Reincarnated in Britain, I go to Hogwarts

009 Roommates·Weekend

When Ankunais walked to the long table of Hufflepuff, many seniors stood up and changed seats with the seniors. Of course, they did not squeeze the first-year students away.

"Cedric, Cedric Diggory, just call me Ced."

"Ankunais, Ankunais Wake, you can just call me Ansi."

Two good-looking boys with different styles shook hands under the gaze of many senior classmates (female), and then the first graders exchanged names.

I have to say that Hufflepuff's school atmosphere is great, and it is a particularly warm environment. Of course, they are also very welcoming to Ankunais.

Because Cedric and another boy named Ibuprofen learned about Ankunais's record on the train, one man knocked down the two dark wizards with his bare hands and without magic.

After getting rid of this matter, the sorting process came to the last person. Ankunais turned his head and looked at the guest of honor seat where the professors were.

After distinguishing the professors from each school, he met Professor Dumbledore's eyes.

Generally speaking, if it is other time travellers, reincarnations and other seniors who have memories of HP novels and movies, they should immediately change their attention and even obtain the brain-sealing spell through various methods before enrolling in school.

But Ankunais didn't, and just looked at him calmly. As for whether he would reveal the 'plot', that was not his problem.

Dumbledore didn't ask.

Ankunais did not say.

Ankunais didn't like Voldemort's troubles very much. After all, he has the inheritance of the Templars, and he must abide by order. Therefore, for this kind of guy who destroys without reason and wants to play the reign of terror, even if he is a brother Even the skilled assassins can't stand it.

Therefore, if it can create obstacles for Voldemort, why not?

After all, he was resurrected, and he would not show mercy to Ankunais just because he hid it.

At this time, the last girl, Drya Center, was sorted into Ravenclaw. Professor McGonagall rolled up the parchment and left with the Sorting Hat.

This is a signal that marks the beginning of eating.

Albus Dumbledore stood up. He looked at the students with a smile on his face and stretched out his arms to them. Nothing seemed to make him happier than seeing a hall full of students.

"Welcome, everyone, welcome to Hogwarts to start a new school year and a new life! Before the banquet begins, I would like to say a few words.

First of all, I'm sorry for everything that happened today, but I want to state in advance that the witch-hunting war is gone, and this attack is a despicable and shameful competition!But you can rest assured, because you are in Hogwarts! "

clap clap clap-

Huge applause broke out, and students from the four colleges clapped.

"Thank you, thank you all, but it's not over yet." Professor Dumbledore pressed his hands down and waited for a while. "Perhaps today's scene is something that you and even us professors will never forget. Of course, there are also good aspects, Muggle Studies." It seems like there’s a place where Xue can be used, doesn’t it?”

Some students laughed out loud at the right moment.

"Okay, the opening speech is long enough. Finally, I want to commend the two classmates for their bravery and courage!" Professor Dumbledore looked at the two boys and girls, "Slytherin Cassandra Wen Miss Stone and Mr. Hufflepuff Ankunesh Wyke! You have earned one hundred points for your house!"

At this moment, applause rang out again. After watching the big fireworks, the little wizards equated the five dark wizards with the fireworks. These two junior students are undoubtedly worthy of this glorious applause.

Kassandra and Ankunais stood up at the same time. The girl held the wizard's robe in both hands and performed a skirt-lifting ceremony, while the boy put his right hand across his chest and bent slightly. The two people behaved in sync with each other, which made People marvel at their tacit understanding.

After the salute, when they took their seats, the plates in front of them were filled with food.

Roast beef, roast chicken, pork chops, lamb chops, steaks, boiled potatoes, baked potatoes, potato chips, Yorkshire puddings...

After sighing at the power of the house elves, he thanked Cedric for the steak and roast beef he helped to fetch, and after sprinkling some black pepper, he started chatting with his new friends, introducing each other to where they were from, their family background, and if they didn’t Where you will go after coming to Hogwarts is ultimately your expectations for your future.

Cedric wants to be a great wizard like Hufflepuff, Ibuprofen wants to be a healer at St. Mungo's, Lisnore wants to open a magic plant flower shop...

This kind of imagining the future is like the thoughts I had when I graduated from kindergarten in my previous life. While talking to them, Ansi integrated into this environment smoothly. His movements were not slow, and he ate very quickly.

To put it simply, he has similar characteristics to Li Shunsheng, except that he can also cook, and he can barely make a few soups.

The dinner ended as the haze of the train attack gradually got away. Professor Dumbledore made a speech that symbolized the end, reminded the new students and old students not to go to the Forbidden Forest, and also introduced Mr. Filch, the administrator.

Finally, the new students from each college left with their prefects.

There are fewer people this year. Even Hufflepuff has only 7 people, four boys and three girls.

In addition to Cedric and Ibuprofen, Ans's roommate also has a fat boy named Opera. He and his sister Su Fuli are both Hufflepuffs, but his sister is in the second year.

It can be seen from the name that they are from France, and they admitted it at the dinner that their family moved from France to Britain to open a cake shop, but they happened to be admitted to Hogwarts instead of going back to the magic school in France.

This was great. Both his roommate and his sister could make delicious pastries. Ans was happy that he chose Hufflepuff, because the next day was Saturday and there were no classes, so everyone chatted for a long time, but everyone Being good children, they said good night to each other at the suggestion of ibuprofen and made an appointment to explore the way to each classroom after getting up tomorrow, no, today.

Early in the morning, Ans opened his eyes and looked at the mechanical arm placed on the bedside table. At seven o'clock, he finished dressing lightly, left a note and left the lounge.

Since it was a rest day, coupled with the fright he received yesterday, although the haze has gradually disappeared, the mental shock is not so easy to eliminate. Therefore, few students go out of the common room at this time, so there is only Ans outside the castle. A person is doing morning exercises.

He asked the house elf to help him get a load, and then ran out of the castle. He greeted Professor Sprout, gave a thumbs up to the dog trainer Hagrid, and even finished searching for medicinal materials from the Forbidden Forest. Professor Snape said hello.

Anyway, he is a good person, and he can't eat people. In addition, his emotional experience is enough to make people feel pitiable, so Ans doesn't mind being nice to him and tolerating his hedgehog-like appearance.

Ans did not neglect his physical training because he was about to learn magic. The weekends passed by in a team of four or eight people exploring the castle.

Tomorrow will be Monday, and the first class will be Potions class with Slytherin.

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