Reincarnated Into A Hell Hound Bl/Yaoi

Chapter Twenty-Eight

This time, for some reason, I changed almost immediately. My head felt heavy with the pair of horns in it, one going up and slightly turning back, and the other curving sideways.

I found really strange to see something in the corner of my eyes all the time, as the pointy horn that curved like a goat horn kept appearing. And my tail, my whip tail, was… a little too long? It had the same size of my entire body and a little more, with a constant need to be curved in the air so not to be dragged on the ground, making noise and marking our path.

My brother tail was better, a normal one at that, staying out off the ground by little. Well, at least my tail whip would be truly a whip, hehe.

Ding – Requirements for Secret Unique ability met – Appraisal/Presence Sense Fused into Third Eye

Oho, sounds cool, what’s that? I got my answer once my crystal starts to itch like hell, making me rub again against the sofa.

It was fast though, and once it stopped I could… I could see everything. It was really weird to suddenly have another eye, but even worst is that it showed a different image; everything was highlighted, as if in a dark blue background were the objects shone with a light of their own, and there was too some… some things like rivers of light going about.

Leonel, who was cooking again, goes to check on my ruckus, and all I can see from him is a bright light, a mix of white, yellow and blue, as well as some… some lines going in and out of him.

Narrowing my eyes, I try to see beyond that, and as I approach him I can feel him tense under my intense stare as I analyze him fully. There are a lot of tiny black lines going to him, trying to spread like petrol on water, and a few blue and yellow ones.

But the one who stood out was a red yellowish one because… well, because in the other end was me. That one was linked right to his hearth, forming a drop in his vast white ocean.

I must have stared for far too long because even Leonel felt distressed.

“Thilgon? Everything ok?”

“Ah, yes, well, somehow, I mean… I kind of seemed to gain a Third Eye that sees things differently and it is confusing me right now.”

Like, how my vision goes to him and his tall body with his long blond hair held in a high ponytail to a bright white silhouette. Back and forth. Back and forth.

“Ugh, I think I have a headache.”

“You should lay down.”

I do as told, covering the crystal with my paws but to no use; if it could see through walls, what good my paws would do right?

We ended up spending the rest of the day there as I tried to control and understand my new body; specially the eye thing. I kept myself low, observing Leonel as he put a responsible aura on and went preparing everything, for bottles to carry the rest of the water, to clothes, backpack, food, and sometimes even going out; which gave me a restless feeling, even though he just went to the others rooms; as I kept my ears up for any trouble.

At dinner he was once more cooking, and since I learned how to “close” my eye and use it only when I needed it, I stood up for a better look, sitting on the other side of the balcony on top of the chairs, crossing my paws on the counter and resting my chin upon them, while I observed him.

“Where did you learn how to cook?”

He was stirring the pot again, happier that he found more mixtures on the others rooms, gladly not expired as the dungeon was still a young one.

“In the kitchen.”


He is joking right?

“Then why did you learn it?”

“To cook better”

Ok, slightly better answer… this kid doesn’t know how to start a conversation does he? Sigh.

“Why? Did you eat bad food before? Don’t you live with the elves?”

With that his golden eyes go up and meet mine, while he keep stirring the wooden spoon, and a lot passes though those eyes yet at the same time nothing transpire out of it. Is a strange aloof yet deep stare that made me want to look away.

“No, I have servants who cook for me.” Before I could ask, though, he continues, looking back at the pot. “Some of my friends don’t have the same luck though.”


We spend the rest of the day in silence, enjoying the last meat and water we had by sleeping one last time in the tiny apartment.


We were back on the streets, still on the main one with the glass type structures and tall buildings. There was a line in the middle were dead trees stood, and a large area to walk and travel with the vehicles.

I looked with the Ultra Vision, and could see some creatures around, but not all; guess it worked like the Presence Sense, for the enemy to appear it depends on the level of my ability against the level of stealth from the creature.

But beyond that there were far more colors and movements that I still had to understand. For once, though, I saw that the basic lines of energy; which seemed like millions of rivers crossing each other, without the limitation of the ground, twisting and turning midair like Northern Lights, all were passing or coming from the main one of them, the biggest, at some point, and by its current there was an up and down from it.

After hunting some Hounds; not Hell Hounds, just some weird dogs; with now the meat of two of them, I felt relieve enough to try and enter the buildings.

With nowhere to start I decided to follow the big river, remembering what Aeglos told me about dungeons, up its stream; but of course after a turn it went straight to one of the big buildings, a black and tall silhouette, glasses like mirror reflecting its neighbors.

Leonel walked beside me with light footsteps, but not as soundless as before because he changed to a pair of military heavy boots. Beyond another pair of glass doors that open sideways; with your little help of course; we enter the foyer, a large open area that went up until the end of the tall building, having balconies on all four sides, leading to many close doors through many floors.

The floor shone and reflected the mushrooms light, and at the center stood a double pair of stairs that went up to the first floor, curving together in a U shape. Patterns were draw with the floor, a circle with an intricate design, inside a square one, all complementing the others parts; the sofas around the lounge room, the square pillars on the ground floor, the balcony on the entrance, and so on.

 My talons too made a lot of noise in here, even scratching the old yet polish floor, ops. I use Shadow Veil on our shadows, muffling the sound of our steps, enough so we didn’t ring a bell whenever we moved and didn’t bleed my MP out.

My ears were perched up, attentive to any minimal sound, receiving back only the howling of the wind and some open widows squeaking with it.

I have a bad feeling about this.

Had from the first sight of this monstrosity of a building.

I was already in fight or flee mode, the adrenaline making my heart pump faster, as my eyes darted to every corner and shadow, trying to see beyond the darkness, but even my Third Eye didn’t catch anything as we passed though the main hall and into one of the side rooms on the ground floor.

As time passed I started to relax; no creatures around, just another Teleporting Cat that went away as soon as we passed by him. Smarter move than the other had for sure.  

We were passing though the kitchen area by now, moving double metal door inwards, when some drop of water started to fall on our shoulders. No thoughts passed through my mind trying to explain what was happening, I simply reacted like any normal person and looked up to where the water was coming from.

Only to be greeted by a pair of flaming green eyes.

Shocked I just realize the danger we were in once the creature jump straight at me, its four limbs stretched out and the belly, once warped in a strange clothe, was now open like a gigantic mouth, leading to a pitiless misty darkness.  

I couldn’t escape, he was already upon us and had the leverage to his advance, so I just panic reacted and exploded into my Hell Form, growing much bigger and using his movement in my favor, making him bump into my horns as I throw him away.

I open my mouth, making my skull teeth look even bigger, watching the creature’s moves, my whip tail restless to attack, but Leonel was the one to react.

By the time I looked back at him his sword was shining like a beam of light, so bright that appeared to be able to melt thought rocks. He stepped forward, not giving the creature space while he cut the air around the Mummy, which stood on four trying to dodge.

All in mere secods.

By the time the creature realize it, we had him trapped in a corner. From my mouth flames escaped to lick the air as my eyes focused on the creature every move. Leonel said something and a circle of light appeared on the ground around the creature, who tried to escape only to receive a mouthful of fire in the face.

It didn’t had time to try again once the circle started to be filled with light, starting to melt away its limbs inside the beam of light.

“Purification” Said Leonel once the ground shock slightly with the renew strength of the now blinding light.

In a last attempt to win, the creature took air in and screamed as loudly as it could, a mixture of human voice with wild madness. The sound stopped once the light vanished, leaving nothing but black ashes behind, carried by the wind.

Leonel was unaffected by the surprise attack as he sheathed his sword, only breathing slightly faster. Stone face, stone face, still gonna take that mask away.

Any funny jokes I had, however, were kept for later once another scream resonated not too far from here, followed by another, then another, until my ears rang from all the noise.

“Shit, we got to go, hop on!”

I had to lay down for him so he could sit on my back, but this mere seconds brought the creatures to our doorstep; and they came like a furious wave, running on four with those smiles on their faces, some on the walls and ceiling, some even jumping on top of others trying to be faster but, in the end, it all looked like a gigantic black mass of worms moving in our direction.

And fast.

Really fast.


I turn around and start to run, almost having my tail grasped by one of them. The space was small here, just some corridors and doors, but I couldn’t decrease my speed so I ended up skidding in every curve I had to make, my paws rasping the ground nonstop.

I could hear windows breaking, doors been slammed, and when we finally went outside I hadn’t even had time to feel some relief; as I look up the buildings I could see that we woke up the whole neighborhood.

“Bloody Hell!”

I had to duck one of the creatures that jumped from a wall, and dodge many others on the ground, but the ones that jumped straight to my back from the buildings were attacked by Leonel’s light magic, making they twist in pain.

Ok, just keep running, don’t stop, just don’t stop, focus.

I had to go on full force; thanking the double SP points from the evolution; and I felt like a running dog, my body curving like a rod, trying to reach the farthest as possible.

That teleportation would do me good now, just saying.

I turn a street only to me greeted by a crowd of those creatures coming at me, having to quickly change directions, throwing my body back and running like my butt was on fire.

But behind me stood the ones that were following us, having us trapped by the two groups; not that they waited to see the results, the two black masses running up to us.

I use my Shadow Slash in the closest group while Leonel attacked the other, giving me enough time to jump up using Fire Jump, as flames erupted from my paws pushing my body up in the sky, as I passed the walls that enclosure us only to start running all over again.


Author: I have the Third Eye ability too!

MC: …Oh, really? How so?

Author: It’s called the Fujoshi Third Eye! It allows the user to see the stories on their true form and ship the true couples!


MC:…I won’t even-

Author: Muahaha! Bow to the Fujoshi/Fudashi power!!


Have been reading to many fanfics lately.

They open my eyes to the unseen (ʘᗩʘ’)

What about you guys? Any sinfu-I mean, fanfic reads recently?

PS: My computer died on me this couple of days, so I’m late with the chapters and stuck with it since I don’t have money for a new one, sad ༼ಢ_ಢ༽

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