the other nobles and relatives can only have a forename.

Blake's future would be as his older brother's right hand man.

But he did not wish for that, he wished to be the emperor.

He considered himself more capable to manage the future of the empire since since his mother passed away, he watched his father work.

Although he only saw him give his consent, the emperor was a figure of utmost respect and authority.

To him, his older brother, Crown Prince Sirius Greg von Bryes, was a person incapable of taking a matter seriously.

It was always so, Blake considered his older brother mentally weak to take anything important.

That is why the ministers sought him out.

Because they knew that Blake's mental strength and intelligence was superior to that of his brother.

Therefore, a faction was created for the second prince in the hope that he would achieve his goal and thus benefit.

As the crown prince was a quiet personality, a secret war never broke out where they tried to assassinate each other.

That is why Blake ruled out that overnight his brother's faction had anything to do with it.

Their allies killed, their property looted or burned, they were destroying everything Blake worked hard to obtain over the years, in just a few days.

There must be a culprit behind this, but Blake's question was only one.

(Who would do it and why?")

(Attacking the second prince is a stupid act that only a traitor to the imperial family would seek... or someone who has something against me. But who?)

While Blake was deep in thought, a man raised his hand.

"Excuse me Your Highness, but I have something to say."

Blake without opening his eyes said.

"Say it."

He knew whose toad-like voice it was, the owner was a well-dressed, short, bald, foxy looking man.

A very renowned marquis, Minister Garrett von Olgren, Blake's chief benefactor since he was a boy.

Olgren placed an object on the table and then a magical projector-like item enlarged an image.

"I didn't want to show this, because it could create problems later."

Blake stopped crossing his arms and closing his eyes to look at Olgren.

"What are you talking about?"

"This, Your Highness."

The image came out of a floating magic circle.

Everyone was shocked to see a crest in the air.

The image came out of a floating magic circle.

Everyone was astonished to see a crest in the air.

"That's it!"

"Yes, I'm afraid this is the work of one of the dukes. I couldn't believe it until we inspected one of the bodies which had this inserted into its body."

"He must have used his last moments to manage to get evidence."

Olgren put a hand to his face to cover his tears.

"It really is unbelievable that they would do this."

Blake bared his teeth in anger.

While Olgren just watched him out of the corner of his eye with a smile.


Meanwhile at the Rosenberg mansion located in the capital, Barbara was hard at work in her office.

A mountain of documents rested both on the floor and on the desk.

"... There is no end to this."

Document after document was read and then responded to.

Since there were no computers or filing cabinets, she had to do all that alone, she could order Glenn to do it, but she didn't want to give him more responsibility than he has.

The person next to her, helped her with some minor tasks, it was because of her obligation as head maid.

A young woman in her early twenties, long emerald green hair tied in a refined ponytail, tied with a doughnut braid and two braids extending from her ears to that doughnut of hair.

She wore glasses and even with them her beautiful light green eyes were bright.

The daughter of a house of viscounts, Cordelia von Evans was.

The most striking detail was not her hardworking aptitude worthy of a maid.

It was her large chest, a chest so large and firm that it wanted to compete with Barbara's motherly breasts.

Due to the large size of her cup, Cordelia's uniform was special because, in order to hide those monumental breasts, she had to keep them in a special zipper.

Barbara, on the other hand, wore dresses which kept them almost exposed and firm.

Cordelia watched as Barbara had a bad expression on her face.

"Madame, you should rest a bit, your skin teas and your face look really bad."

"... I know, but I can't stop, I must sign or read all these documents and finish them as quickly as possible."

Cordelia gave a look of disappointment to her employer, it was because the content of the documents was not just about work as she thought.

"If you would stop reading the unimportant things said by the settlers of the territory it wouldn't be this bad."

"It is my duty as your lord in answering your concerns!"

"Those concerns are nonsense about it! Just look at this."

Cordelia grabbed a letter that was on the table without opening it yet, upon opening it, Cordelia read the contents.

"Good morning Duchess, I write this letter showing my concern about an important issue..."

Cordelia crumpled the letter a little as she continued reading.

"... Miss Elize is already pregnant? It is very important for my wife to know if she is already pregnant."

"What the hell is so important about this!"

Cordelia's personality was serene and calm, but sometimes she let comments like that slip out.

"Every single letter is meaningless drivel!"

"No, they aren't! My villagers demand to know if my daughter is pregnant or not, it's my duty to tell them that she's too young for that!"

"Make a public statement then!"

"I don't want to because then I wouldn't be able to read their wishes to see my grandchild!"

Said that Barbara with a smile. She clutched her cheeks and swayed in a silly way.

"Hehehe, everyone wants to see Razel-kun and Eli's baby, I don't blame them for that~."

"I want to see it too, but Eli is still in the academy, it's too young for her to have a baby, I even laughed a lot when I caught her coming out of Razel-kun's room with her clothes on backwards and her hair stuck on her face from sweating."

"It's really cute how my daughter did made excuses that they were training, she thinks I don't know what her purity was already taken. But it doesn't matter because that purity belongs to her future husband so no problem wanting a little taste of cake first."

Cordelia grimaced and a vein popped in her forehead.

(What the hell is wrong with this crazy old woman?)

(Despite also sleeping with her future successor, she supports her daughter also being a shameless woman. The women in this family are crazy, what's so special about that guy?)

(I read a lot of reports from the prime minister about him and although they seem weird, I don't see anything special about him. Is there really some secret charm to turn these women idiots?)

(Or did the size of her breasts suck out all her brain cells?)

Cordelia kept sending evil glances at Barbara who kept saying "Will it be a boy or a girl?" or "Will it look like the mother or the father?" and "I bet it will be a big boy or girl because of who its father is!".

Suddenly and without warning, Barbara almost fainted.

Her body fell to the side and Cordelia held her up.

"Are you all right Duchess!"

"... Yes, I think I'm lacking energy from not eating."

"But if your appetite has increased more than that guest's."

"You know I burn a lot of energy maintaining my figure don't you? I need a lot of calories to work out so Razel-kun can delight in seeing me, since I'm his main woman."

With a smile on her face, Barbara bragged, intentionally Cordelia released her fingers and Barbara fell on the mountain of documents that were answered letters.

As Barbara yelled at her, she thought.

(Please chief butler, I need you urgently here. Finish your business now!)


"I see you have an excellent curriculum."

In an office near Barbara's office, Glenn was interviewing new employees.

They ranged from knights to servants.

The Rosenberg Household needed more hands as they had more properties and someone had to take over.

But that's not all.

Glenn is a 68 year old man, the empire has a law that at 50 years old you must retire, there are exceptions of capable people who must remain in their positions, like the wizard god and the prime minister.

But for Glenn it was different since he continues in his position by his own will, but not for long. Since the same imperial law dictates that at 70 he must compulsorily enjoy his pension.

So Glenn does not have much time.

He wanted to work at the mansion until he dies, but both Barbara and Eli didn't want that, so they pressured Glenn to find a replacement.

At this point, there was only one person out of over 500 applicants that Glenn himself went through thoroughly to select one.

Sitting across from him, a young man in a suit sat answering their questions.

His skin was fair, his blue-black hair neatly combed and his gray eyes visible through his glasses.

He was the perfect definition of a salaryman.

Glenn read his curriculum vitae, which had only one job on it.

That job wasn't even paid, let alone official.

So why did he select it?

"So... you worked at Knolls Household from what I see."

Glenn's gaze was always intent and sharp, he watched every detail of the man beside him, a commoner by the name of Claude.

That a commoner would want to be the right hand of the Duchess, soon to be Razel and Eli, the heiress, would be very convenient for him.

That's why Glenn was checking out the one person who caught his interest and checking that he was trustworthy.

Only when Glenn asked him for answers, Claude responded.

"Yes. I worked from the time I had six years old as my father was a commoner like many who worked at the mansion."

"What did your father do if you'll excuse me?"

"He was a cook."

Glenn's eyebrow raised for a moment.

"It says here that from the age of six to eighteen you were as the count's right hand man."

"Yes, it is as you read."

Glenn put the document down on the desk and crossed his arms.

"Knolls Household was destroyed a few weeks ago due to the current boss being a smuggler, you knew this right?"

For the first time, Claude answered something Glenn hadn't expected.

"Do you wish me to answer as a person or as a former employee?"

"As you wish best."

"All right..."

Claude didn't change his breathing or facial expression, without blinking or trying to lie he said.

"I knew it."

Glenn was still serious as he looked at him.

"Why didn't you ever report it if you knew?"

"Because the most important thing for a servant and his master.Is trust, even if that master is a horrible person who embezzles funds, even if that master is a con man, even if that master was part of the black crows."

Glenn said only one thing after a brief pause.

"Why did you keep that? It says here that you were only paid to live barely and even with all you did you were still poor."

"It was my duty, I could be his accountant, but I was also his confidant. My obligation to the count was labor, but that didn't mean I had an obligation to be faithful to him."

"Then what prompted you not to denounce him?"

"It was for the sake of Knolls Household."

Glenn for the first time had no answer for whatever he said. It was Claude himself who was answering the question he was perhaps asking himself.

"Why did you keep that? It says here that you were only paid to live barely and even with all you did you were still poor."

"It was my duty, I could be his accountant, but I was also his confidant. My obligation to the count was labor, but that didn't mean I had an obligation to be faithful to him."

"Then what prompted you not to denounce him?"

"It was for the good of House Knolls."

Glenn for the first time had no answer for whatever he said.

It was Claude himself who was answering the question he was perhaps asking himself.

"Knolls Household despite being corrupt, was in charge of one of the largest cotton sales in the empire, despite the fact that the palace will now take it over, that doesn't mean the employees will be the same."

"... You're saying you did it for the people, aren't you?"

"Yes. Despite the fact that he embezzled funds, I advised him to leave enough for the people to live comfortably so they would never go hungry, even though part of my salary was taken by the count."

"... What do you hope to accomplish at Rosenberg Household?"

Claude took his time speaking.

"Honestly, I don't expect to be hired."

"Why do you say that?"

"Before I came here, I went to several interviews in different villages and ended up in the capital, I saw an ad in the paper stating that they were looking for a replacement butler."

"Your curriculum only has one job, why didn't you lie to get more power in Knolls Household?"

"I hate lies. Lies took my parents who were sick, they always told me they were fine and in the end..."

Glenn stopped him, stood up and handed the curriculum to Claude as he went to a closet to pull out his coat.

(Apparently that was a waste of time too.)

"I really appreciate your─"

Claude stood up and thanked Glenn for his time, but the butler stopped him with his hand from continuing to speak.

"What are you apologizing for?"


Claude was puzzled, Glenn handed him clothes, it was─ a servant's uniform.

"This is..."

"Don't jump to conclusions yet."


"You're temporarily hired, but under my charge."

"For two years you will be living here and you will be under my care and only if I prove you are worthy, you will officially be an employee of Rosenberg Household. But that does not guarantee you to be the right hand of the duchess or future duke."

"I understand, I will try my best..."

"Say if you have anything to say."

"Why did you choose me?"

Glenn turned to open the door, but not before telling him...

"An employee can be anyone, but a servant loyal to the family is one who acts according to the benefits of the people, even if his master is corrupt... or brings disgrace upon his own family."

"In this mansion you will find that loyalty is what's in short supply."

Claude walked behind Glenn who thought.

(My real reason for accepting him, was because I felt deja vu.)

(It reminded me of that man who had nowhere to go and you, Richard-sama reached out to him when no one else would.)

A small smile appeared on his serious face.


The academy was entering the selection test for students to participate in the final sports festival.

As all the classrooms were entering, some were just wasting time.

Like Eli and Lily who were browsing around instead of looking for monsters to test their skills.

"Aaah how cute!"

Eli and Lily found a section where gemstones filled the view.

They set about collecting them as if they were little girls in a field of flowers.

Eli used her sword to pull out some sparkling stones.

While Lily moved a little away, she used her mace to hit them.

But Lily's strength was very weak and she missed the blow.

As they were in an area where the density of the magic element is very small, the monsters were not approaching, it was a safe zone in other words.

Lily was moving further away from Eli looking for stones she could pull out.

Then her gaze was captivated by something unimaginable.

A little away from them, a small golden light flitted near a glowing stone.

Lily curiously hedged, but the light ran from her.

"Come back."

Lily chased after that light thinking it was an insect.

But it got so far away that it flew out of the safe zone, entering a more distant part.

She realized too late that she walked away from Eli.

When she wanted to go back, she was stopped, not by someone or a monster.

Just... a small voice.


Lily turned around, but no one was there.

As she walked further into the field of glowing rocks, several small lights came dancing towards her.

Lily was startled thinking they were small monsters, but childish giggles could be heard.


"Yes, she is..."

"She grew up..."

The lights were placed on the walls and one of them came closer and its brightness was dimming it.

Then Lily clearly observed what that light was.

"It's you from that time!"

It was a fairy.

A being that shouldn't exist in this world since they weren't created by the developers.

The fairy's body was small like the bony fingers of an adult hand.

Her head was large and her eyes were small and black.

Dragonfly antenna on its head and somehow reproduced little children's voices.

"It's those insects I saw a long time ago."

It wasn't the first time Lily had seen the fairies, when she was a child living in the monastery, she was visited by the fairies and they would play all night.

The next morning she would tell the nuns and they would just laugh, it was a sweet little girl's games they thought.

That's why no one believed Lily and she herself thought they were lies.

Lily laughed as she saw that it was true that they existed, some fairies walked around her body.

Even under her skirt, illuminating her white underwear.

One of them came up to Lily's face as she laughed innocently.

"Come on..."

"Where to?"

Lily asked as one of them took her hand and slowly pulled her away.

"Thanks, but we'll play another day."

"Let's go..."

"Go where?"

"Somewhere safe..."

"Safe? Is something wrong?"

The fairies were glowing brighter and brighter.

"Somewhere... out of here..."

"A place... where she, who hears the voice of the goddess... can survive."

At those strange words, Lily paused.


"Yes... the danger... grows with each day..."

"The tree... it can't hold out much longer..."

"The end of this world... already entered the countdown..."

"That's why... we must save the one who listens to the voice... of Alexia... the saint..."

"No... I don't want to."

"It's a bad joke."

Lily ran off straight to Eli who was looking for her.

The fairy lights went out as they muttered.

"The world is already doomed..."

"Humans will perish..."

"Save the saint... save the one who can hear Alexia we must..."

Lily ran and hugged Eli, after telling her everything, Eli said it was just a lived dream, but Lily knew the feeling in her hand was real when she touched them.

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