Reincarnated in Britain, I go to Hogwarts

023 No sleep again tonight

Cassandra's attitude was too subtle.

Ans thinks she is not simple, but he has nothing to explore. Even he may be a reincarnation of a high dimension. There is no reason why others can't be reborn, reincarnated, and see through the future.

But she was right. Having inherited the Templar heritage from his mother, it was inevitable for him to maintain the proper order, just like using Filch to attack Gryffindor who wantonly disrupted the campus. He was maintaining school rules. Order helps the weak at the same time. This is the quality of the Templars, so he cannot throw Filch away after using him. Although the opponent is an ordinary person, there are things he can do.

"Ans, come and train!"

"No, I have something to do today," he casually declined Truman's invitation and raised the rune book in his hand. "I'm going to try something - transform a broom."

I have to say that the people in Hufflepuff are really good people. Regarding Ans's excuse of not doing his job properly, Truman did not think about whether it was reasonable or not, but just said "Cool~" with a thumb! ’ Then I took a few other team members to the stadium.

The reason why the excuse was an excuse was because Ans didn't plan to modify the broom. He planned to use this time to give Filch some gifts.

It has only been a month since he became familiar with elementary runes, but making a small prop is no problem for him. This is not a matter of talent or academic ability, but the huge relationship between Ans himself and people of the same age or even senior citizens. Cultural information gap.

He is not a native being, but another reincarnation who has experienced the era of information explosion.

When Cedric returned to the dormitory dripping with sweat, Ans threw a jade piece in front of him. The jade piece was very brittle and shattered when touched. Cedric was shocked and thought he had broken his best friend. He was given a gift, but he felt the breeze blowing on his face. His body, which was originally greasy from sweat, and his robe, which was stained with dirt from the collision on the court, became clean and fresh.


Seeing himself refreshed and clean, and seeing the jade fragments turning into light spots and dissipating as they fell, Cedric looked at Ans in stunned silence.

"What's wrong Ced?"

Followed by Ibuprofen and Opera. After finishing their homework, the two of them went to the stadium to explore Cedric's class with the girls. They had been behind him just now and didn't see Ans throwing anything at Cedric.

"Huh? Ced, have you taken a shower?" Since Opera belongs to a family of chefs and is very sensitive to hygiene, he noticed the difference in Cedric before ibuprofen did. "No, clean it up? Are you okay?" Is it wand casting or silent casting?"

Due to the existence of good students Cedric and Ankunais, the learning atmosphere in Hufflepuff's first year is great, which can be seen from the fact that Opera, who focuses on magical cooking, knows these two spellcasting realms.

As soon as this was said, Ibuprofen scolded Cedric for sneaking away, and then asked him to hand over the secret book.

The chatter between the two made Cedric feel dizzy. He looked at them with a wry smile. Then he looked at Ans, who was smiling across from him and had his eyes narrowed even though he didn't show his teeth. His heart was full of resentment.

"No, I'm only in the first grade," Cedric defended and then pointed at Ans, looking like a famous detective, "It's him, Ankunes! He threw a jade piece here." phenomenon caused.”


Opera and Ibuprofen came over with strange screams like hungry tigers, and one of them received a jade piece attack. After being baptized by the jade piece, Ans felt relieved to be hugged by them.

"Well, that's fifty pieces in one afternoon." Ans patted the two of them on the shoulders and gestured to the five groups of jade pieces stacked on the table. "Each of you three will keep one group, and the remaining two groups will be sent to Feier." Qi sent it, this kind of jade piece does not require magic power to activate, and its shortcomings are obvious. As long as it is broken, it is used, so it needs to be properly stored and stored."

"So you're doing this this afternoon?" Cedric came over, put away the two groups, and handed them over to Filch when he went out to see him later. "But what I heard from Captain Truman was... …”

Cedric didn't say anything else, because when he saw Ans pointing his finger in front of his lips, the answer was obvious, Ans was dishonest.

Pointing fingers at each other, Cedric chose to hide the news for his best friend.

"Forget it this time, but you have to do something, otherwise Captain Truman will definitely notice it."

For this 'vital point', how could Ans, who was Assassin, not expect that Ans had already prepared the perfect escape route? While purchasing these jade pieces, he also placed an order for a broom that swept across the Seven Stars.

Based on the concept that "only the fastest martial arts in the world are unbreakable", after learning magic and acquiring runes, the first things to read and interpret were magic and runes related to speed such as "Acceleration", "Swiftness", and "Acuity". .

Therefore, when the Sweeping Seven Stars arrive, you can directly start with the acceleration module above. Of course, what he can think of, other broomstick manufacturers have not thought of?

In fact, it doesn't matter. What Ans wants is to give Truman a sense of "Ah, he is really doing it. It's a pity that it failed." ’ Such an impression.

If the broom can go on the road safely, then everything will be fine; if the broom falls apart, Ans will only lose a fortune of gold galleons, but it is not a problem at all for Ans who has a lot of gold and jewelry.

Although in the world of ordinary people, this is something with questionable origin, in the magical world and in Gringotts, no matter what your source is, as long as it is gold: Hey~, sir, please~

Cedric and the other three left the dormitory cleanly and refreshed, leaving Ans alone inside. He claimed that he had used too much mental power and magic power in the afternoon and needed to rest early. This reason was very tenable. Cedric and the other three did not Suspect.

In fact, it is indeed true, but there are discrepancies. As an Obscurus and a reincarnator, the bonus of recovering mental power is very fast, and magic power, talking about magic power to Obscurus... is like talking about a stream to the sea. It's big, deep and moist.

The three Cedrics and Senior Truman went to the kitchen to party again. Normally, they were not allowed to make noise in the common room, but there was no rule that said they couldn't have fun in the kitchen, so the place where the little badgers gathered was usually in the kitchen.

When you are in the mood, you can also add a meal in person in front of everyone. If it tastes good or not, some people will take a bite. If your stomach feels uncomfortable, you can also make the house elf appear in front of Madam Pomfrey with a 'crack'.

After completing the task of [delivering the rune props to Filch] and receiving a bottle of Filch's tears, Cedric and others went to bed, because the Quidditch game started next week, so they could only Party before the game because you may just watch others party after the season is over.

When several people in the dormitory fell asleep, Ans, who had already fallen asleep, opened his eyes, a flash of scarlet flashed, and he disappeared into the lounge after skillfully putting on a disguise and mask.

At this moment, the red-haired evil spirit rumored by Peeves once again appeared in the middle of the night at Hogwarts.

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