Reincarnated into a Time-Loop Dungeon as a LVL100 Catgirl Chef!

Cycle 22 (2)

Dear Diary,

Another hobgoblin broke in, and tried to attack us. Thankfully he didn’t try to attack the marble track, or it would have meant war.

I… actually gained XP for helping kill it. I wasn’t expecting that, since I’m not a player. Mika got the most XP, since she dealt the killing blow, and has been pretty thoughtful all day. Pretty sure she’s planning something, but not sure what.

Anyways, my pizza experiments are coming along nicely. I need an herb garden or something, to add different flavors to the sauce and bread. We don’t strictly need to eat, but it’s a habit. Plus I have to make sure things I make taste good for my customers. I mean, what kind of chef doesn’t taste her food to make sure it’s actually edible?

...Sorry, I had to leave for a bit. Wait, why am I apologizing to a book? You don’t feel the passage of time.

Or do you?

Aaaanyways, the prelim marble track is ready! Lilly won last cycle, so this time she gets to test her marbles first. She decided to do the first batch tonight. I’ll get to do mine tomorrow afternoon, since I got silver.

Now that a new marble tournament is underway, Lilly and I are friends again. That’s nice. I like it when we’re all friends. Which, should be obvious, but some people just don’t like having friends. Like ...Dorothy. She could join the marble tournament if she wanted to, but she doesn’t want to. I’m not even sure she has marbles.

But we don’t talk about Dorothy. What we do talk about is the fact that Kimi got jewelry in her shop! Sure, Mika could always make jewelry, but being able to straight-up buy necklaces and stuff is super nice. The selection isn’t all that exciting, just gold, silver or copper chains, and they don’t do anything magical, but they exist. And, since they’re metal, they don’t change color the instant they come into our possession! You have no clue how much of a relief that is until you’ve spent nearly two years of having everything you touch turn green.

The worst part is, I didn’t choose green as my color. Like, if I’d had a choice, and had decided that I wanted to be the green one, I’d be fine with this. Because it was my decision. But nope, green was the color assigned to me. It’s those little things that make the difference in life, y’no?

Probably not, because you’re just a notebook. Sometimes I think that keeping a diary is really dumb. But, I don’t know, it feels good in a way. Since our group is so small, there’s no one to really talk to about them. Maybe I should do that, spend one whole diary entry talking about each of the girls.

Or not. That would be mean.


I don’t know.

Goodnight, dungeon!

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