Reincarnated in an Otome game as the ugly character in the background

Chapter 69: The Demon King makes his appearance!

Razel vs. Desmond!!

Ominous shadows of hooded men were approaching the Rosenberg mansion located in the imperial capital.

There were a dozens of them, which jumped from roof to roof until they ended up on one of the roofs of the castle.

A man was descending like a spider on the castle walls.

He checked a certain window, inside there was Barbara sleeping.

Other men were doing the same, they spotted several people sleeping.

One of them approached the one who was supposed to be the leader.

"They are all asleep, but we can't find that boy's room. He must be further in."

"It looks like this will take a little longer."

"Warn everyone─"

"It's a very magnificent night don't you think."


Quickly the two men turned around.

There sitting in a corner drinking tea── was Glenn.

"Where did he come from, did you see when he arrived?"

"No, I didn't see him. In fact, I didn't even notice his presence."

The two men were muttering to each other, those who were checking the windows looking for Razel's room hurried upstairs.

They were all strangely surprised to see Glenn.

Who finished his tea and set it down on the side.

After standing up he said.

"These are sleeping hours, everyone is sleeping peacefully due to how exhausting the day was, I ask you to leave."

The leader without losing his calm said.

"Don't make me laugh, I don't know how you got here or how you hid your presence, but I'm sorry to say that was your biggest mistake."

The man and his subordinates drew poisoned daggers.

"If you hadn't shown up, you'd be enjoying your retirement."

In the blink of an eye, it was all over.

──But for them.


The leader who had said those words, within seconds of starting, ended up on the ground with broken legs and arms. His mouth was bleeding as his teeth were scattered everywhere.

Not only him, the others too.

Glenn was cleaning a bloodstain on his shoe.

Then he reached over to get a garbage bag he had near the teacup.

The convulsing man said with all his might.

"... Who... the hell are you?"

"I'm just a butler in the service of Rosenberg Household."

"Don't give me that shit! What you did isn't something an ordinary guy can do! You are─!"

"Just a butler..."

Glenn gave the man a cold stare.

"Nothing more and less than that."

In that quiet night, a dry sound was heard.


Morning had come.

Glenn was in Barbara's office watering the plants.

Above the plants lay a large box, an old man with a mustache and blue eyes was painted there.

The office door opened and Glen turning to look greeted that person.

"Good morning, Elize Ojou-sama."

"Good morning Glenn, up so early? It's not your usual time to do so."

"Yes, I'm sorry that I'm working when it's not yet time, but it's important to do every morning."

Eli who was still in her pajamas, walked over and showed her respects to the old man in the box.

"Good morning Grandpa, we'll push ourselves today too."

The man in the box was his grandfather─ Richard von Rosenberg.

Who had passed away before the family's tragedy because of his son, Eli's father.

After finishing her greetings, Eli turned to Glenn.

"Today we are going to prepare for that day."

"No doubt. That's why I called an acquaintance to help Razel-sama."

"An acquaintance?"

"He is also an acquaintance of yours."

Eli tilted her head sideways in a cute way.


A place on fire was where a man was falling on the ground.

His arm had been severed.

The culprit was a mysterious figure, its hair was black and its eyes were glowing.

Behind that figure were several people praising it.

Because, he was defeating a vile monster.

A man in a beige coat with a hood, almost two meters tall, gray hair combed back, horns in the shape of a bow coming out of his head, black with red tips, was panting as his arm was cut off.

Blood was pouring out of the cut and his fire-red eyes were glaring menacingly at that person.

"How dare a simple piece of shit like you!"

Suddenly and without haste, it swung down the sword and cut off his head, and just like that, the dream was ending.


Desmond, the demon king, opened his eyes.

Around him was a room, it was from the Rosenberg mansion.

For months now he had been living in Eli's house. It was because one day he came and threatened Razel to kill him.

Then, due to fear, Razel agreed and Desmond went on to live for free and eat as much as he wants.

"There's that dream again..."

The reason why the final boss, the strongest and most dangerous creature on the face of the earth has left his home to venture abroad, is due to a strange dream.

In that dream, he was defeated by someone from the human continent.

For someone like him to lose to a low life form was unforgivable.

"I can't lose, I'm the strongest."

"That's why I came here, to kill that idiot whoever he was."

The teeth he showed due to his anger made his magic power increase.

"I'm sleepy... I'll sleep more..."

Desmond went back to sleep.

When I woke up, I was informed to come to the back garden.

There were two people there waiting for me.

One of them was Glenn and the other was── the monocle professor?

What is the monocle professor doing here?

"Err, what's going on here?"

I asked Glenn who introduced me to the monocle professor, despite the fact that I already knew him.

"Manfred-dono, this person is Razel-sama, the future Duke of Rosenberg Household."

"I know Glenn-dono, you don't need to tell me."

"I was just reminding you of the fact that this person is the next duke, nothing more than that."

Glenn for some strange reason emphasized that I would be the next duke.

The monocle professor looked at him as if he was telling him a very bad joke.

"Glenn-dono is way over the top. Now then..."

The professor came up to me, we were facing each other, his curly mustache giving me a bit of a chuckle at the way he moved when he spoke.

"Listen Razel-san, I'm a busy man, but I was asked to come because... uh, well, I was just asked to come."

"What for?"

"I watched your skills these past few months. From the first day of school to the end of the school semester, and can certainly tell that you are a person out of the ordinary."

I felt like I was being stalked by this old man.

"For starters, from the looks of it during sports festival you are not a person who is good at fencing, I don't mean that in an offensive way, but in a constructive way, since your talent is melee."

"You are certainly an oddity among all the swordsmen in the empire despite being listed as a knight and also having received your own nickname."

Apparently the topic of me becoming a knight spread.

"But I'm not interested, I want to teach you something that will serve you for the rest of your life."

The professor led me to a part of the garden where a tree stood, Glenn stayed behind and set up a makeshift table where he served tea and cookies.

As we arrived near the tree, the professor said.

"Razel-san, do you know what the best defense is for someone who doesn't use weapons?"

"Err... running away? That's the logical thing to do, isn't it?"

"You're very funny, but no. The best defense─"

He put his hand on the tree and then...

"Is to block all attacks and repel them!"

As if he was bending a spoon, the tree curved.

I was shocked at such madness, this wasn't a skill in the game, it was proper to this world. what is it?

"Impressed right? Do you want to learn it?"

"... Y-Yes!"

"Well, its name is Impact."


"It's a technique that me and an old friend learned in an eastern country which was destroyed years later by the demon knight."

"In its natural language it's ´Shougeki´. But in ours it is pronounced differently."

"Impact is a neutral skill that can be both offensive and defensive, all you have to do which is to flow your magic power like a tap or stream."

"The magic power flows into your body and you send it up to your hand, where you can execute the option either to repel or counter a blow. For example, what you saw."

"That's repel, the defensive mode."

"And this is counter, attack me."

I was so astonished that I said to myself afterwards. (What the hell did he say?)

He was asking me to attack him, and also handed me a sword he brought with him.

"Come on, attack me. Nothing will happen to me."

I was looking at him doubtfully since what he said was very strange.

"Razel-sama, if that man says to attack him, you should do it. Or would Manfred-dono prefer that I do it?"

"I told the boy to do it, if I would ask you, Glenn-dono, it would be a fight."

"I'm a simple butler, I don't fight."

"Ah right..."

For some reason the look on both of their faces reminded me of idol interviews that were live, and they'd be asked about their private lives and try to evade the topic.

But I didn't care, so I listened to him.

I used all my strength and swung the sword in the direction of his neck.

I hope you dodge it old man.

"You think because your opponent is armed and you're not... you can't win? That's why you're a fool!"

He quickly placed his hand in front of him and the sword that should have pierced his hand, was left in the air.

I didn't understand what was going on, but he explained.

"Countering is the same as a magnet, when two equal poles attract the effect is negative, in this case the sword is imbued with magical power."

Using magic power in weapons was normal, it was rare for it not to be used.

"For that reason is that the tip of the sword seems to retract. They are in equal synchrony, magic power is like a stream, it makes the other streams join it if they cross."

"And this is what happens when the magnet is the one pushing the opposite pole."

The sword was bending and finally broke into pieces.

(This thing is awesome!)

(If I knew how to handle something like this, I could repel magical attacks like the Ifrit's great fireball or Regulux's whips of light.)

I bowed and pleaded.

"Please professor, teach me how to use it!"

"I came for that, but it's not easy. Learning this can take years, but since we're short on time I'll help you advance quickly."


The teacher smiled at me and held out his hand.

"Razel-san, let's follow the road of Impact together."

I felt weird about the way he said it, it must be just me. But I had just gotten something very useful for my future fights.

"Yes! I'm counting on you, Master!"

And so, I became the Master's disciple.

Days passed and soon it would be the big day of battle, I would find myself in the garden practicing Impact.

Sometimes it would go wrong and I would go flying through the air.

While I was very quiet, someone approached me.

"What the hell are you doing?"

It's the person─ no, the monster I didn't expect to see, the final boss of the game, Desmond.

Which became the final boss after killing all the demon kings.

Normally I would be on the ground begging him not to get angry, but now I have the confidence to challenge him.

"I'm training, can't you see?"

"Hah? You call that game training? In short, you're stupid, gijiji."

I didn't like him making fun of me, but I also couldn't make him angry after declaring that everyone in this place is his hostage.

"We humans push our bodies to the limit to become stronger."

"Hoh? Is that so?... Prove it."

"Excuse me?"

"Right now attack me, come on, be a man and not a pussy."

This bastard was grinning like a psycho, but I'll take his word for it.

I pretended to reject his proposal and threw a kick at his face, the bastard backed away dodging it.

But I didn't give him a chance.

I activated my God of Lightning Speed, or Raijin, to deliver a flurry of blows at high speed.

He used his hands to repel all the blows.

The garden was our combat zone.

He was moving at high speed, but I kept up with him.

In the blink of an eye I was behind him and when I was about to hit him... he disappeared.

He moved at great speed from one moment to the next.

I launched myself again to give him a rain of blows and he with his smile repelled all of them, so I thought of using what the Master taught me.

I lightly placed my hand on his face and then shouted.


A small light shone and both me and the demon king, flew backwards.

I quickly got to my feet and noticed that he had wounds, but in the case of him who only had a scratch, it showed that I could hurt him.

The demon king is no big deal.

"Hey what are you waiting for? I want to go eat."

The simulator I thought in my head was over.

The demon king was facing me with his confident smile.

I did the same thing I was about to do in the simulator.

When everything was turning out the same.


The moment I tried to approach to kick him, I watched as his fist approached at high speed.

The fist was growing as if it was the hand of a giant approaching from miles away.

I couldn't move, the air pressure was decreasing and so was my breathing.

Instead of blowing my head off, he missed the punch on purpose and sent it skyward.

My hair was in disarray from the enormous pressure.

Before he turned and left, he told me to look up.

"This is the absolute power. Always the powerful will make the weak look like the pests they are, gijiji."

At that moment I understood as my eyes widened like plates.

(There's no way I can defeat him. Even if Lily and the others end up like in the game, this guy is in a totally different league.)

I thought that as all the clouds in the sky disappeared.

This was the power of the demon king.

The absolute power of the final boss.

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