Reincarnated into a Time-Loop Dungeon as a LVL100 Catgirl Chef!

Cycle 20 (1)


Dear Diary,

New cycle! We’re elves! And everyone has green magic!

Not because we talked about it or anything, it’s just that green magic gives poison resistance and the floor is filling with poison.

I guess the Director kinda forgot that we can enter our customization thing as many times as we want while on Floor 1? Cuz she made the floor poisonous to make us work faster, but it does nothing to me. So everyone just went and changed to green magic.

Anyways, this cycle we don't have to fight anyone! Woo! We have to take a boring test instead! Not woo!

Well, Y and Kimi already did theirs, and they said it was fun. They really really hope the Director gives them their scores, cuz they want to see who did better.

But to me it kinda looks boring, so I'm putting it off until after the beach party.

And yep, tomorrow the beach party begins! Today was spent with everyone who usually has water and earth magic swapping out to turn half the floor into a proper beach. They decided it was perfect at about ten at night, so we’re waiting til tomorrow to start the party.

The cycle will end when the last person finishes their test book, so we aren't worried about it ending until we’re ready for it to end.

I spent today cooking. For the party, and the big dessert tower for Admin 5. Bacon joined me, which was fun!

Bacon is a cook, not a baker. She very much just throws things into a pan and hopes the combination is yummy. Which it usually is. That’s fine when making nachos, but not fine when making cinnamon rolls, which have yeast in them. Bread yeast is kinda particular.

Nothing went wrong, tho. She knows that baking is more of a science than regular cooking, and mostly let me do everything that wasn't mixing or stirring.

Torrone needs like a solid hour of standing there stirring, which is super boring, so I'm glad she was there to help.

Oh, Avi was there, too, for part of it. But he decided to do the test except for the last question, so he left when it got boring.

But anyways, I like Bacon. She’s funny. She’s kinda a good-natured flirt? Like, not a serious flirt who has to be the center of attention, more someone who knows how to make people feel super interesting and important. Whenever I explained a recipe, 110% of her focus was on me. Which was kinda a little weird. I'm used to people paying attention to about 80% of what I say, max.

I mean, I don't blame them. I do ramble a lot. Half the time not even I'm paying attention to what I'm saying.

I think I'm gonna go do a question or two of that test, just so I can say I started it and gave up when I got bored.

Goodnight, Dungeon!

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