Reincarnated in Britain, I go to Hogwarts

001 reincarnation

In a trance——

What came into view were white-based walls. The wall next to the bed was covered with paintings made with pencil dust, all of which were the faces of evil spirits with snarling teeth and claws.

The short-haired Asian young man sat up dully, his empty eyes filled with unwillingness and resentment flashing, but in the end they turned into a hint of bitterness at the corner of his flat mouth.


There was a sound from the iron door of the prison, and the young man's bitterness disappeared and his face turned indifferent again.

Two people walked in, a middle-aged woman who was the warden and a man wearing a suit of a Vatican monk.

First, the young man was called by a woman, which seemed to be his name, and then he introduced the theological monk behind him. He couldn't hear the details clearly, but he could only remember that he said, "In the spirit of humanitarianism, a sect was randomly selected to give you the final life." A time of repentance'.

After saying that, the woman turned around and left, as if she was arranging something.

The young man laughed silently when he heard the words. At that moment, all the grief, anger, unwillingness, and humiliation... all turned into bitterness.

He looked at the monk in a black suit.

"Are you here to save my soul?"

"Almost...I's your birthday today."

The young man smiled and grinned.

"Yeah yeah, the party has just started."

The monk sat down and opened the Bible in his hand.

"Lord, please wash away my sins so that I can be pure again."

The young man stopped laughing. He closed his eyes and raised his head as if disdainful.

The young man was taken away and brought into a room by prison guards. His handcuffs and leg shackles were removed and he was tied to a chair. The blood vessels in his arms were pierced with needles.

The restraint belt was pressed in an X shape on his chest to fix his body, and the warden's voice came through the speaker.

"We hereby inform XXX that he will be executed on X, October XX, XXXX, for committing multiple major crimes such as money laundering, selling fans, and pornography. Does the prisoner still want to make a final statement?"

His chin trembled, and the young man closed his eyes tightly. When facing death, everything was not so important, and he smiled miserably.

"I have many, many things I want to say. It's not that you don't know. I haven't done those things. You all know it. I also know it. But I can't prove it. I lost. I failed. I don't know why. "

After looking at the time, the young man seemed to have let go.

"A few more minutes...let me play with my phone?"

There was no message coming from the stereo...just a prison guard came in with a cell phone.

Turn on the phone, download the game, open the game, connect the account... The young man can feel the liquid entering the body from the blood vessels, and he understands the cold, weakness, and lack of energy.

The goddess named Death has arrived.

At the end, he pushed hard with his fingers.

Five purple cards in a row - Cassandra Worley

Before he could have any emotional ups and downs, he fell completely into darkness.


cuckoo cuckoo-

The cry of the cuckoo bird woke up the boy on the bed. He seemed to be used to it. He did not make a fuss and stay in bed. Instead, he opened his eyes, sat up, rubbed his face, yawned and stepped out on flip-flops. room, as if the dream from his previous life did not affect him.

It's already July, and although it's the warmest season in the UK, most days are sunny, with occasional thunderstorms and high temperatures and heat waves.

Unfortunately, the high fever for two consecutive days makes people not want to go back to sleep when they wake up, even if the air conditioner is still running.

"Oh, good morning, Anse, the weather has been really bad these past few days, hasn't it."

In the living room downstairs, an elite man has already put on his shirt and trousers - John Wick. His father is an actuary of a financial company and an assassin of the Brotherhood.

"Good morning Anse, okay, John, remember to bring an umbrella. The weather forecast says there will be a thunderstorm today."

The graceful lady walked past behind him, not forgetting to rub his head as she greeted him.

Yes, this is his mother - Maria Thorpe. His mother has the same name as her medieval ancestor. She is an accountant for a foreign trade company and a Templar.

Yes, both parents are engaged in finance, and he is also interested in accounting.


Templars and Brotherhood Assassins, how do these two professional young men know about them?

The incident happened when he was four years old. It was a holiday and I took him back to the countryside for a vacation. I also visited the elderly people in the two families. One night, a loud noise woke up the four elderly people and two new parents.

The family were not ordinary people, and they immediately locked onto the room where the noise came from - the baby's room.

When they opened the door, they were all shocked.

All they saw was their child, the sobbing baby boy.

A child named Ankunais Wake.

Half of his body had turned into black mist, which surrounded the room like a gauze.

This situation directly frightened them. Even if they were maintaining order and freedom, the well-informed assassins could not help but stop thinking. Fortunately, they were not ordinary people. The old man from the Thorpe family quickly ran up to the attic and shoveled the shovel. and running back in a jump.

In his hand he held two rings of silver and white gold.

Needless to say, they met each other's eyes, threw an armband in their hands, ignored the surprised old wife beside him, and jumped in with their old friends, one on the left, one on the right, and one behind the other. On Gram's arm.

When the ring was put on the right arm, one could clearly see the black mist stagnating and turning upside down to reorganize into half of the body. It was just floating and not very real. Then the ring was put on the left arm. At this point, the body was completely solid.

These two armbands are artificial artifacts of Eden, which have the function of suppressing them. They are artificially recreated artifacts using fragments of the artifacts of Eden.

That night, a family of six sat in the living room all night.

Since then, since the age of six, Ankunais' life has been different. In addition to going to school, he also needs to exercise, which makes him think that he has fallen into the modern world of Naruto.

Later, when I asked about the armband, I got the [Eden] artifact and the Assassin inheritance of the Brotherhood of Assassins and Templars, and I thought I had arrived in the modern AC world.

Until this day, my parents went to work, had breakfast, and came back after running five kilometers in the heat wave.

I took off my clothes and was in the bathroom before I could even close the curtains.

An owl jumped in with agility, carrying a letter.

His rich experience allowed him to tell without touching it. The envelope was made of thick parchment and the address was written in emerald green ink. The inexplicable sense of familiarity made his hands tremble slightly.

Turning the envelope over with slightly trembling hands, I saw a wax shield emblem on it. The letter H was surrounded by a lion, an eagle, a badger and a snake.

Familiar images, familiar descriptions.

The reincarnated person's memory exploded instantly, and he looked blankly at the owl who covered his eyes.

At this moment, 11-year-old Ans understood that he was not the agent of the abyss, the incarnation of the devil, or the user of the Sacred Artifact of Eden, but a wizard.

A wizard with the heritage of the two major factions of Assassin, he is also an Obscurial who has lived past the age of ten.

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