Reincarnated in Britain, I go to Hogwarts

011 Make trouble

On one side, the Hufflepuff freshmen were being watched by Ans about the terrifying Professor Snape from another angle. On the other side, in the principal's office, Professor McGonagall walked in aggressively and nestled Zheng in a soft chair. The old man who was enjoying the cockroaches exploding in his mouth was shocked.

"Oh, Minerva."

Dumbledore winked at Professor McGonagall and handed over the plate full of sweets.

"Why are you so impatient? Do you want some candy? This is a new and improved variety from Honeydukes Candy Shop!"


Professor McGonagall came here in such a hurry because after the entrance banquet, Professor Dumbledore said that he was going to solve this problem. A weekend passed without any news, and when he came back, he only saw an old man eating candy!

It seemed easy, but it was hard for Professor McGonagall to imagine that if it had not arrived in time this time, the Hogwarts Express would have been able to withstand those... cannonball attacks.

Yes, she also went to learn some Muggle things this weekend, especially weapons.

"Don't worry, Tina gave me the news." Professor Dumbledore saw that Professor McGonagall was indifferent to the candy, so he reached out and took one and said, "It's just a pity that the other party has moved when I arrived. It seems that they are very Be careful, but it doesn't matter. There is a saying in the East, 'If there is one, there are two.' If they don't achieve their goal, there will definitely be a next time."

"Tina? A second time?!"

"That's right, didn't I tell you? On September [-]st, I received a letter from Newt's wife, Tina, oh, just like Mr. Wick's owl's front and back feet."

"So... is MACUSA also involved?" Professor McGonagall is not stupid. Tina was once an excellent Auror of MACUSA. Even if she retired, she still had enough ears.

"Oh, Minerva, no one will admit this kind of thing," Dumbledore said after enough, he stuffed the whole piece of candy into his mouth and licked his fingers. "Instead of struggling here, it is better to be fully prepared and wait for them. next time."

Professor McGonagall left, leaving the principal's office with a plate of sweets.

In the afternoon, Ans and others took a Charms class with the Ravenclaw students. Professor Flitwick taught the class, which was a visible goblin hybrid.

This class is still more theoretical than practical. After all, there is no reason to practice spells when you don't understand anything. You must first understand what a spell is, for example: what is the difference between it and transfiguration.

Although there is more theory than practice, I still learned a spell - the repair spell.

This is a spell that helps wizards repair and restore damaged or dislocated items.

However, it cannot restore some items damaged by powerful spells, and powerful or complex objects, such as wands and vanishing cabinets, cannot be repaired by this spell.

Moreover, this spell is completely forbidden to be used on living individuals. If you try to repair the wound, you will only get severe scars.

A group of two college freshmen walked toward the auditorium after class, but before they reached the first floor, they heard the roar of the castle administrator, Mr. Filch, and the sound of running and laughing.

He quietly led the Hufflepuff team towards the wall, leaving half of the space in the corridor. The Ravenclaw classmates were on the inside, because they didn't understand at first what Ans was walking towards them (mostly female). What he meant, but as the footsteps became louder and louder, he understood.

As two red-haired men, two big white men, and one with curly black hair ran back and forth like elephants, then there appeared four or fifty-year-old men wearing fur coats with dangerous hairlines.

Perhaps it was because there were more girls in Ravenclaw, or perhaps it was because the two house children looked at him obediently, which caused Mr. Filch to stop subconsciously, no longer so hurriedly and fiercely like an old dog, bah , Old Wolf, in order to maintain his own dignity.

"Hmm, even if they run fast, you are pretty good. Remember, you can't run in the corridor, and you can't cast spells at will." Mr. Filch straightened his back. "Let's go, but be careful, these little troublemakers." The ghosts made the hallways greasy.”

After thanking Mr. Filch, everyone turned around the corner and discovered a pool of S-yellow greasy substance on the ground not far away that almost occupied the entire corridor. Among them was a sullen man standing hard against the wall. Academy.

Freshmen in Slytherin.

After a subconscious search, he found Cassandra, whose blond hair was a little messy, and her wizard robe was also slightly wet. Oh, she moved away, her eyes moved up, and their eyes collided.

Only this time, Cassandra pursed her lips and moved her face away first.

"I don't think that's okay."

Because around the corner is a pool of grease and a group of colleges with extremely bad reputations. The freshmen were worried about being offended. In addition, Ankunais, who had been in front of him, stopped, so the freshmen behind him, including Ravenclaw, also stopped. Footsteps - Mr. Filch went to get the mop and bucket.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

The sound was not loud, just enough for all three colleges to hear - it was very quiet after all.

"We are here to learn, not to play games." Ans took a step forward and turned to look at a boy from Ravenclaw. "Now, Slytherin has done nothing, and Gryffindor is taking advantage of him." , you can imagine what will happen to their two academies in the future, but what about us? Standing on the edge of the quagmire and walking cautiously? Covered with iron armor spells and struggling to teach in the rain of spell bullets? "

Ans shook his head and looked at everyone. His height advantage allowed him to naturally suppress the first-grade children.

"I don't think this is okay. We are here to learn, not to play war games, nor to play camp confrontation, so..."

"I see, let's do it."

The Ravenclaw boy who was being stared at came out. Anyone who can enter Ravenclaw is not an idiot. The pursuit of knowledge makes them naturally good at thinking. After understanding what Ankunais wants to do, he is distinguishing the pros and cons. Then walked out.

Let Gryffindor lose points and maybe prevent them from doing these pranks. At the same time, they can avoid Slytherin's anger and have a good relationship with Hufflepuff.

Three birds with one stone!

Besides, there is no reason for Gryffindor to make things happen and let them pay the bill. If they don't do anything and just walk over like this, maybe Slytherin will think they are watching a show?Tsk, what will they do for the sake of face (glory)?

"You guys spread out to find buckets and mops. Maybe you can get extra points? That's why we won't look for house elves." He turned to look at the Slytherins who understood and stopped moving. "Cedric, you go find the four." Professors from a college, probably in the auditorium. If Professor Snape is not in the auditorium, just go to the office and have a look."

After receiving the instructions, the little badgers and eaglets dispersed backwards, and Ans and the Ravenclaw boy named Colum walked towards the greasy aisle.


The black hair that reaches the waist is scattered under the body, and it is stuck together with the greasy substance. It is disgusting without even looking at it. Kelen next door is not too generous. I don’t know if he is too relaxed, and the collision between his head and the ground Too real.

Surprisingly, the Slytherins didn't laugh at their comical fall, even if it was intentional.

Ans' eyes met Cassandra's again, one at the bottom and the other at the top, but they seemed to be looking at each other.

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